
O son of generosity, who is a safeguard

يا ابن الدوامي الذي هو عصمة

1. O son of generosity, who is a safeguard
And support for the hopeful and the seeker

١. يا اِبنَ الدَوامِيِّ الَّذي هُوَ عِصمَةٌ
وَمُعَوَّلٌ لِلمُرتَجي وَالمُلتَجي

2. For you, even if the character of a friend is scarce characters
A flower more delicate than the murmuring breeze

٢. لَكَ إِن خَفا خُلُقُ الصَديقِ خَلائِقٌ
زُهرٌ أَرَقُّ مِنَ النَسيمِ السَجسَجِ

3. Friendships of men have perished and vanished
Yet your ancient pact remains unbroken

٣. رَثَّت مَوَدّاتُ الرِجالِ وَأَنهَجَت
وَقَديمُ عَهدِكَ سالِمٌ لَم يُنهِجِ

4. O you who closes his bounty to no petitioner
And whose hands unlock every closed door

٤. يا مَن يَسُدُّ نَداهُ كُلَّ خَصاصَةٍ
وَيَداهُ تَفتَحُ كُلَّ بابٍ مُرتَجِ

5. You have not ceased to originate generosities
And to follow paths none before you have taken

٥. ما زِلتَ تُغرِبُ في سَماحِكَ مُبدِعاً
فيهِ وَتَنهَجُ مِنهُ مالَم يُنهَجِ

6. Until you sent, gentle and ingenious
With honors of sugar and violets

٦. حَتّى بَعَثتَ مُلاطِفاً مُتَفَنِّناً
في المَكرُماتِ بِسُكَّرٍ وَبَنَفسَجِ

7. Like the soft cheek of one I love and who visits me
With a coyness in his blushing cheek

٧. كَرُضابِ ريقَةِ مَن أُحِبُّ وَناصِلٍ
مِن عَضَّةٍ في خَدِّهِ المُستَضرَجِ

8. This whiteness dims the intense red of coral
And its blueness wanders upon turquoise

٨. هَذا يَغُضُّ مِنَ اللُجَينِ بَياضُهُ
وَتَتيهُ زُرقَتُهُ عَلى الفيروزَجِ

9. You gifted them affectionately and brought the sweetest
Pure and fragrant unadulterated

٩. أَهدَيتَها مُتَوَدِّداً فَأَتَيتَ بِالعَذبِ
النَقِيِّ وَالأَريجِ المُبهِجِ

10. You reminded me of your fine traits and sweetness
White and diffusing a lingering scent

١٠. أَذكَرتَني بِشَمائِلٍ لَكَ حُلوَةٍ
بيضٍ وَعُرفٍ فائِحٍ مُتَأَرِّجِ

11. So take this praise sincerely and purely
Without affectation and fawning untainted

١١. فَخُذِ الثَناءَ إِلَيكَ مَحضاً شالِصاً
بِتَكَلُّفٍ وَتَمَلُّقٍ لَم يُمزَجِ

12. And clothe others but you in blame from it
Had it not been for our love it would not be woven

١٢. وَاِلبَس عَداكَ الذَمُّ مِنهُ حِبرَةً
لَولا المَوَدَّةُ بَينَنا لَم تُنسَجِ