
He watered a dwelling between the meadows and the lost,

سقى منزلا بين الشقيقة والضال

1. He watered a dwelling between the meadows and the lost,
Every rugged valley sang with delight,

١. سَقى مَنزِلاً بَينَ الشَقيقَةِ وَالضالِ
جَنا كُلِّ سَحّاحٍ مِنَ المُزنِ هَطّالِ

2. And he greeted the relics of the flourishing with yearning,
A greeting that neither flows spontaneously nor says.

٢. وَحَيّا رُسومَ العامِرِيَّةِ بِاللَوى
تَحِيَّةَ لا سالٍ هَواها وَلا قالِ

3. And when we stood in the abodes they appeared to us
Desolations amid wild beasts and lairing places.

٣. وَلَمّا وَقَفنا بِالدِيارِ بَدَت لَنا
أَوابِدُ مِن حيرانِ وَحشٍ وَآجالِ

4. We were not beguiled from friendly gatherings
By an aversion to wild things and a deserted ruin.

٤. فَما خَدَعَتنا عَن حَوالٍ أَوانِسٍ
بِنافِرَةٍ مِن وَحشِ وَجرَةَ مِعطالِ

5. Blessed are the cottages, a place of leisure and sport,
In which I while away the idleness of the unemployed.

٥. أَلا حَبَّذا بِالبانِ مَغنىً وَمَلعَبٌ
عَصَيتُ بِهِ عَصرَ البَطالَةِ عُذّالي

6. We will have from halting in their shade
Distressing adventures and ruinous marches.

٦. فَكائِن لَنا مِن وَقفَةٍ في ظِلالِهِ
وَمِن غَدَواتٍ موبِقاتٍ وَآصالِ

7. Does a homeland complain of one whom you love?
What use are ruins, night travelers, and vestiges?

٧. وَهَل تَشتَكي الأَوطانَ عَمَّن تُحِبُّهُ
وَما نَفعُ آثارٍ خَوالٍ وَأَطلالِ

8. How could we be consoled by clubs of tamarisk
And sand dunes instead of fortresses and strongholds?

٨. وَكَيفَ تَسَلَّينا بِقُضبانِ إِسحِلٍ
وَأَحقافِ رَملٍ عَن قُدودٍ وَأَكفالٍ

9. Nights of mirth when the wine is passing round,
Pure wine is the tryst and the youths are in their prime.

٩. لَيالِيَ عودُ اللَهوِ فَينانُ مورِقٌ
وَوِردُ الهَوى صَفوٌ وَجيدُ الصِبى حالِ

10. God’s garment of youth was stolen from me
And I was left in a coat of hoary age.

١٠. فَلِلَّهِ ثَوبٌ مِن شَبابٍ سُلِبتُهُ
وَغودِرتُ في ثَوبٍ مِنَ الشَيبِ أَسمالِ

11. I accompanied my time, bade farewell to adversity,
Rarely did a care or woe cross my mind,

١١. صَحِبتُ زَماني وَاِدِعَ البالِ قَلَّما
خَطَرتُ لِهَمٍّ أَو لِبُؤسٍ عَلى بالِ

12. My robe of youth fluttering anew
From a life of ease and flowing copiousness.

١٢. جَديدَ سَرابيلِ الشَبيبَةِ رافِلاً
مِنَ العَيشِ في ضافي المَساحِبِ ذَيّالِ

13. Yet here am I after safety and health
Aching, cleaving to pains and moaning,

١٣. وَهأَنَذا مِن بَعدِ أَمنٍ وَصِحَّةِ
مُسامِرُ أَوجاعٍ مُشاوِرُ أَوجالِ

14. Patching together a lifetime ruined by its nights
How much can a decrepit fabric be patched?

١٤. أُرَقِّعُ عُمراً أَخلَقَتهُ بِكَرِّها
اللَيالي إِلى كَم يُرقَعُ الخَلَقُ البالي

15. I turned aside from this world, no more aspiring
To glance at its plenty, possessing no goods or money,

١٥. عَزَفتُ عَنِ الدُنيا فَما أَنا طامِحٌ
بِطَرفي إِلى وَفرٍ عَداني وَلامالِ

16. And I turned away uncaring, indifferent to it,
Leveling and decreasing have no hold over me,

١٦. وَأَعرَضتُ عَنها غَيرَ مُكتَرِثٍ لَها
وَسَيّانِ إِكثاري لَدَيَّ وَإِقلالي

17. I have no radiance left during the nights,
It is as though my hopes died with the grey hairs,

١٧. وَلَم يَبقَ لي عِندَ اللَيالي لُبانَةٌ
كَأَنِّيَ قَد ماتَت مَعَ الشَيبِ آمالي

18. Today I care not how my days and fortunes
Have tossed and turned after their wont,

١٨. فَلَستُ أُبالي اليَومَ كَيفَ تَقَلَّبَت
عَلى عَقِبِ الأَيّامِ وَالدَهرِ أَدوالي

19. And had not time with its events kept me back
I would have taken flight from all desolate places,

١٩. وَلَولا زَمانٌ أَخَّرَتني صُروفُهُ
لَطارَت بِرَحلي كُلُّ هَوجاءَ مِرقالِ

20. Braving its perils in the gloom of night,
Hurling them into the dark dawn's surging waves,

٢٠. أُجَشِّمَها الأَخطارَ في غَسَقِ الدُجى
وَأُقذِفُها رَأدَ الضُحى لُجَجِ الآلِ

21. I was not content to sit idle, but misfortunes
Cast me with their terrors into dire straits,

٢١. وَما كُنتُ أَرضى بِالقُعودِ وَإِنَّما
خُطوبٌ رَمَتني مِن أَذاها بِأَهوالِ

22. Yet I trust in the vizier's generosity,
That he will shower on me today what my state lacks,

٢٢. وَإِنِّيَ مِن جودِ الوَزيرِ لَواثِقٌ
بِأَن سَيَريشُ اليَومَ ما اِنحَطَّ مِن حالي

23. He will revive my hopes and raise me from my fall,
And favor what is missing from my faded years,

٢٣. فَيَبسُطُ آمالي وَيُنهِضُ عَثرَتي
وَيَغرَمُ ما قَد فاتَ مِن زَمَني الخالي

24. I will make it my reserve and store,
Honoring myself, for honor is better than wealth,

٢٤. سَأَجعَلُهُ لي عُدَّةً وَذَخيرَةً
أَعِزُّ بِهِ وَالعِزُّ خَيرٌ مِنَ المالِ

25. Protecting my virtue and guarding my side,
The like of Al-Malik Al-Adil, who guarded his peers,

٢٥. أَصونُ بِهِ عِرضي وَأَمنَعُ جانِبي
وَمِثلُ جَلالِ الدينِ مَن صانَ أَمثالي

26. If worries beset me in my time,
I will unload my burdens and packs onto him,

٢٦. وَإِن طَرَقَتني في الزَمانِ مُلِمَّةٌ
نَزَلتُ بِحاجاتي عَلَيهِ وَأَثقالي

27. I will release my mounts into the meadow of charity
And extend my robes in the quarter of noble deeds,

٢٧. فَأَسرَحُ في رَوضِ السَماحِ رَكائِبي
وَأَسحَبُ في رَبعِ المَكارِمِ أَذيالي

28. With Obeidallah is what I have asked of Fate
In abounding grace and lavishing favor,

٢٨. وَعِندَ عُبَيدِ اللَهِ ما أَقتَرَحتُهُ
عَلى الدَهرِ مِن فَضلٍ عَميمٍ وَإِفضالِ

29. A vizier who clothed authority with splendor
When its time was fruitless and lacking fortune,

٢٩. وَزيرٍ كَسا دَستَ الوِزارَةِ بَهجَةً
وَكانَ زَماناً عاطِلاً جيدُها الحالي

30. Who conducted affairs and did not pass
A night confused between neglect feared or planned,

٣٠. وَقامَ بِتَدبيرِ الأُمورِ فَلَم يَبِت
بِهِ بَينَ تَضيِيعٍ يُخافُ وَإِهمالِ

31. If at times clouds from fate obscured,
Afterwards it cleared with pouring rain,

٣١. لَئِن غَبَرَت حيناً مِنَ الدَهرِ حائِلاً
لَقَد طَرَّقَت بَعدَ الحِيالِ بِرِئبالِ

32. With arms mighty to shake the enemies' steps,
However violent the earthquake and tremors,

٣٢. بِأَغلَبَ مَسبوحِ الذِراعَينِ باسِلٍ
يُزَلزِلُ أَقدامَ العِدى أَيَّ زَلزالِ

33. He takes the black and white into the fray
With hands of young warriors, heroes and braves,

٣٣. يَخوضُ سَوادَ النَقعِ وَالبيضِ شُرَّعٌ
بِأَيدي مَغاويرٍ كُماةٍ وَأَبطالِ

34. He wards off peril when the cane thicket stirs,
And if the rabbits' tails bristle he is the shooer,

٣٤. هُوَ الذائِدُ الحامي إِذا اِشتَجَرَ القَنا
وَإِن صَوَّحَت سَنهاءُ فَالهانِىءُ الطالي

35. His neighbor dwells in safety, for his neighborhood
Is better for the exile than family and riches,

٣٥. يَبيتُ عَزيزاً جارُهُ فَجِوارُهُ
لِمُغتَرِبٍ خَيرٌ مِنَ الأَهلِ وَالمالِ

36. He follows words with action magnanimously,
Not everyone who prates is like him in deeds,

٣٦. هُوَ المُتبِعُ القَولَ الفِعالَ تَكَرُّماً
وَما كُلُّ قَوّالٍ سِواهُ بِفَعّالِ

37. His knowledge is matched by deeds to grow more beautiful
O how many learned yet lack accomplishment!

٣٧. لَهُ عَمَلٌ بِالعِلمِ يَزدادُ زينَةً
وَيا رُبَّ ذي عِلمٍ وَلَيسَ بِعَمّالِ

38. The Commander of the Faithful tested him but found
No deviation from the path of truth or leaning,

٣٨. بَلاهُ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ فَلمَ يَكُن
بِمُنحَرِفٍ عَن مَنهَجِ الحَقِّ مَيّالِ

39. And burdened him with his duties but he lightened them
With the shoulder of a will equal to great tasks.

٣٩. وَحَمَّلَهُ أَعباؤَهُ فَأَقَلَّها
بِكاهِلِ عَزمٍ لِلعَظائِمِ حَمّالِ

40. You have descended, company of poets, upon
The sweetest springs, flowing copious and clear,

٤٠. لِيَهنِكُمُ يا قالَةَ الشِعرِ أَنَّكُم
نَزَلتُم عَلى عَذبِ المَوارِدِ سَلسالِ

41. After despair you were given to drink
A draught from his gifts, pure and fresh,

٤١. وَأَنَّكُمُ بَعدَ الإِياسِ سُقيتُمُ
ظِماءً بِنَوءٍ مِن عَطاياهُ مِفضالِ

42. You gained riches after want and hardship,
And fruitfulness after drought and bareness,

٤٢. فَأَثرَيتُمُ مِن بَعدِ دَهرٍ وَضيقَةٍ
وَأَخصَبتُمُ مِن بَعدِ جَدبٍ وَإِمحالِ

43. You all boast, roaming every region,
Between encamping and traveling with ease,

٤٣. غَنيتُم بِهِ جَوبِ كُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ
بِكَلِّ المَطايا بَينَ حِلٍّ وَتِرحالِ

44. While he who is uncouth, basely nourished,
His breast stained with sin, treachery his habit,

٤٤. وَعَن بَرِمٍ ما زالَ يَبرَمُ بِالنَدى
وَيَشغَلُهُ المَدحُ الرَخيصُ عَنِ الغالي

45. Built his affair on delusion as though
Upon a dune of sand destined to collapse,

٤٥. وَذي شَنَآنٍ مُشرَجاتٍ ضُلوعُهُ
عَلى الغِلِ مَطبوعٍ عَلى الغَدرِ مُحتالِ

46. Unaware that fate's changes flow,
And the nights last not in a single state,

٤٦. بَنا بِغُرورٍ أَمرَهُ فَكَأَنَّما
بَناهُ عَلى حِقفٍ مِنَ الرَملِ مُنهالِ

47. He followed a plan that would be his ruin
And ignited a fire that he would feed,

٤٧. وَلَم يَدرِ أَنَّ الدَهرَ تَجري صُروفُهُ
وَأَنَّ اللَيالي لا تَدومُ عَلى حالِ

48. Your excellent intention deluded him
O slowness which hastens the envious!

٤٨. فَأَعمَلَ رَأياً كانَ فيهِ وَبالُهُ
وَأَوقَدَ ناراً عادَ وَهوَ لَها صالِ

49. You left no remnant of enemies, but only
Neglect and disregard remained of them,

٤٩. وَغَرَّتهُ مِن حُسنِ اِرتِيائِكَ وَنِيَّةٌ
وَيارُبَّ إِبطاءٍ كَفيلٍ بِإِعجالِ

50. You are dressed in garments of brilliant fortune
Today you don the finest of raiment,

٥٠. وَما تَركُكَ الأَعداءَ بَقياً عَلَيهِمِ
وَلَكِنَّهُ تَركُ اِجتِيازٍ وَإِهمالِ

51. Blended with light glancing from its brilliance
A ray like the sun's gleam dispelling sorrows,

٥١. تَمَلَّيتَها مِن خِلعَةٍ ناصِرِيَةٍ
تَسَربَلتَ مِنها اليَومَ أَفضَلَ سِربالِ

52. And a flowing sleeve underneath and a turban
Whose darkness amid fate's cheek is like a mole,

٥٢. فَمَمزوجَةٌ وَشيٌ بِها مِن ضِيائِها
شِعاعٌ كَبَرقِ الشَمسِ كاشِفَةُ البالِ

53. And the sheen of smooth composure, adorned,
The accustomed garb of kings who bequeathed it and others,

٥٣. وَدَرّاعَةٌ مِن تَحتِها وَعِمامَةٌ
سَوادُهُما في وَجنَةِ الدَهرِ كَالخالِ

54. A scion of the noble lineage of A'awaj, pure,
Generous forebears, kin, and family,

٥٤. وَأَبيَضُ حالٍ بِالنُضارِ مُهَنَّدٌ
عَتادُ مُلوكٍ أَورَثوهُ وَأَقيالِ

55. Eyes delight to look upon him as though
He were a meadow of flowers, a slender doe,

٥٥. وَمُشتَرِفٌ مِن نَسلِ أَعوَجَ خالِصُ ال
نُجارِ كَريمُ الجَدِّ وَالعَمِّ وَالخالِ

56. He passes by the face of the earth which imagines
His gait to be droplets trickling smooth,

٥٦. تُسَرُّ بِمَرآهُ العُيونُ كَأَنَّهُ
عَقيلَةُ خِدرٍ كاعِبٌ ذاتُ خَلخالِ

57. He sauntered inevitably toward you though it is
A gait of coquetry, not amorous overture,

٥٧. يَمُرُّ عَلى وَجهِ الثَرى فَتِخالُهُ
تَدَفَّقَ رَقراقٍ مِنَ الماءِ سَلسالِ

58. Wandering with a docile gray steed as though
Its crescents were before and behind,

٥٨. تَبَختَرَ مَحتوماً إِلَيكَ وَإِنَّهُ
لَمَشيُ دَلالٍ لا تَبَختُرُ إِدلالِ

59. Not as they supposed, mounted for splendor
But mounted for might and esteem,

٥٩. يَتيهُ بِسَرجٍ عَسجَدِيٍّ كَأَنَّما
هِلالانِ مِنهُ في المُقَدَّمِ وَالتالي

60. Accompanied by a dark polished mare
An Iraqi, Bahriyya, mother of children,

٦٠. وَلَيسَ كَما ظَنّوهُ مَركوبَ زينَةٍ
وَلَكِنَّهُ مَركوبُ عِزٍّ وَإِجلالِ

61. Who, when they pace around her seeking her teats
Flow with provision which pours and runs,

٦١. وَمُثقَلَةٌ بِالحَلِ سَوداءُ حُرَّةٌ
عِراقِيَّةٌ بَحرِيَةٌ أُمُّ أَطفالِ

62. Formidable such that every mailed warrior fears him
Silent, scorning all who prattle idly,

٦٢. إِذا مادَرَجنَ حَولَها يَرتَضِعنَها
جَرَينَ بِأَرزاقٍ تَدِرُّ وَآجالِ

63. With Indian blades that mock wild beasts
Sending every bronze knight astray,

٦٣. فَمِن حاسِرٍ يَخشاهُ كُلُّ مُدَجَّجٍ
وَمِن صامِتٍ يُزري عَلى كُلِّ قَوّالِ

64. So many around it seeking refuge,
Coming to it in delegations and requests!

٦٤. وَمِن مُرهَفاتِ الحَدِّ تَهزَأُ بِالظُبى
وَيَفرَقُ مِنها كُلُّ أَسمَرَ عَسّالِ

65. You were granted, Abu al-Muzaffar, a rank
To which you ascended, lofty and sublime,

٦٥. فَكَم حَولَها مِن مُستَجيرِ وَعائِذٍ
وَكائِن لَدَيها مِن وُفودٍ وَسُؤالِ

66. The possessions of the Muluk are still
Branded by your sword after disregard,

٦٦. فَهُنِئتَها يا با المُظَفَّرِ رُتبَةً
تَبَوَّأتَ مِنها مَرقَبَ الشَرَفِ العالي

67. Nor did its herds and horses diminish
Tribes of shepherds and governors over it,

٦٧. وَلازالَ مَعقولاً بِسَيفِكَ شارِدُ ال
مَمالِكِ مَوسوماً بِهِ بَعدَ إِغفالِ

68. You filled an Eid heralding by its return
Years which pass in cycles and seasons,

٦٨. وَلا عَدِمَت أَذوادُها وَسُروحُها
قَبائِلَ مِن راعٍ عَليها وَمِن والِ

69. When its clothes and musk are remade
Change them with fresh honor and fortune!

٦٩. وَمُلّيتَ عيداً موذِناً بِوُفودِهِ
عَلَيكَ بِأَعوامٍ تَكُرُّ وَأَحوالِ

٧٠. إِذا خَلِقَت أَثوابُهُ وَبُرودُهُ
فَغَيِّر بِعِزٍّ مُستَجِدٍّ وَإِقبالِ