1. O most generous of womenkind
What indigent soul has not been revived by your gifts?
١. أَيُّ فَقيرٍ بِعَطاياكِ يا
خَيرَ نِساءِ الخَلقِ لَم يُنعَشِ
2. What house of yours, with its kindness and hospitality
To the thriving, has not been furnished?
٢. وَأَيُّ دارٍ لَكِ بِالجودِ وَال
إِكرامِ لِلعافينَ لَم تُفرَشِ
3. You who with her benevolence made
A companion for the lonely refuge.
٣. أَنتِ الَّتي جَدَّدَ إِحسانُها
أُنساً لِرَبعِ الكَرَمِ الموحِشِ
4. Since the days have ceased their darkness
Your palm did not fail to give or strike.
٤. مُذ كَفَّتِ الأَيّامَ عَن ظُلمِها
كَفُّكِ لَم تَفتُك وَلَم تَبطُشِ
5. Since we arrived at your abundant sea of kindness
We did not thirst, we did not want.
٥. وَمُذ وَرَدنا بَحرَ إِحسانِكِ ال
زاخِرِ لَم نظمأ وَلَم نَعطَشِ
6. My generosity is hesitant lest
I offend you with its inadequacy.
٦. جودي بِرَسمٍ أَنا مِن خَوفِ تَض
جيعِكِ فيهِ جِدُّ مُستَوحِشِ
7. For I have dependents who want
Nothing of the fruits of life but apricots.
٧. فَلي عِيالٌ لا يُريدونَ مِن
فاكِهَةِ الدُنيا سِوى المِشمِشِ
8. They delight in shabby Imamite robes
Like unblemished faces that were never struck.
٨. تُعجِبُهُم جُردٌ إِمامِيَّةٌ
مِثلُ وُجوهِ الغيدِ لَم تُخمَشِ
9. You will remain as long as the morning breeze blows gently
And the wine sparkles for the reveler.
٩. بَقيتِ ما رَقَّ نَسيمُ الصَبى
وَراقَتِ الخَمرَةُ لِلمُنتَشي
10. And you live for me as long as the horizon in the dusk
Resembles the belly of a dappled mare.
١٠. وَعِشتِ لي ما شُبِّهَ الأُفقُ في ال
دُجنِ بِبَطنِ الفَرَسِ الأَبرَشِ