1. I tell you that I long for you like someone suffering from love sickness,
And that after you my heart is prey to sorrow and grief,
ูก. ุฃูุจูุซููููู
ู ุฃูููู ู
ูุดููู ุจูููู
ููุฃูููู ููุคุงุฏู ูููุฃูุณู ุจูุนุฏูููู
2. You forgot my covenant as if I were a wrongdoer,
Yet I was not at fault, were it not for your indifference.
ูข. ุชููุงุณููุชูู
ู ุนููุฏู ููุฃูููู ู
ุง ูุงูู ูู ููููุง ู
3. I hoped you would remain true to your vow,
As you were in the days when kinship united us.
ูฃ. ููููุฏ ูููุชู ุฃูุฑุฌู ุฃูู ุชูููููุง ุนููู ุงููููู
ุง ูููุชูู
ู ุฃูููุงู
ู ููุฌู
ูุนููุง ุงูููุฑุจู
4. Those days were prosperous when we were together,
But after they were gone, they have become war to me.
ูค. ููููุฏ ูุงููุชู ุงูุฃูููุงู
ู ุณููู
ู ููุดูู
ูุนู ููุฃูู
ุณูุช ููููู ูู ุจูุนุฏููุง ุญูุฑุจู
5. So to one whose heart knows no peace or rest,
And whose eyes know no sleep,
ูฅ. ููุง ู
ูู ููููุจู ูุง ููุจูููู ุบููููููู
ููุฃุฌูุงูู ุนูููู ูุง ููุฌูููู ูููุง ุบูุฑุจู
6. I have denied slumber after being parted from you,
So that eyelid meets not eyelid.
ูฆ. ุญูุธูุฑุชู ุนููููุง ุงููููู
ู ุจูุนุฏู ููุฑุงููููู
ุง ูููุชููู ุฃูู ูููุชููู ุงูููุฏุจู ููุงูููุฏุจู
7. In the palace at Baghdad are lovely gazelles,
None who falls for them escapes with his heart intact.
ูง. ููุจุงูููุตุฑู ู
ูู ุจูุบุฏุงุฐู ุฎูุฏู ุฅูุฐุง ุฑูููุช
ูููุงุญูุธููุง ููู
ูููุฌู ู
ูู ูููุฏููุง ูููุจู
8. They are slender like bowstrings, untamed,
Dwelling not in pastures, owned by no tribe or clan.
ูจ. ููุนุงุจู ููุฎูุทู ุงูุจุงูู ูุง ุฃูุฑุถููุง ุงูุญูู
ูููุง ุฏุงุฑููุง ุณููุนู ูููุง ูููู
ููุง ููุนุจู
9. Well nourished, though eating not clover,
Drinking neither fresh milk nor curdled whey,
ูฉ. ู
ูุฉู ุบูุฑู ุงูููุจูุฏู ุทูุนุงู
ูู ุบูุฑู ุฃููุจุงูู ุงููููุงุญู ูููุง ุดูุฑุจู
10. Needing no herdsman to drive away the grim darkness,
No weapons to ward off attack or blows.
ูกู . ูููุง ุฏููููุง ุจูุฏู ููุฎุงุถู ุบูู
ูููุงุฑู ูููุง ุทูุนูู ููุฎุงูู ูููุง ุถูุฑุจู
11. I have made their home atop the highest pinnacle,
Their abode overlooking the Karkh, no raiders or brigands near.
ูกูก. ู
ูุญููููุชููุง ุฃูุนูุง ุงูุตูุฑุงุฉู ููุฏุงุฑููุง
ุนููู ุงูููุฑุฎู ูุง ุฃูุนูุงู
ู ุณููุนู ูููุง ุงูููุถุจู
12. When their lineage is traced to the Turks, and they claim
Kinship with their people, the Arabs scorn their pedigree.
ูกูข. ุฅูุฐุง ููุณูุจูุช ุขุจุงุคููุง ุงูุชูุฑูู ููุงููุชูู
ุฅููู ูููู
ููุง ุฃูุฎููุช ู
ููุงุณูุจููุง ุงูุนูุฑุจู
13. Veiled in dark tresses and fair faces,
They have no covering but their luxuriant locks.
ูกูฃ. ูุฅูู ุญูุฌูุจูุช ุจูุงูุณูู
ุฑู ููุงูุจูุถู ุบุงุฏูุฉู
ููููุณู ูููุง ุฅูููุง ุบููุงุฆููููุง ุญูุฌุจู
14. I shall not forget them, like a roe deer on the night she crept up
With her companions gathered around, a flock around their ram.
ูกูค. ููููู
ุฃููุณููุง ูุงูุธูุจู ูููููุฉู ุฃููุจูููุช
ุชููุงุฏู ููู
ูู ุฃูุชุฑุงุจููุง ุญูููููุง ุณูุฑุจู
15. She turned away from the rose whose thorns glistened,
Saying, โBetween us are those shelters and clefts.โ
ูกูฅ. ููุณููููุช ุนููู ุงูููุฑุฏู ุงูู
ูุถุฑููุฌู ุจูุงูุญููุง
ูููุง ุจููููููู
ุชูููู ุงูู
ูุนุงุฌูุฑู ููุงููููุจู
16. When our feet met at the pinnacle,
Our mounts panted from the heat within our breasts.
ูกูฆ. ููููู
ูุง ุชููุงููุช ุจูุงูุตูุฑุงุฉู ุฑููุงุจููุง
ููุฑูููู ูููุง ู
ูู ุญูุฑูู ุฃูููุงุณููุง ุงูุฑููุจู
17. To the west, with a gentle moist breeze
Making delicate the airโs fringes, and the soft wind damp.
ูกูง. ุนููู ุงูุฌุงููุจู ุงูุบูุฑุจู ูุงูุฌูููู ู
ุฑููููู ุงูุญููุงุดู ููุงูููุณูู
ู ุจููุง ุฑูุทุจู
18. No watcher to elude, no rival to contend with,
Grievance was easy for us, and reproach was sweet.
ูกูจ. ููุบุงุจู ุฑูููุจู ููุชูููููู ูููุงุดูุญู
ููุฑุงููุช ูููุง ุงูุดูููู ููููุฐูู ูููุง ุงูุนูุชุจู
19. In her palms she made for us that night a garden,
And from her kisses, a pool of fresh water.
ูกูฉ. ููุจุงุชูุช ุจูููููููุง ู
ููู ุงููููุดู ุฑููุถูุฉู
ูููุง ููุบูุฏูุฑู ู
ูู ู
ูููุจูููููุง ุนูุฐุจู
20. She thought it no shame that I should spend the night
Laid low, helpless, unable to lift myself up.
ูขู . ูููุงูู ุนููููุง ุฃูู ุฃูุจูุชู ู
ุฃูุฎุงูููุนูุฉู ูุง ููุฃูููู ุงูุฃูุฑุถู ูู ุฌููุจู
21. When I say โMy life, your love kills me,โ
She says โHow many lovers has love killed?โ
ูขูก. ุฅุฐุง ูููุชู ูุงููู
ูุงุกู ุญูุจูููู ูุงุชููู
ุชููููู ููููู
ูู ุนุงุดููู ููุชููู ุงูุญูุจูู
22. If I say โMy heart lies prone beneath your hand,โ
She says โAnd where is the noble heart that welcomes the blow?โ
ูขูข. ููุฅูู ูููุชู ูููุจู ูู ููุฏูููู ุถูุฑูุจูุฉู
ุชููููู ููุฃูููู ุงูู
ูุณุชูุทูุจู ูููู ุงูุถูุฑุจู
23. Wait, for wealth is fickle and fleeting,
It is the way of fate to bestow and deprive.
ูขูฃ. ุฑููููุฏููู ุฅูููู ุงูู
ุงูู ุบุงุฏู ููุฑุงุฆูุญู
ูู ุดูููู
ู ุงูุฏููุฑู ุงูุนูุทูููุฉู ููุงูุณููุจู
24. If the palace denies me lodging,
For me in Godโs land there is ample range.
ูขูค. ููุฆูู ุถุงููุชู ุงูุฒููุฑุงุกู ุนููู ู
ูููู ูู ุจููุงุฏู ุงููููู ู
ูุฑุชูููุถู ุฑูุญุจู
25. I will spur my steed up to the limit of endurance,
And race on until sorrow and misfortune are amazed.
ูขูฅ. ุณูุฃูุฑูููู ุญูุฏูู ุงูุนูุฒู
ู ูู ุทูููุจู ุงูุบููู
ููุฃูุณููุจู ุญูุชูู ููุนุฌูุจู ุงูุญูุฒูู ููุงูุณููุจู
26. He who takes the wild cows as his means,
To gain luck, and the seasoned firewood as his guide, does not fail.
ูขูฆ. ููู
ุง ุฎุงุจู ู
ูู ูุงููุช ููุณุงุฆููููู ุงูุธูุจุง
ุฅููู ุงูุญูุธูู ููุงูููุฏู ุงูู
ูุฉู ุงูููุจูู
27. I am not one who can rein in his passion,
Or control his love for the fair.
ูขูง. ููู
ุง ุฃููุง ู
ูู ููุซูู ุงููููู ู
ูู ุนููุงูููู
ูููู ูู ุญูุจูู ุงูุญูุณุงูู ูููู ููุจูู
28. Nor do I claim to be like stone in love,
With a heart that neither sorrows nor aspires.
ูขูจ. ููู
ุง ุฃูุฏููุนู ุฃูููู ุนููู ุงูุญูุจูู ุตูุฎุฑูุฉู
ููุฃูููู ููุคุงุฏู ูุงููุญูููู ูููุง ููุตุจู
29. Rather, time sweeps the youth away
To other than what he desires; so go its changes and chance.
ูขูฉ. ููููููููููุง ุงูุฃูููุงู
ู ุชูุนุตููู ุจูุงูููุชู
ุฅููู ุบููุฑู ู
ุง ููููู ุฒูุนุงุฒูุนููุง ุงููููุจู
30. And the steadfast heart may yet long
For its vow, raving on in unending fervour.
ูฃู . ููููุฏ ููุตุญุจู ุงููููุจู ุงูุฃูุจููู ุนููู ุงููููู
ููููุณูู ุนููู ุทููู ุงูู
ูุฏู ุงููุงุฆูู
ู ุงูุตูุจูู
31. In every house one halts at there is a neighbour,
And in every land where one settles, companions.
ูฃูก. ูููู ููููู ุฏุงุฑู ุญูููููุง ุงูู
ูุฑุกู ุฌูุฑูุฉู
ูููู ููููู ุฃูุฑุถู ูููู
ู ุจููุง ุตูุญุจู
32. If I regain the favour of Minister Muhammad,
Then the remote ones will draw near, and the difficult become easy.
ูฃูข. ููุฅููู ุนุงุฏู ูู ุนูุทูู ุงูููุฒูุฑู ู
ููููุฏ ุฃููุซูุจู ุงูููุงุฆู ูููุงูู ูู ุงูุตูุนุจู
33. A minister, when times are disordered, his view
Brings ease, healing however the ulcer may sting.
ูฃูฃ. ููุฒูุฑู ุฅูุฐุง ุงูุนุชูููู ุงูุฒูู
ุงูู ููุฑูุฃูููู
ูููุงุกู ุจููู ุชูุดูู ุฎููุง ุฅููููู ุงูุฌูุฑุจู
34. With his nature, bounty suffices when he gives drink
From his pools; none need fear scarcity or drought.
ูฃูค. ูููู ุฎููููุง ุจุฃุณู ููุฌูุฏู ุฅูุฐุง ุณููู
ุง ููู
ููุฎุดู ุฌููุฑู ูููุง ุฌูุฏุจู
35. He possesses penetrating wisdom in good measure,
And his hands hold a restraining power when he is roused to anger.
ูฃูฅ. ุนููููู ู
ููู ุงูุฑูุฃูู ุงูุญูุตููู ู
ูููู ููููููู ู
ูู ุนูุฒู
ููู ุจุงุชูุฑู ุนูุถุจู
36. Terror makes the foe withdraw before encountering him,
For God has given him forces that cause dread.
ูฃูฆ. ููููููู ุงูุนูุฏู ุจูุงูุฑูุนุจู ููุจูู ูููุงุฆููู
ููููููููู ู
ูููู ู
ูู ุทููุงุฆูุนููู ุงูุฑูุนุจู
37. We seek refuge in him in nights of peril, and they clear up,
We call on him in time of need, and the distress is relieved.
ูฃูง. ููููุจู ุจููู ูู ููููู ุฎูุทุจู ูููููุฌููู
ููููุฏุนููู ูู ููุฑุจู ููููููุฑูุฌู ุงูููุฑุจู
38. On days of calamity we find him a towering mountain,
When war has darkened the faces of even its heroes.
ูฃูจ. ููุชูููุงูู ูููู
ู ุงูุฑููุนู ุฌูุฐููุงูู ุจุงุณูู
ููููุฏ ุนูุจููุณูุช ูู ููุฌูู ุฃูุจุทุงูููุง ุงูุญูุฑุจู
39. Sometimes the swords of al-Samhari are a gazing flock in his grasp,
At other times, his regiments are scrolls.
ูฃูฉ. ููุทูุฑุงู ุณููุงูู ุงูุณูู
ููุฑู ุจููููููู ููุฑุงุนู
ููุฃูุญูุงูุงู ููุชุงุฆูุจููู ุงูููุชุจู
40. When his zeal calls for punishment, his gentle nature
And gracious manner deter him from harshness.
ูคู . ุฅูุฐุง ุฃูู
ูุฑูุชูู ุจูุงูุนููุงุจู ุญูููุธูุฉู
ูููุงูู ุงูู
ูุญูููุง ุงูุทูููู ููุงูุฎูููู ุงูุนูุฐุจู
41. Toward the arm of the Faith, the minister, hopes carried us,
Hopes long concealed from menโs eyes, now ripened.
ูคูก. ุฅููู ุนูุถูุฏู ุงูุฏููู ุงูููุฒูุฑู ุณูู
ูุช ุจููุง
ุฑููุงุฆูุจู ุขู
ุงูู ุทููุงูุง ุงูุณูุฑู ููุฌุจู
42. Excuse is narrow, being stingy with the shining gifts of the Almighty,
No excuse, though the clouds be miserly with their rain.
ูคูข. ุฅููู ุงูุถูููููู ุงูุฃูุนุฐุงุฑ ูู ุงูุฌูุฏู ุจูุงููููู
ููุง ุนูุฐุฑู ุฅูู ุถููููุช ุจูุฏูุฑููุชููุง ุงูุณูุญุจู
Shall I go thirsty, and below me rivers overflowing with bounty from Muhammad,
ูคูฃ. ุฃูุฃูุธู
ู ููุฏููู ู
ูู ุญููุงุถู ู
ููุงูููู ุฌูุฏู ู
ุงูุฆูุง ุบููููู ุณููุจู
44. Whose currents are ever-flowing torrents?
I fear the nights and the woes their darkness brings,
ูคูค. ููุฃูุฎุดู ุงููููุงูู ุฃูู ุชูุฌูุฑู ุฎูุทูุจููุง
ุง ุฌุงุฑู ูู ุนูุตุฑู ุงูููุฒูุฑู ูููุง ุฎูุทุจู
45. Yet no sorrow came in the ministerโs time, no cause for grief.
ูคูฅ. ููููุฏ ุนูุดุชู ุฏููุฑุงู ุฑุงุฆููุงู ูู ุฌููุงุจููู
ุง ุดูููู ูู ุณูุฑุญู ูููุง ุฑูุนู ูู ุณูุฑุจู
46. I lived an age contentedly under his wing,
My flock undiminished, my pastures undiminished.
ูคูฆ. ุฃูุฑูุญู ูููู ู
ูููู ุงูุถููุงููุฉู ููุงูููุฑู
ููุฃูุบุฏู ูููู ู
ูููู ุงูููุฑุงู
ูุฉู ููุงูุฑูุญุจู
47. If I subdue the nights, his lion-warriors undertake
To help me overcome them, hardened for assault.
ูคูง. ููู
ุงุฒููุชู ูู ุขูู ุงูุฑููููู ุจูู
ุนููู ุงูุถููู
ู ู
ูุจุฐููุงู ูู ุงูุฃูู
ูู ููุงูุฎูุตุจู
48. Without their valor, the spears would sprout leaves,
Without their aid, the clubs would dissolve in their hands.
ูคูจ. ุฅูุฐุง ุฃููุง ุบุงููุจุชู ุงููููุงูู ุชููููููููุช
ุจูููุตุฑู ุนููููุง ู
ุฃูุณูุฏู ุบููุจู
49. Ask them to give, and they give lavishly; promise, and they keep faith;
Judge, and they pardon; possess power, and they restrain it.
ูคูฉ. ู
ูุบุงููุฑู ููููุง ุจูุฃุณูููู
ุฃููุฑููู ุงููููุง
ููููููุง ุงูููุฏู ุฐุงุจูุช ุจูุฃููุฏูููู
50. They have taught my soul abnegation ยญ how then
Can I leave off selflessness, when it improves the soul?
ูฅู . ุฅูุฐุง ุณูุฆูููุง ุฌุงุฏูุง ููุฅูู ููุนูุฏูุง ููููุง
ููุฅูู ููุฏูุฑูุง ุนููููุง ููุฅูู ู
ูููููุง ุฐูุจูุง
51. I kept their company when the luteโs music still flows sweetly
And the garments of youth are yet new and bright.
ูฅูก. ููู
ู ุนููููู
ููุง ูููุณู ุงูุฅูุจุงุกู ููููููู ูู
ุจูุชูุฑูู ุฅูุจุงุกู ุงููููุณู ููููู ูููุง ุชูุฑุจู
52. But now age has left its grey in my temples,
And the first gleams of white hairs shine through.
ูฅูข. ุตูุญูุจุชูููู
ู ููุงูุนูุฏู ูููุทูุฑู ู
ุฑูุทูุจู ููุฃูุซูุงุจู ุงูุตูุจู ุฌูุฏูุฏู ููุดุจู
53. What gifts I owe them, what deeds of grace!
I wore them as my adornment, my necklaces and amulets.
ูฅูฃ. ูููุง ุฃููุง ููุฏ ุฃูุฏู ุงูู
ูุดูุจู ุจูููู
ูููุงุญูุช ุจููููุฏูููุง ุทููุงููุนููู ุงูุดููุจู
54. I yearn for those days and times gone by,
Like the withered leaf yearns for greenness.
ูฅูค. ูููู
ููููู ุนููุฏู ูููู ููุตููุงุฆูุนู
ุญูููุชู ุจููุง ูููููู ุงูุฎููุงุฎููู ููุงููููุจู
55. Yet if the days of association are gone,
I have eulogies for them that will never pass away.
ูฅูฅ. ุฃูุญูููู ุฅููู ุฃูููุงู
ููุง ููุนูููุฏููุง
ุง ุญููููุชู ุงูููุฑูู ุงูู
ููููููููุฉู ุงูุณููุจู
56. I praised them out of love for them, and so my poetry
Will endure, and dust be showered on me from above.
ูฅูฆ. ูููู ุฅูู ููุถู ุนููุฏู ุงูุชููุงุตููู ููุญุจููู
ูุฏุงุฆูุญู ูุง ูููุถู ูููุง ุฃูุจูุฏุงู ููุญุจู
57. If I err by praising others,
Then the warbler is fated to fall prey to love.
ูฅูง. ู
ู ุญูุจูุงู ููููู
ููุฅูุฎุงูููุง ุณูุชูุฑูู
ูู ููููู ุงูุฌููุงุฏููู ููุงูุชูุฑุจู
58. Look closely at whose nature is purest to you,
Whose thoughts are most inclined to you ยญ poetry stems from the heart.
ูฅูจ. ููุฅูู ุฃููุชูุฑูู ุฐููุจุงู ุจูู
ูุฏุญู ุณููุงููู
ููุฅูููู ุฎูู
ุงุตู ุงูุทููุฑู ูููููุตููุง ุงูุญูุจูู
59. Can a nobody hope to attain my rank,
The base and envious vie with the noble and high-minded?
ูฅูฉ. ุฃูุนูุฏ ููุธูุฑุงู ููู
ูู ุตููุง ูููู ูููุจููู
ููุฎุงุทูุฑููู ูุงูุดูุนุฑู ู
ููุจูุชููู ุงููููุจู
60. He would rival me composing any strange form,
While I am heedless of such novelties, his the innovation.
ูฆู . ุฃูููุทู
ูุนู ูู ุฅูุฏุฑุงูู ุดูุฃููู ู
ููุฃูููู ุงูุฏููููู ุงููููุณู ููุงููุงุถููู ุงูููุฏุจู
61. He disputes with me mastery of the poetic craft, yet
He ignores its metre and rhyme ยญ ignorant in this craft.
ูฆูก. ููุทุงูููููู ูู ููุธู
ู ููููู ุบูุฑูุจูุฉู
ูู ุงูุญูููู ู
ูู ุฃูุฎูุงูููุง ูููููู ุงูุนูุตุจู
62. I refuse to let my thoughts be distracted
By livelihood and provision, if they are bent on that.
ูฆูข. ูููุงุฒูุนููู ุนููู
ู ุงููููุงูู ููุฅูููููู
ููููุฌูููู ู
ูููุง ู
ุง ุงูุนูุฑูุถู ููู
ุง ุงูุถูุฑุจู
63. Favor us equally, according to our gifts,
How strange that the head be equaled to the dung beetle!
ูฆูฃ. ุฃูุจูุชู ููููู
ูู ุฃูู ุชูุณูุฑู ุดููุงุฑูุฏู
ุฅูุฐุง ููู
ูููู ู
ูููุง ุงูู
ูุนูุดูุฉู ููุงูููุณุจู
64. Stand firmly in saving me from the blows of fate,
Driving its caprices away from me, for the leap is possible.
ูฆูค. ููุณูููู ุนููู ููุฏุฑู ุงูููุฑุงุฆูุญู ุจูููููุง
ูู ุนูุฌูุจู ุฃูู ููุณุชููู ุงูุฑูุฃุณู ููุงูุนูุฌุจู
65. Irrigate the saplings of generosity, for I fear
They may wither while you are still their nurturing Lord.
ูฆูฅ. ููุซูุจ ูู ุฎููุงุตู ู
ูู ููุฏู ุงูุฏููุฑู ูุงุฒูุนุงู
ุญููุงุฏูุซููู ุนูููู ูููุงุฏ ุฃูู
ูููู ุงูููุซุจู
66. Far be it that the branches of my praise dry up,
When your running stream of bounty gives them drink.
ูฆูฆ. ููุณูููู ุบูุฑูุณู ุงูู
ุงุชู ููุฅูููููู
ุฃูุนูุฐููู ุฃูู ุชูุฐูู ููุฃููุชู ูููุง ุฑูุจูู
67. No land went barren while you live,
No fortune declined while you remain its restorer to health.
ูฆูง. ููุญุงุดู ููู
ูุฏุญู ุฃูู ุชูุฌูููู ุบูุตููููู
ูู ุจูุญุฑู ุฌูุฏูุงู ุงูู
ูุนููู ูููุง ุดูุฑุจู
68. The ministry loses no resolve while you lie awake
Pondering it, be it east or west.
ูฆูจ. ูููุง ุฃูุฌุฏูุจูุช ุฃูุฑุถู ููุฃููุชู ูููุง ุญูููุงู
ูููุง ู
ูุฑูุถูุช ุญุงูู ููุฃููุชู ูููุง ุทูุจูู
69. And below you are haunts full of fragrant blossoms,
Their tails trailing forever in praise of you all.
ูฆูฉ. ูููุง ุนูุฏูู
ูุช ู
ูููู ุงูููุฒุงุฑูุฉู ููู
ุชูุจูุชู ููู
ูู ุชูุฏุจูุฑููุง ุงูุดูุฑูู ููุงูุบูุฑุจู
70. They are pearls concealed in their shells which you hid away,
Scatter them, and they are gems of Yemen, unsullied.
ูงู . ููุฏููููู ู
ูู ููุดู ุงููููุงูู ุญูุจุงุฆูุฑุงู
ููุฃูุฐูุงูููุง ูู ู
ุฃูุจูุฏุงู ุณูุญุจู
71. Whenever their seal is opened before me one day,
The earth will be perfumed where you dwell, should I recite them.
ูงูก. ูููู ุงูุฏูุฑูู ูู ุฃูุตุฏุงูููุง ู
ุง ุทููููุชููุง
ููุฅูู ููุดูุฑูุช ูููููู ุงูููู
ุงููููุฉู ุงูููุถุจู
72. You whose reach is short, tongue readily prone to blame,
To detraction you hurry, a habitual reviler.
ูงูข. ุฅูุฐุง ููุถูู ูููู
ุงู ูู ููุฏูููู ุฎูุชุงู
ุชูุถููููุนู ู
ูู ุฅููุดุงุฏููุง ููููู
73. Yours is an empty abode, though it appears spacious,
A desert your guest, neither water nor grass yours.
ูงูฃ. ููุฏุงูู ููุตูุฑู ุงูุจุงุนู ููุงูู ุนููู ุงูุนููู
ุณูุฑูุนู ุฅููู ุฃูุนุชุงูููู ุงูุฐูู
ูู ููุงูุซูููุจู
74. Ever dreaded, shunned by noble and base alike,
While your sword remains sheathed, and your flame extinguished.
ูงูค. ูููู ู
ููุฒููู ุฑูุญุจู ููููููู ููุฒููููู
ุจูุจููุฏุงุกู ูุง ู
ุงุกู ููุฏููุง ูููุง ุนูุดุจู
ูงูฅ. ูููุงุฒูููุช ู
ูุฑููุจู ุงูุณูุทุง ููุงูููู ุงูุญููุง
ููู ูุง ูููุจู ูููุงุฑููู ูุง ุชูุฎุจู