
Is there a home more deserving that we congratulate

أحق دار وأولى أن نهنئها

1. Is there a home more deserving that we congratulate
A home built upon good fortune that raised its buildings

١. أَحَقُّ دارٍ وَأولى أَن نُهنِّئَها
دارٌ عَلى السَعدِ قَد شيدَت مَبانيها

2. It has glory because of your kingdom
O you who the world and those in it take pride in

٢. لَها الهَناءُ ولِلدُنيا بِمُلكِكُمُ
يامَن بِهِم تَفخَرُ الدُنيا وَمَن فيها

3. Can a home ruled by a king be congratulated
The land near and far submitted to him

٣. وَهَل يُهَنّا بِدارِ حَلَّها مَلِكٌ
دانَت لَهُ الأَرضُ قاصيها وَدانيها

4. You made it your home so generosity spread in its field
And the sea of gifts surged in its surroundings

٤. حَلَلتُموها فَحَلَّ الجودُ ساحَتَها
وَجاشَ بَحرُ العَطايا في نَواحيها

5. It will never lack you, for you are its essence
With you it gained honor that remains

٥. فَلا خَلَت مِنكُمُ أَوطانُها أَبَداً
فَإِنَّها صُوَرٌ أَنتُم مَعانيها

6. Across time with reverence and exaltation
Not time competes with its pride

٦. زادَت بِكُم شَرَفاً تَبقى مَآثِرُهُ
عَلى الزَمانِ وَتَعظيما وَتَنويها

7. Nor the planets with its glory
Proudly it wanders above the Gemini constellation

٧. فَلا الزَمانُ عَلى فَخرٍ يُنازِعُها
وَلا الكَواكِبُ في مَجدٍ تُدانيها

8. Changing without precedent with you wandering proudly
When monuments compete in pride

٨. تَختالُ تيهاً عَلى الجَوزاءِ شُرفَتُها
وَغَيرُ بِدعٍ أَن اِختالَت بِكُم تيها

9. The pyramids vie in pride and the Iwan competes
Can they equal the king who ruled it

٩. إِذا تَفاخَرَتِ الآثارُ فَاحتَبَتِ ال
أَهرامُ لِلفَخرِ وَالإيوانُ طاليها

10. Or the builder who built it
With the illuminated Commander of the Faithful its pillars climbed

١٠. فَهَل يَعُدّانِ مُلكاً مِثلَ مالِكِها
أَو يَفخَرانِ بِبانٍ مِثلِ بانيها

11. And its glory reached the highest heavens
God's Caliph on earth and its leader

١١. بِالمُستَضيءِ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ عَلَت
أَركانُها وَسَمَت مَجداً مَراقيها

12. With his good conduct in it as its shepherd
The best of creation wherever it turned

١٢. خَليفَةُ اللَهِ في الدِنيا وَسائِسُها
بِحُسنِ سيرَتِهِ فيها وَراعيها

13. Yes, and its resident whether settled or nomadic
With him it became a Kaaba of generosity where its visitors are felicitous

١٣. خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ ما شيها وَراكِبِها
نَعَم وَحاضِرِها طُرّاً وَباديها

14. And with kindness its inhabitants are vivified
No palm of misery touched his palm

١٤. أَضحَت بِهِ كَعبَةً لِلجودِ يَسعَدُ را
جيها وَيُنعَشُ بِالإِحسانِ عافيها

15. Nor did I see a face of distress that hoped in it
And I knew for certain when I planted within it

١٥. ما صافَحَت كَفُّ بُؤسٍ كَفَّ آمِلِها
وَلا أَرى وَجهَ بَأسٍ مَن يُرَجّيها

16. My praises of you that I would reap them
Would a hand reaching out to a hand

١٦. وَقَد عَرَفتُ يَقيناً مِذ غَرَستُ بِها
مَدائِحي فيكُمُ أَن سَوفَ أَجنيها

17. That filled the world with its open palms, be disappointed
Revive with a breath of your generosity the life of my soul

١٧. وَهَل تَخيبُ يَدٌ مُدَّت أَنامِلُها
إِلى يَدٍ تَملَأَ الدُنيا أَياديها

18. For without your wishes it died
Keep joy lasting for you in it and never

١٨. رُدّوا بِنَفحَةِ جودٍ مِن عَطائِكُمُ
حَياةَ نَفسي فَقَد ماتَت أَمانيها

19. Cease being populated with your melodies
At its doors hopes remain watching

١٩. وَاِبقوا يَدومُ لَكُم فيها السُرورُ وَلا
تَزالُ آهِلَةً مِنكُم مَغانيها

20. Until the valley of praise is filled with its call
And you live in bliss without end

٢٠. تُمسي بِأَبوابِها الآمالُ مُحدِقَةً
حَتّى يَغصَّ بِوَفدِ الحَمدِ ناديها

21. And joy that no misfortunes limited
In a state that time does not humiliate its victor

٢١. وَعِشتُمُ في نَعيمٍ لا اِنقِضاءَ لَهُ
وَغَبطَةٍ ما حَدا الأَظعانَ حاديها

22. Nor do nights frighten its loyalist
Success is its guide in what it undertakes

٢٢. في دَولَةٍ لا يُذِلُّ الدَهرُ ناصِرَها
وَلا تَروعُ اللَيالي مَن يُواليها

23. And victory is its norm against those who show enmity

٢٣. فَالنُجحُ رائِدُها فيما تُحاوِلُهُ
وَالنَصرُ عاداتُها فيمَن يُعاديها