
Alas, O son of Al-Hasin, you have gathered

ألا يا ابن الحصين جمعت نفسا

1. Alas, O son of Al-Hasin, you have gathered
An ignoble soul prone to ugly behavior.

١. أَلا يا اِبنَ الحَصينِ جَمَعتَ نَفساً
مُذَمَّمَةً إِلى خُلُقٍ قَبيحِ

2. You were once reproached for pure affection -
Yet you came with vile and wretched treachery.

٢. وَكُنتَ تُعابُ قِدماً بِالوَدادِ ال
مَشوبِ فَجِئتَ بِاللُؤمِ الطَريحِ

3. You attacked protected wealth
With the morals of a transgressor and despoiler,

٣. هَجَمتَ عَلى حِمى مالٍ مَصونٍ
بِذِمَّةِ مُستَحِلٍ مُستَبيحِ

4. Wealth gathered from the generous
And the stingy alike.

٤. عَلى مالٍ تَجَمَّعَ مِن جَوادٍ
سَخِيِّ الراحَتَينِ وَمِن شَحيحِ

5. How much did you trick me out of
May Allah shame your radiant face!

٥. فَكَم فيما أَغرَت عَلَيَّ مِنهُ
لَحاكَ اللَهُ مِن وَجهٍ صَبيحِ

6. How many ministers did you cheat
When you plotted betrayal in your wretched heart

٦. وَكَم غادَرتَ بِالوُزَراءِ لَمّا
نَوَيتَ الغَدرَ مِن قَلبٍ قَريحِ

7. That yearns not for you in delight
Or longing to see your bright face.

٧. يَحِنُّ إِلَيكَ لا طَرَباً وَشَوقاً
إِلى لُقياكَ ياوَجهَ الصَبوحِ

8. You count betrayal as habit in playfulness
So how much more in serious ugly sin!

٨. تَعُدُّ الغَدرَ دَأباً في الوَضيِّ ال
ميلِ فَكيفَ في الجَهمِ القَبيحِ

9. You have become more lying than a barking dog
Would that you had an honest character!

٩. لَقَد أَصبَحتَ أَكذَبَ مِن سَجاحٍ
فَلَيتَكَ كُنتَ ذا خُلُقٍ صَحيحِ

10. You fooled me with rhyming couplets
And claimed the forgiveness of one pleading,

١٠. أَغَرتَ عَلى مُغيرٍ بِالقَوافي
وَجَوَّزتَ اِستِماحَةَ مُستَميحِ

11. You sold your honor cheap, disdaining it,
And escaped for a paltry profit.

١١. وَبِعتَ دَريسَ عِرضِكَ مُستَهيناً
بِهِ وَنَجَوت بِالثَمَنِ الرَبيحِ

12. You did not look to better yourself
Or heed advice and good counsel.

١٢. وَلَم تَنظُر لِنَفسِكَ في صَلاحٍ
وَلا أَرعَيتَ سَمعَكَ لِلنَصيحِ

13. Would that you had not exposed yourself to blame
When you fall short of praise!

١٣. وَلَيتَكَ لَم تُعَرِّضها لِذَمٍّ
إِذا كانَت تَقِلُّ عَنِ المَديحِ