1. Hattem was pleased with your love though angry,
For how long will you wrong me and complain?
١. حَتّامَ أَرضى في هَواكَ وَتَغضَبُ
وَإِلى مَتى تَجني عَليَّ وَتَعتَبُ
2. I would not have erred, if not for your boredom,
When you wearied, you claimed I was at fault.
٢. ما كانَ لي لولا مَلالُكَ زَلَّةٌ
لَمّا مَلِلتَ زَعَمتَ أَنّي مُذنِبُ
3. Take the excuses of the distant lovers, for I have
A heart that loves beyond reason and will not be swayed.
٣. خُذ في أَفانينِ الصَدودِ فَإِنَّ لي
قَلباً عَلى العِلّاتِ لا يُتَغَلَّبُ
4. Do you think after you I yearned for solace?
Never! Your affection is closer to me than my own comfort.
٤. أَتَظُنَّني أَضمَرتُ بَعدَكَ سَلوَةً
هَيهاتَ عَطفُكَ مِن سُلوّي أَقرَبُ
5. For you I have a fire in my soul that will not be extinguished,
Burning, and tears in my eyes that will not run dry.
٥. لي فيكَ نارُ جَوانِحٍ ما تَنطَفي
حَرَقاً وَماءُ مَدامِعٍ ما يَنضُبُ
6. Have you forgotten the days we shared and the nights
Of play and leisure that were ours?
٦. أَنَسيتَ أَيّاماً لَنا وَلَيالِياً
لِلَّهوِ فيها وَالبِطالَةِ مَلعَبُ
7. Days when neither the spy counted my missteps
Nor the blamer chided my distraction by you.
٧. أَيّامَ لا الواشي يَعُدُّ ضَلالَةً
وَلَهي عَلَيكَ وَلا العَذولُ يُؤَنِّبُ
8. You used to be fair to me when passion rode me
Through the perils of love - perils I rode undeterred.
٨. قَد كُنتَ تُنصِفُني المَوَدَّةَ راكِباً
في الحُبِّ مِن أَخطارِهِ ما أَركَبُ
9. Today I will be content if your phantom passes
Through my sleeping mind and haunts my dreams.
٩. فَاليَومَ أَقنَعُ أَن يَمُرَّ بِمَضجَعي
في النَومِ طَيفُ خَيالِكَ المُتَأَوِّبُ
10. Never did the leaves of youth whither
Or the raiment of adolescence wear out,
١٠. ما خِلتُ أَوراقَ الصِبى تَذوى نَضا
رَتُها وَلا ثَوبُ الشَبيبَةِ يُسلَبُ
11. Until the night of temptation passed and the right path shone,
The lamp of misguidance was snuffed out and that deceiver fled.
١١. حَتّى اِنجَلى لَيلُ الغَوايَةِ وَاِهتَدى
ساري الدُجى وَاِنجابَ ذاكَ الغيهَبُ
12. The good omens parted and turned away,
Sa'ada abandoned me and Zainab disavowed me.
١٢. وَتَنافَرَ البيضُ الحِسانُ فَأَعرَضَت
عَنّي سُعادُ وَأَنكَرَتني زَينَبُ
13. She saw the pallor of our separation on my face
And cried "The bloom is gone, the one you adored!"
١٣. قالَت وَريعَت مِن بَياضِ مَفارِقي
وَشُحوبِ جِسمي بانَ مِنكَ الأَطيَبُ
14. If you blame my sickness, your waist is too slender,
If you deny my greying, your lips are too full.
١٤. إِن تَنقِمي سُقمي فَخَصرُكِ ناحِلٌ
أَو تُنكِري شَيبي فَثَغرُكِ أَشنَبُ
15. Seeker of youth, though youth has passed,
Its benefit vanished - time has whisked it away!
١٥. يا طالِباً بَعدَ المَشيبِ غَضارَةً
مِن عَيشِهِ ذَهَبَ الزَمانُ المُذهَبُ
16. Do you hope after forty to number them,
While the goal is remote? Vain is your ambition!
١٦. أَتَرومُ بَعدَ الأَربَعينَ تَعُدُّها
وَصلَ الدُما هَيهاتَ عَزَّ المَطلَبُ
17. It is great folly to seek from his envoys
Gain, when your pursuit wearies greybeards.
١٧. وَمِنَ السَفاهِ وَقَد شَآكَ طِلابُهُ
نَفعاً تَطَلَّبَهُ وُفودُكَ أَشيَبُ
18. If not for nostalgic love, O abode of love,
No fervent longing or passion would rage in me!
١٨. لَولا الهَوى العُذرِيُّ يا دارَ الهَوى
ما هاجَ لي طَرَباً وَميضٌ خُلَّبُ
19. Never would I beg from the vulgar of life
Or the fallen glory of Saladin and his like!
١٩. كَلّا وَلا اِستَجدَيتُ أَخلافَ الحَيا
وَنَدى صَلاحِ الدينِ هامٍ صَيِّبُ
20. A king too lofty to impose taxation,
To whom the humps of camels are offered.
٢٠. مَلِكٌ تَرَفَّعَ عَن ضَريبٍ قَدرُهُ
فَإِلَيهِ أَكبادُ الرَواحِلِ تُضرَبُ
21. A mighty grandfather who humbled the enemies
And a conquering lion who guarded the realms.
٢١. أَردى لَهُ الأَعداءَ جَدٌّ غالِبٌ
وَحَمى المَمالِكَ مِنهُ لَيثٌ أَغلَبُ
22. Feared yet hoped for in times of crisis, the truly
Great one whom we fear yet in whom we hope!
٢٢. يُرجى وَيُرهَبُ بَأسُهُ وَالماجِدُ ال
مِفضالُ مَن يُرجى نَداهُ وَيُرهَبُ
23. Steadfast when wars and zealots rage,
With order against chaos and discipline against corruption.
٢٣. ثَبتٌ إِذا غَشِيَ الوَغى وَالزاعِبِي
يَةُ شُرَّعٌ وَالأَعوَجِيَّةُ شُرَّبُ
24. His partisans flourish while his foes
In a year of drought are red with shame.
٢٤. مُخضَرَّةٌ أَكنافُهُ لِوُفودِهِ
وَالعامُ مُحمَرُّ الذَوائِبِ أَشهَبُ
25. A land made fertile by noble deeds,
An earth covered in the blossoms of virtue.
٢٥. أَرضٌ بِرَوضِ المَكرُماتِ أَريضَةٌ
وَثَرى بِنوّارِ الفَضائِلِ مُعشِبُ
26. A youth exerted in achieving greatness,
For he who seeks greatness exerts himself.
٢٦. صَبٌّ بِتَشيِيدِ المَآثِرِ مُتعَبٌ
فيها وَمَن شادَ المَآثِرِ يَتعَبُ
27. After years of infertility she bore for him
What no mother bears - the sublime!
٢٧. حَمَلَت بِهِ بَعدَ العُقامِ فَأَنجَبَت
أُمُّ العُلى ما كُلُّ أُمٍّ مُنجِبُ
28. His sublime character won hearts with love,
For the noble soul is beloved to hearts.
٢٨. مَلَكَت سَجاياهُ القُلوبَ مَحَبَّةً
إِنَّ الكَريمَ إِلى القُلوبِ مُحَبَّبُ
29. A hand that halts tribulations and a tranquility
That finds comfort in endeavor, a knowing heart!
٢٩. كَفٌّ تَكُفُّ الحادِثاتِ وَراحَةٌ
تَرتاحُ لِلجَدوى وَقَلبٌ قُلَّبُ
30. Munificence that rushes to aid the weak,
Hospitality that welcomes both visitor and stranger!
٣٠. وَنَدى يَهَشُّ إِلى العُفاةِ تَكَرُّمَاً
وَمَواهِبٌ بِالطارِقينَ تُرَحِّبُ
31. Severity like fire that flared in its prime,
A nature more gentle than wine and purer!
٣١. وَصَرامَةٌ كَالنارِ شابَ ضِرامَها
خُلقٌ أَرَقُّ مِنَ المُدامِ وَأَطيَبُ
32. His pardon tempts transgressors, as though
No offender in sin approaches him.
٣٢. تُغريهِ بِالعَفوِ الجُناةُ كَأَنَّما ال
جاني إِلَيهِ بِذَنبِهِ يَتَقَرَّبُ
33. He sees he owes them a right, though they owe none,
For mercy to show, the offender must exist!
٣٣. فَيَرى لَهُم حَقّاً عَليهِ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيبينَ فَضلُ العَفوِ لَولا المُذنِبُ
34. O you who blame the son of Ayyub, desist!
Not all blame is justified - do not weary yourselves!
٣٤. ياطالِبي شَأوَ اِبنَ أَيّوبَ قِفوا
أَنضاءَكُم ما كُلُّ شَأوٍ يُطلَبُ
35. Do not assail the honour of my defender -
You will but exert yourselves in vain!
٣٥. لا تَقتَنوا لِأَبي المُظَفَّرِ في النَدى
أَثَراً فَلا تَسموا إِلَيهِ فَتَتعَبوا
36. In you, O Salah al-Din, Joseph is saved
From remoteness, and the arid cloud rains.
٣٦. بِكَ ياصَلاحَ الدينِ يوسُفَ أَكثَبَ ال
نائي وَرَفَّ المُقشَعِرُّ المُجدِبُ
37. You tamed the age for its people,
So it obeyed though naturally unruly.
٣٧. ذَلَّلتَ أَخلاقَ الزَمانِ لِأَهلِهِ
فَأَطاعَ وَهوَ الخالِعُ المُتَصَعِّبُ
38. You opened a profitable market for praise,
To which noble virtues are imported.
٣٨. وَأَقَمتَ سوقاً لِلمَدائِحِ مُربِحاً
فَإِلَيهِ أَعلاقُ الفَضائِلُ تُجلَبُ
39. You rose for Islam with true determination,
Mending schisms and bridging crevices wide.
٣٩. وَنَهَضتَ لِلإِسلامِ نَهضَةَ صادِقِ ال
عَزَماتِ تَرأَبُ مَن ثَآهُ وَتَشعَبُ
40. You raged for the Faith since you raged,
Pleased in Allah whether pleased or angry.
٤٠. وَغَضِبتَ لِلدينِ الحَنيفِ وَلَم تَزَل
في اللَهِ تَرضى مُنذُ كُنتَ وَتغضَبُ
41. You left the transgressors between estimation
Of the consequences and fear of punishment,
٤١. غادَرتَ أَهلَ البَغيِ بَينَ مُجَدَّلٍ
لَقِيَ الحِمامَ وَخائِفٍ يَتَرَقَّبُ
42. Or fleeing though the vast earth narrowed
And nowhere to flee from you could be found.
٤٢. أَو هارِبٍ ضاقَت عَليهِ بِرُحبِها ال
أَرضُ الفَضاءُ وَأينَ مِنكَ المَهرَبُ
43. Thus the lands of Rome meet your raids
Heralding victory - no deceit in the herald!
٤٣. فَاصبَح بِلاَدَ الرومِ مِنكَ بِغارَةٍ
لِلنَصرِ فيها رائِدٌ لا يَكذِبُ
44. Your swords marry the frontiers they visit
Each day in your armies, O sharp-bladed one!
٤٤. وَاَنكِح صَوارِمَكَ الثُغورَ يَزورُها
في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِن جُيوشِكَ مِقنَبُ
45. Resolve with the edge of your sword a malady
Whose cure after festering becomes difficult.
٤٥. وَاِحسِم بِحَدِّ ظُباكَ داءً حَسمُهُ
وَدَواؤُهُ بَعدَ التَفاقُمِ يَصعُبُ
46. Until the balcony is seen to feast
On the bloodshed - its food and drink!
٤٦. حَتّى يُرى لِلمَشرَفيَّةِ مَطعَمٌ
بِالفَتكِ مِن تِلكَ الدِماءِ وَمَشرَبُ
47. Justice does not relent or flinch,
While the blades of your resolve drip red.
٤٧. فَالعَدلُ لَيسَ بِناجِعٍ أَو تَنثَني
وَغِرارُ نَصلِكَ بِالنَجيعِ مُخَضَّبُ
48. Show no mercy if you capture a criminal,
Though some crime may be forgivable.
٤٨. لا تَعفُوَنَّ إِذا ظَفِرتَ بِمُجرِمٍ
مِنهُم فَرُبَّ جَريمَةٍ لا توهَبُ
49. So a protected community will thank you
As a father leans to the weak.
٤٩. فَلتَشكُرَنَّكَ أُمَّةٌ تَحنو عَلى
ضُعَفائِها حَدَباً كَما يَحنو الأَبُ
50. And rend the garbs of the oath-breakers' hearts
With a violation that links to the Caliphate.
٥٠. وَاِخلَع قُلوبَ الناكِثينَ بِلُبسِها
خِلَعاً إِلى شَرَفِ الخِلافَةِ تُنسَبُ
51. A hope and a flame whose brilliant aura
Nearly outshines gold with its light.
٥١. فَرَجيَّةٌ وَشيٌ يَكادُ شُعاعُها ال
ذَهَبِيُّ بِالأَبصارِ حُسناً يَذهَبُ
52. A turban unmatched by Chosroes' crown
In glory, though it crowns Chosroes' head!
٥٢. وَعِمامَةٌ ما تاجُ كِسرى مِثلُها
في الفَخرِ وَهوَ بِرَأسِ كِسرى يُعصَبُ
53. A sword Indian steel and Yemeni forging
That in old Arabia was given its mettle.
٥٣. وَمُهَنَّدٌ طَبَعَتهُ قَحطانٌ وَأَه
دَتهُ إِلى مُضَرٍ قَديماً يَعرُبُ
54. It shines with its essence and the polishing by water
And the resolve's radiance - so it cleaves!
٥٤. يَفري بِجَوهَرِهِ وَماءِ صِقالِهِ
وَمَضاءِ عَزمِكَ فَهوَ قاضٍ مِقضَبُ
55. The healthy blades were dyed by the blood of enemies -
Soon by your hands to be dyed red.
٥٥. خُضِبَ النُضارَوا إِنَّهُ بِدَمِ العِدى
عَمّا قَليلٍ في يَدَيكَ يُخَضَّبُ
56. It has become customary for Caliphs to pass it
Down to sons, bequeathed from one heir to the next.
٥٦. أَمسى عَتاداً لِلخَلائِفُ بَينَهُم
مُتَوارَثاً يوصي بِهِ لِاِبنٍ أَبُ
57. Of these it has taken a band of kingship whose crown
Is revered and welcomed by kings.
٥٧. وَتَحَلَّ مِنها طَوقَ مُلكٍ رَبَّهُ
عِندَ المُلوكِ مُعَظَّمٌ وَمُرَحَّبُ
58. So God crowned Gabriel in honor -
No angel near to Him was so garlanded.
٥٨. فَاللَهُ طَوَّقَ جِبرِئيلَ كَرامَةً
لَم يوتَها مَلَكٌ سِواهُ مُقَرَّبُ
59. Tame the foe with the chestnut steed, Canopus rising,
As the dawn creeps over it, greyish-white.
٥٩. وَرُعِ العِدى مِنها بِأَدهَمَ رائِعٍ
يَعنو لِغُرَّتِهِ الصَباحُ الأَشهَبُ
60. It has stripped night of its cloak; its crescent
And stars are saddlery it carries upon it.
٦٠. سَلَبَ الدُجى جِلبابَهُ فَهِلالُهُ
وَنُجومُهُ سَرجٌ عَليهِ مُرَكَّبُ
61. Accompanying you in battle by your command, else it would not
If not for the Caliph's approval.
٦١. وَاِفاكَ يُصحِبُ في القِيادِ وَلَم يَكُن
لَو لَم تَرُضهُ يَدُ الخَليفَةِ يُصحِبُ
62. The black banners - the hearts of polytheists quake
Since first unfurled for your kingdom, frightened.
٦٢. وَبِرايَةٍ سَوداءَ قَلبُ الشِركِ مُذ
عُقِدَت لِمُلكِكَ مُستَطارٌ مُرعَبُ
63. As if the dark night's tents,
Their guide stars shining upon them.
٦٣. فَكَأَنَّها أَسدافُ لَيلٍ مُظلِمٍ
وَسِنانُ عامِلِها عَليها كَوكَبُ
64. Bestow them upon you in plenty, never rescinding,
A gift and blessing never undone!
٦٤. فَأَفِض مَلابِسَها عَليكَ عَطيَّةً
لا تُستَرَدُّ وَنِعمَةً لا تُسلَبُ
65. Wear a cloak like none but the Imams
Of Quraish have worn so gloriously.
٦٥. وَاِلبَس شِعاراً ما تَجَلَّلَ مِثلَهُ
لِسِوى الأَإِمَّةِ مِن قُرَيشٍ مَنكِبُ
66. Chosen for you by the Caliph's favor
Meet for what you have earned.
٦٦. مِمّا تَخَيَّرَهُ الخَليفَةُ مِنحَةً
لَكَ فَاِصطَفاهُ كِفاءَ ما تَستَوجِبُ
67. Al-Nasir li-Din Allah, his partisan,
Loyal to the Prophet in his loyalty!
٦٧. الناصِرُ النَبَويُّ مَحتِدُهُ وَمَن
عيصُ الرَسولِ بِعيصِهِ مُتَأَشِّبُ
68. From him we seek shade in tribulations,
And in his blessings make our home.
٦٨. مَن نَستَظِلُّ مِنَ الخُطوبِ بِظِلِّهِ
وَنَبيتُ في نَعمائِهِ نَتَقَلَّبُ
69. Lofty, his munificence known from afar,
Generous however far its reach.
٦٩. ناءٍ عَلى الأَبصارِ دانٍ جودُهُ
لِعُفاتِهِ فَهوَ البَعيدُ المُكثِبُ
70. Veiled from sight but with bounties intact
Unbounded for those denied an audience.
٧٠. إِن يُمسِ مِن نَظَرِ العُيونِ مُحَجَّباً
فَلَهُ جَزيلُ مَواهِبٍ لا تُحجَبُ
71. His insight brought you near, divine discernment
Though absent dictates the truth to him.
٧١. أَدنَتكَ مِنهُ فِراسَةٌ نَبَوِيَةٌ
تُملي عَليهِ الحَقَّ وَهوَ مُغيَّبُ
72. He found you the best guardian for his kingdom,
Wakeful, striving always to please him.
٧٢. أَلفاكَ خَيرَ مَنِ اِرتَضاهُ لِمُلكِهِ
يَقظانَ تَسهَر في رِضاهُ وَتَدأَبُ
73. And the boldest against his enemies in attack,
While others tarried and hesitated.
٧٣. وَرَآكَ أَسرَعَهُم إِلى الأَعداءِ إِقداماً
وَغَيرُكَ مُحجِمٌ مُتَهَيِّبُ
74. So don the raiment of fortune! Let it trail
Upon the horizon for its seeker.
٧٤. فَاِسحَب ثَيابَ سَعادَةٍ فُضُلاً لِسا
بِغِها عَلى ظَهرِ المَجَرَّةِ مُسحَبُ
75. Possess the authority it has given you
With fortune prevailing, its dawn unsetting!
٧٥. وَتَمَلَّ ما خوِّلتَها مِن دَولَةٍ
غَرّاءَ طالِعُ سَعدِها لا يَغرُبُ
76. In a blessing with days that never end
And power no other can overcome!
٧٦. في نِعمَةٍ أَيّامُها لا تَنقَضي
وَسَعادَةٍ سُلطانُها لا يُغلَبُ