
You arrived with the glory of the faith, the happiest arrival,

قدمت بهاء الدين أسعد مقدم

1. You arrived with the glory of the faith, the happiest arrival,
And you are victorious over enemies, winner of the contest.

١. قَدِمتَ بَهاءَ الدينِ أُسعَدَ مَقدَمٍ
وَأَنتَ عَلى رَغمِ العِدى فائِزُ القِدحِ

2. It is no wonder what was made easy by
The opinion of Abu al-Fath al-Muwaffaq of conquests.

٢. وَليسَ عَجيباً ما أُتيحَ مُيَسَّراً
بِرَأيِ أَبي الفَتحِ المُوَفَّقِ مِن فَتحِ

3. But it is amazing that one whose nature tends
Toward murder should resolve to pardon and forbearance.

٣. وَلَكِن عَجيبٌ أَن يَبيتَ مُصَمِّماً
عَلى الفَتكِ مَطبوعُ السَجايا عَلى الصَفحِ

4. That you should meet frowning, full of fierceness,
Yet remain gentle-faced, of noble and liberal manners.

٤. وَأَنَّكَ تُلقى عابِساً ذا شَراسَةٍ
وَمازِلتَ طَلقَ الوَجهِ ذا خُلُقٍ سَمحِ

5. You took up the burden laid on you, without flinching,
And did not stint any effort in advising the Caliph sincerely.

٥. نَهَضتَ بِما حُمِّلتَ غَيرَ مُضَجَّعٍ
وَلَم تَألُ جُهداً لِلخَليفَةِ في النُصحِ

6. The rebels saw you when you thinned their wars,
A brother in resolves, so they inclined toward peace.

٦. رَآكَ الأَعاضي حينَ قُلِّتَ حَربَهُم
أَخا عَزَماتٍ فَاِستَكانوا إِلى الصُلحِ

7. Thus you remain steadfast in righteous beliefs, taking
A pact with God that your efforts will succeed.

٧. فَلا زِلتَ مَيمونَ العَقيدَةِ آخِذاً
مِنَ اللَهِ عَهداً في مَساعيكَ بِالنُجحِ

8. Before you, my praises were principles I have never ceased
To address to those unfit to be brothers to misers.

٨. وَدونَكَ مِن مَدحي عَقائِدَ لَم أَزَل
بِهِنَّ عَلى مَن لَيسَ كُفءً أَخا شُحِّ

9. I make friends with those who are cheered by them
And ignore those who do not rush to praise.

٩. رُواصِلُ مَن يُمسي بِها ذا بَشاشَةٍ
وَتُعرِضُ عَمَّن لا يَهَشُّ إِلى المَدحِ