1. O generous one, neither the generous one hopes for you
Nor the deprived one seeks you through benevolence
١. أَبا الجودِ ما ناديكَ بِالجودِ مَعمورُ
وَلا بِيَدِ الإِحسانِ راجيكَ مَغمورُ
2. You are blamed, so none who reviles you in the world
Is blamed, nor he who spends the night hoping for you, excused
٢. لَؤُمتَ فَلا مَن ظَلَّ يَهجوكَ في الوَرى
مَلومٌ وَلا مَن باتَ يَرجوكَ مَعذورُ
3. You have always been of imperfect character, miserable
So your honor is diminished and your wealth restricted
٣. وَمازِلتَ مُعتَلَّ الخِلالِ مُذَمَّماً
فَعِرضُكَ مَنقوصٌ وَمالُكَ مَقصورُ
4. You extend for benevolence a palm whose fingers
Are tied with a severed fortune of goodness
٤. تَمُدُّ إِلى الإِحسانِ كَفّاً بَنانُها
يُناطُ بِهِ زَندٌ مِنَ الخَيرِ مَبتورُ
5. A cloak upon betrayal and ill omens, deployed
And a train upon indecency and shame, dragged
٥. رِداءٌ عَلى الخِذلانِ وَالشُؤمِ مُسبَلٌ
وَذَيلٌ عَلى الفَحشاءِ وَالعارِ مَزرورُ
6. You have harbored vulgarity, baseness,
And villainy, so there is with you neither good nor goodness
٦. حَوَيتَ المَخازي خِسَّةً وَدَناءَةً
وَلُؤماً فَلا خَيرٌ لَدَيكَ وَلا خيرُ
7. You remained for the events of nights, unaware,
While your night is abandoned and your hater victorious
٧. بَقيتَ لِأَحداثِ اللَيالي دَرِيَّةً
وَلَيُّكَ مَخذولٌ وَشانيكَ مَنصورُ
8. The days fight you after their peace
And you are humiliated, subjugated by fate
٨. تُحارِبُكَ الأَيّامُ مِن بَعدِ سِلمِها
وَأَنتَ ذَليلٌ في يَدِ الدَهرِ مَقهورُ
9. You have thus remained deprived of the nights and their days
As generosity in your black days remained severed
٩. فَلا زِلتَ مَوتورَ اللَيالي وَصَرفِها
كَما الفَضلُ في أَيّامِكَ السودِ مَوتورُ
10. Your sanctum is violated, your abode deserted
And your robe torn, your door abandoned
١٠. حَريمُكَ مَبذولٌ وَرَبعُكَ موحِشٌ
وَشَملُكَ مَصدوعٌ وَبابُكَ مَهجورُ