1. Who can protect me, who can give refuge
From one whose tyranny makes kings afraid?
١. مَن مُجيري وَمَن يُجيرُ عَلى ذي
جَبَروتٍ تَخشى المُلوكُ سُطاهُ
2. Oppressor - if I praise him, I gain no good,
And if I don't praise him, I fear his harm.
٢. ظالِمٌ إِن مَدَحتُهُ لَم أَنَل خَي
راً وَإِن لَم أَمدَحهُ خِفتُ أَذاهُ
3. So he neither buys praise nor allows
That I sell it to others but him alone.
٣. فَهوَ لا يَشتَري المَديحَ وَلا يَس
مَحُ أَنّي أَبيعُهُ مِن سِواهُ
4. If only he would leave me barely self-sufficient -
Then I would neither wish for him nor fear him!
٤. لَيتَهُ تارِكي كَفافاً فَلا أَر
جوهُ في حالَةٍ وَلا أَخشاهُ