1. O Lord, the minister has made the pilgrimage
Yet he has no desire for the pilgrimage
١. يا رَبِّ قَد حَجَّ الوَزيرُ
وَما لَهُ في الحَجِّ رَغبَه
2. Rather, he fears that if he does not go
He will fall into disfavor with the sultan
٢. لَكِن مَخافَةَ أَن يَحُل
لَ بِهِ عَنِ السُلطانِ نَكبَه
3. O Lord, the evilest of tribes
And their ilk have come to You
٣. يا رَبِّ قَد وافاكَ مِن
هُ وَمِن ذَويهِ شَرُّ عُصبَه
4. Make straight their paths, and do not O Lord
Let them return in victory to their lands
٤. فَاِسدُد مَسالِكَهُم وَلا
تَردُد لَهُم يارَبِّ غُربَه
5. When the likes of them enter the Two Holy Mosques
It is, O my Master, a cause for censure
٥. فَدُخولُ مِثلِهِمُ إِلى ال
حَرَمَينِ يامَولايَ سُبَّه