1. Say to Abu al-Naqs and reproaches,
O anguish of the chest and perdition,
١. قُل لِأَبي النَقصِ وَالمَخازي
يا حَرَجَ الصَدرِ وَالفَناءِ
2. With what opinion and what understanding,
O pretender of understanding and intelligence,
٢. بِأَيِّ رَأيٍ وَأَيِّ فَهمٍ
يا مُدَّعي الفَهمَ وَالذَكاءَ
3. Did you present yourself monopolizing over us
The most despicable worth of nothingness?
٣. قَدَّمتَ مُستَأثِراً عَلَينا
أَحقَرَ قَدراً مِن الهَباءِ
4. A foolish foot seen and nurtured
Upon it in scarcity of shame.
٤. أَبلَهَ قِدَماً يُرى وَيُربى
عَلَيهِ في قِلَّةِ الحَياءِ
5. It has a mouth like a water-skin that throws
Your face from it with a house of water,
٥. لَهُ فَمٌ كَالكَنيفِ يَلقى
وَجهَكَ مِنهُ بِبَيتِ ماءِ
6. And God forbid that praise
Would come to you except from the dishonorable,
٦. وَحاشَ لِلّاهِ أَنَّ مَدحاً
يَأتيكَ إِلّا مِنَ الخَلاءِ
7. He has according to his claim a praise
Uglier in my view than lampooning,
٧. لَهُ عَلى زَعمِهِ مَديحٌ
أَقبَحُ عِندي مِنَ الهِجاءِ
8. Repeated, the hands of sleepers have left it,
Wearers of the cloak made of tattered cloth.
٨. مُكَرَّرٌ غادَرَتهُ أَيدي ال
أَنامِ مُخلَولِقَ الرِداءِ
9. How much has he seen for kings a house
On a feast day and in prosperity,
٩. كَم قَد رَأى لِلمُلوكِ داراً
في يَومِ عيدٍ وَفي هَناءِ
10. It clothes you from it with clothes of praise
Of little duration and survival,
١٠. يَكسوكَ مِنهُ ثِيابَ حَمدٍ
قَليلَةَ اللَبثِ وَالبَقاءِ
11. Yesterday it was on men
Whose hands fate had divided,
١١. بِالأَمسِ كانَت عَلى رِجالٍ
تَقَسَّمَتهُم أَيدي الفَناءِ
12. And soon it will strip you of little
Of it and cast you in the bareness,
١٢. وَسَوفَ يُعريكَ عَن قَليلٍ
مِنها وَيُلقيكَ بِالعَراءِ
13. So be content with it satisfied, and my soul
Is content with you with aloofness,
١٣. فَاِرضَ بِهِ قانِعاً فَنَفسي
قَد قَنِعَت مِنكَ بِالجَفاءِ
14. And do not join me, for my taking
Your honor is sweeter than bestowal,
١٤. وَلا تَصِلني فَإِنَّ أَخذي
عِرضَكَ أَحلى مِنَ العَطاءِ
15. If my praise has made you needless,
Then lampooning will not save you from me.
١٥. إِن كانَ أَغناكَ عَن مَديحي
فَليسَ يُنجيكَ مِن هِجائي