
She unveiled and revealed a crescent moon

أماطت لثاما وأبدت هلالا

1. She unveiled and revealed a crescent moon
She adorned herself with arrows and donned swords

١. أَماطَت لِثاماً وَأَبدَت هِلالاً
وَراشَت نِبالاً وَسَلَّت نِصالا

2. She granted wishes and sang praise
She warded off boredom and aroused passion

٢. وَمَنَّت مُحالاً وَغَنَّت مِطالا
وَصَدَّت مَلالاً وَمَلَّت دِلالا

3. She grieved for one who left nothing of the arts of sorrow but a mirage
His heart was too weak to endure ardor

٣. وَضَنَّت عَلى مُدنِفٍ لَم تَدَع
فُنونُ الأَسى مِنهُ إِلّا خَيالا

4. And stumbling into love would be ruinous
Alone in beauty, he desired and yearned like a gazelle

٤. أَبا قَلبُهُ أَن يُطيقَ السُلُوَّ
وَعَثرَتُهُ في الهَوى أَن تُقالا

5. Their glances stirred hearts
And they returned heavily burdened with captives

٥. وَبِالجِزعِ مُنفَرِدٌ بِالجَمالِ
يَميسُ قَضيباً وَيَرنو غَزالا

6. Proclaiming never to tire of passion
Yet not for the sands of carnelian was his fervor

٦. تُغيرُ لَواحِظُهُ في القُلوبِ
فَتَرجِعُ بِالسَبيِ مِنهُ ثِقالا

7. But for she who walked upon those sands
Nor that the dwellers of that region

٧. كَثيرُ المَلالِ فَما بالُهُ
عَلى زَعمِهِ لا يَمَلُّ المَلالا

8. Should settle an unrelenting disease into my heart
They brought love to every cheek

٨. وَما شَغَفي بِرِمالِ العَقيقِ
وَلَكِن بِمَن حَلَّ تِلكَ الرِمالا

9. And bequeathed sorrow to every heart
They adorned those cheeks with pearls

٩. وَلا أَنَّ سُكّانَ ذاكَ الجَناب
أَسكَنَّ قَلبي داءً عُضالا

10. And bestowed crescents on every blossoming youth
They veiled their beauty lest our eyes behold them

١٠. جَلَبنَ لِكُلِّ خَلِيٍّ هَوىً
وَأَورَثنَ كُلَّ فُؤادٍ خَبالا

11. And donned ornaments to conceal themselves
They drew near and when they possessed our hearts

١١. وَقَلَّدنَ بِالدُرِّ تِلكَ اّلثُغورَ
وَحَمَّلنَ كُلَّ قَضيبٍ هِلالا

12. They ascended above the Pleiades like stars
Yet I did not doff the cloak of chastity in love

١٢. وَخِفنَ عَلى الحُسن أَن يَستَتيهَ
الحاظَنا فَاِتَّخَذنَ الهِجالا

13. Until they donned their beauty

١٣. دَنونَ فَلَمّا مَلَكنَ القُلوبَ
أَصبَحنَ فَوقَ الثُرَيّا مَنالا

١٤. عَلى أَنَّني ما خَلَعتُ العِذارَ
في الحُبِّ حَتّى لَبِسنَ الجَمالا