1. Say to the glory of al-Din, by whom excellence was sealed,
O you who paved the way for Islam,
١. قُل لِمَجدِ الدينِ الَّذي خُتِمَ الجو
دُ بِهِ يا مُمَهِّدَ الإِسلامِ
2. You are the reviver of the dead virtues and generosity,
In battle, the slayer of tyranny,
٢. أَنتَ مُحيي مَيتِ المَكارِمِ وَالمُط
عِمُ في المَحلِ قاتِلُ الإِعدامِ
3. You are the asset of the hopeful, the protector of orphans,
The shelter for the seeking refuge and the oppressed,
٣. أَنتَ مالُ الراجي ثِمالُ اليَتامى
عِصمَةُ المُستَجيرِ وَالمُستَضامِ
4. The processions have come to us, heading towards
The nobility of your generous, noble forefathers,
٤. قَد أَتَتنا الأَطباقُ تُنمى إِلى سو
دَدِ آبائِكَ المُلوكِ الكِرامِ
5. Filled and surrounded with the generosity and honor
Of the righteous caliphate and generosity,
٥. وَهيَ مَملوءَةٌ وَمَحفوفَةٌ بِال
كَرَمِ الصاحِبِيِّ وَالإِكرامِ
6. Upon it are plates; a vast, delightful sight,
Each plate being like the platter of peace,
٦. وَعَلَيها الصُحونُ فيحاً رِحاباً
كُلُّ صَحنٍ مِنها كَصَحنِ السَلامِ
7. It contains nothing objectionable or blameworthy,
Beyond reproach or blemish,
٧. لَيسَ فيها شَيءٌ يُعابُ وَمَعرو
فُكَ يَأبى عَن كُلِّ عابٍ وَذامِ
8. Except that the boy beneath it walks slowly,
By Allah, the boy needs help,
٨. غَيرَ أَنَّ الغُلامَ مِن تَحتِها يَمش
ي رُوَيداً فَاللَهِ عَونُ الغُلامِ
9. So stay purely forthcoming in your generous giving,
Prolonging the bountiful life of the Tigris, fully bestowing favor.
٩. فَاِبقَ صافي مَوارِدِ الجودِ مَسكو
بَ حَيا الرِفدِ سابِغَ الإِنعامِ