
Your praise is beyond the capability of humans,

مدحك لا يستطيعه البشر

1. Your praise is beyond the capability of humans,
When the Quranic chapters were revealed about you.

١. مَدحُكَ لا يَستَطيعُهُ البَشَرُ
أَنّى وَقَد أُنزِلَت بِهِ السُوَرُ

2. The seven oft-repeated verses have spared you
The need for praise, O Ya Seen and Az-Zumar.

٢. أَغنَتكَ عَن مَدحِ ما دِحيكَ مِنَ ال
سَبعِ المَثاني ياسينُ وَالزُمُرُ

3. So poetry tries to praise your loftiness with
Whatever is within its capacity, and apologizes.

٣. فَالشِعرُ يُثني عَلى عُلاكَ بِما
يَدخُلُ في وَسعِهِ وَيَعتَذِرُ

4. You have governed the subjects with a tradition
That none among the people emulated except Omar.

٤. سُستَ الرَعايا بِسيرَةٍ لَم يَسِر
في الناسِ إِلّا بِمِثلِها عُمَرُ

5. You are the rightly-guided Imam, we have no
True Imam deserving to be awaited but you.

٥. أَنتَ الإِمامُ المَهدِيُّ لَيسَ لَنا
إِمامُ حَقِّ سِواكَ يُنتَظَرُ

6. You appear before our eyes, contrary to the claim
That the Imam is absent and awaited.

٦. تَبدو لِأَبصارِنا خِلافاً لِأَن
يُزعَمَ أَنَّ الإِمامَ مُنتَظَرُ

7. You remain for the duration of days, your impacts
And conduct characterized by justice linger on.

٧. تَبقى بَقاءَ الأَيامِ حالِيَةً
بِالعَدلِ مِنكَ الآثارُ وَالسَيرُ

8. It has spread justice over the lands, thus injustice
Has no eyes or traces left in them.

٨. مَعدِلَةً عَمَّتِ البِلادَ فَما
لِلجَورِ فيها عَينٌ وَلا أَثَرُ

9. So rule the ages omnipotently, by your will
Decree and destiny unfold.

٩. فَاِحكُم عَلى الدَهرِ قادِراً فَبِما
تَشاءُ يَجري القَضاءُ وَالقَدَرُ

10. You were a mercy to us when even city dwellers
And Bedouins had despaired of the lack of rain.

١٠. كُنتَ لَنا رَحمَةً وَقَد قَنِطَ ال
بَدوُ لِبُخلِ الأَنواءِ وَالحَضَرُ

11. You commanded justice so the clouds poured forth
And rain cascaded from their trails.

١١. أَمَرتَ فينا بِالعَدلِ فَاِنبَجَسَت
تَصوبُ سُحبُ الحَيا وَتَنهَمِرُ

12. The mercy of God is evident through signs like
The justice of the ruler and the rainfall.

١٢. وَرَحمَةُ اللَهِ مِن دَلائِلِها
في الأَرضِ عَدلُ السُلطانِ وَالمَطَرُ

13. O master of the times, in your hands lie
Benefit and harm after this.

١٣. يا صاحِبَ العَصرِ وَالزَمانِ وَمَن
في يَدِهِ النَفعُ بَعدُ وَالضَرَرُ

14. To you belong the day and night and
The sun and moon that continue to orbit.

١٤. وَمَن لَهُ اللَيلُ وَالنَهارُ وَما
كَرّا عَليهِ وَالشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

15. And the land and sea, the towering mountains,
The valleys' depths, the stars and the trees.

١٥. وَالبَرُّ وَالبَحرُ وَالشَواهِقُ وَال
غُرُّ الغَوادي وَالنَجمُ وَالشَجَرُ

16. Lord of the fluttering banner, advancement
And triumph carry it against the enemies.

١٦. رَبَّ اللِواءِ الخَفّاقِ يَقدُمُهُ
إِلى الأَعادي الإِقبالُ وَالظَفَّرُ

17. Vanquisher of the white swords and blades,
You leave no betrayer remaining or spared.

١٧. وَمُرهِفَ البيضِ وَالأَسِنَّةِ لا
يُبقي عَلى ناكِثٍ وَلا يَذَرُ

18. Charger of the battle, whom the specter
Of death with all its breasts cannot deter.

١٨. وَمَورِدَ القَرنِ لا يُنَهنِهُهُ
وِرداً مِنَ المَوتِ ما لَهُ صَدَرُ

19. Captain of the army, like scorpions
Whose sting the eyes cannot follow or detect.

١٩. وَقائِدَ الجُردِ كَالعَقارِبِ لا
يُدرِكُها في نَجائِها البَصَرُ

20. Its attack each day is a fierce battle,
Its resolve and determination like spears.

٢٠. حُماتُها كُلَّ يَومِ مَلحَمَةٍ
حَماتُها وَالقَنا لَها إِبرُ

21. Rushing ahead to thrust as the wild doves
Once they flock eagerly to their drinking spot.

٢١. مُستَبِقاتٍ إِلى الطِعانِ كَما
حامَت عَلى وِردِها القَطا الكُدُرُ

22. The brave youths surrounding it avoidTagName
Being ransomed for the price of causingTagName harm.

٢٢. يَجنِبُها حَولَهُ مِن الغِلمَةِ الت
تُركِ بُدورٌ أَثمانُها بِدَرُ

23. The awesomeness of their beauty guarantees
None shall miss or lose an opportunity.

٢٣. قَد ضَمِنَت رَوعَةُ الجَمالِ لَهُم
وَالناسِ أَن لا يَفوتَهُم وَطَرُ

24. You see heads you've vanquished, for them
Their long hair flows beautifully like poetry.

٢٤. حَصَّ رُؤوساً تَريكُها وَنَما
لَهُم عَلى طولِ لُبسِها الشَعرُ

25. From each archer, over his frown glimmers
A blade whose sharp edge is the lovely wild cow.

٢٥. مِن كُلِّ رامٍ عَن قَوسِ حاجِبِهِ
بِمُصمِياتٍ نِصالُها الحَوَرُ

26. Feminine in raiment, yet in his alluring eyes
Lurks a penetrating masculinity.

٢٦. مُؤَنَّثِ الزِيِّ في لَواحِظِهِ
مِن غُنجِ عَينيهِ صارِمٌ ذَكَرُ

27. Bearing in stance a cultivated poise that nearly
Buckles as he rises fully armored.

٢٧. تَحمِلُ مِن قَدِّهِ مُثَقَّفَةٌ
تَكادُ عِندَ القِيامِ تَنأَطِرُ

28. Flexible but firm in clutching to the saddle pommel,
Its accustomed role being obedience.

٢٨. لانَ وَلَكِن صَلبٌ لِعاجِمِهِ
وَالغُضنُ اللَدنُ شَأنُهُ الخَوَرُ

29. Brighter than white stallions except for
Modesty and light armor they wear.

٢٩. يَفوقُ بيضَ الحِجالِ ما فاتَهُ
مِنهُنَّ إِلّا الحَياءُ وَالخَفَرُ

30. Dune sand in traveling-dress, but when
The flames of war blaze, a fierce tiger.

٣٠. جُؤذَرُ رَملٍ في السِلمِ وَهوَ إِذا
ما شَبَّتِ الحَربُ نارَها نَمِرُ

31. In armor a lion in its den, and in the radiance
Of his face, a moon shines from his fair complexion.

٣١. في الدِرعِ مِنهُ لَيثُ العَرينِ وَفي ال
بَيضَةِ مِن حُسنِ وَجهِهِ قَمَرُ

32. His beauty and the eyes that behold him
Are free plunder, and his mouth a harvested field.

٣٢. جَمالُهُ وَالعُيونُ تُدرِكُهُ
نَهبٌ مُباحٌ وَثَغرُهُ ثُغَرُ

33. They walk with pride to war, indifferent to fate,
As if souls reckon endangerment is dishonor.

٣٣. يَمشونَ خَطراً إِلى الحُروبِ مَسا
عيرَ وَغىً لا يَروعُهُم خَطَرُ

34. Young stars in the horizon at dawn, their souls
Deem the glories of heroism to be insignificant.

٣٤. غُرّاً صِباحَ الوُجوهِ هانَ عَلى
نُفوسِهِم في مَرامِها الغَرَرُ

35. When they ready themselves like blooming flowers
And don armor as if clad in darkness.

٣٥. إِذا اِنتَضَوها مِثلَ الرِياضِ ظُبىً
وَاِدَّرَعوها كَأَنَّها الغُدُرُ

36. You see a blazing fire suspended in air, the sparks
Of their violence exude flames for it.

٣٦. رَأَيتَ ناراً في الجَوِّ مُضرَمَةً
يَلفَحُ مِن بَأسِهِم لَها شَرَرُ

37. The equipment of a king with a terrifying roar
Nearly making the mountains crumble from its shake.

٣٧. عِتادُ مُلكٍ لَهُ زَئيرُ سُطىً
تَكادُ مِنها الجِبالُ تَنفَطِرُ

38. A storeroom of wisdom and valor, extinguishing
The flames of turmoil, setting wisdom ablaze.

٣٨. بِالرَأيِ مِنهُ وَالبَأسِ آوِنَةً
تَخمَدُ نارُ الوَغى وَتَستَعِرُ

39. He shows clemency from a position of capability, and excellent
Is the brother of forbearance though able to punish.

٣٩. يَحلُمُ عَن قُدرَةٍ وَأَحسَنُ ما
مَنَّ أَخو الحِلمِ وَهوَ مُقتَدِرُ

40. He has accustomed the temper of fate such that no
Ill will to his people is harbored in its thoughts.

٤٠. أَحالَ طَبعَ الدَهرَ الخَؤونِ فَما
تُضمِرُ سوءاً لِأَهلِهِ الغِيَرُ

41. And stopped its injustices, so fate holds no
Fangs or victories in this time.

٤١. وَكَفَّ عَن ظُلمِها الخُطوبَ فَما
لِلخَطبِ فيها نابٌ وَلا ظُفُرُ

42. Thus with the victorious Imam, when the epochs
Of time unfold, we shall be triumphant.

٤٢. فَنَحنُ بِالناصِرِ الإِمامِ إِذا
عُدَّت عَوادي الأَيّامِ نَنتَصِرُ

43. May Allah support his caliphate until commanded
For his kingdom are docile horses.

٤٣. أَيَّدَهُ اللَهُ في خِلافَتِهِ
حَتّى أُمِرَّت لِمُلكِهِ المِرَرُ

44. He attained it peacefully and granted it in pristine form
Unsullied by any turbidity.

٤٤. فَنالَها وادِعاً وَأَورَدَها
صافِيَةً لا يَشوبُها كَدَرُ

45. He assumed the authority without supporters,
Though numerous, a grace from Allah

٤٥. وَقامَ بِالأَمرِ غَيرَ مُعتَضِدٍ
فيهِ بِأَنصارِهِ وَإِن كَثُروا

46. None can share with him in taking his right
From a people whose foreheads bow to them

٤٦. فَضلاً مِنَ اللَهِ لا يُشارِكُهُ
فيهِ عَلى أَخذِ حَقِّهِ بَشَرُ

47. And whose skin prickles in awe when they are named
Lions of darkness, victorious when they ride

٤٧. مِن مَعشَرٍ تَخضَعُ الجِباهُ لَهُم
وَتَقشَعِرُّ الجُلودُ إِن ذُكِروا

48. Full moons in the horizon when they draw forth
They are Allah's trustees, noblest of people

٤٨. آسادُ غيلٍ غُلبٌ إِذا رَكِبوا
أَقمارُ جَوٍّ إِذا اِنتَدوا زُهُرُ

49. Through them burdens fall from us, so if any
Affliction befalls, they carry our burdens

٤٩. هُم أُمَناءُ اللَهِ الكِرامُ عَلى ال
خَلقِ وَهُم آلُهُ إِذا اِفتَخَروا

50. Every evildoer in the Gathering on Judgment Day
Will be in need of their intercession.

٥٠. بِهِم تُحَطُّ الأَوزارُ عَنّا فَإِن
عَنَّ بَلاءٌ فَهُم لَنا وَزرُ

51. When faced with crises, their ambitions kindle
Fires whose flashes and embers radiate valor.

٥١. كُلُّ مُسيءٍ إِلى شَفاعَتِهِم
في الحَشرِ يَومَ المَعادِ يَفتَقِرُ

52. They fulfill covenants and pacts, while nights raid
The homes of their tribes without precaution.

٥٢. إِذا اِدلَهَمَّ الخَطبُ اِمتَطوا هِمَماً
تُشرِقُ مِنها الأَوضاحُ وَالغُرَرُ

53. By Allah's decree they must be obeyed, no act
Of disobedience occurs if they issue a command.

٥٣. يوفونَ بِالعَهدِ وَالذِمامِ وَلِلدَه
رِ لَيالٍ بِأَهلِهِ غُدُرُ

54. With them Hashim gained supremacy over
Ancient epochs, and through Hashim, Mudar gained it.

٥٤. حَتمٌ مِنَ اللَهِ أَن يُطاعوا فَما
تُعصى لَهُم إِمرَةٌ إِذا أَمَروا

55. I am true to you in loyalty, O Family of Abbas
For Judgment Day have I stored my reward

٥٥. سادَت بِهِم هاشِمٌ عَلى سالِفِ الد
دَهرِ وَسادَت بِهاشِمٍ مُضَرُ

56. And praising you in my scroll is a deed through which
I pride myself on the Day of Reckoning.

٥٦. صِدقي لَكُم في الوَلاءِ يا آلَ عَب
باسِ لِيَومِ الجَزاءِ مُدَّخَرُ

57. Loving you is my doctrine, obeying you
Is for me an absolution for what I committed.

٥٧. وَمَدحُكُم في صَحيفَتي عَمَلٌ
بِنَشرِهِ في النُشورِ أَفتَخِرُ

58. You are my partisans, through you I prevail
If fate denounces me, and I gain victory.

٥٨. وَحُبُّكُم مَذهَبي وَطاعَتُكُم
عِندِيَ كَفّارَةٌ لِما أَزِرُ

59. You are guides for us to the path of truth
While the night of misguidance remains concealed.

٥٩. وَأَنتُمُ شيعَتي أَعِزُّ بِكُم
إِذا نَبا بي دَهرٌ وَأَنتَصِرُ

60. You inherited knowledge and the caliphate from the
Best Prophet, you are his elite supporters.

٦٠. أَنتُم هُداةٌ لَنا إِلى سُبُلِ ال
حَقِّ وَلَيلُ الضَلالِ مُعتَكِرُ

61. Forever until the Resurrection shall remain for you
The banner of sovereignty across the land outstretched

٦١. وَرِثتُمُ العِلمَ وَالخِلافَةَ عَن
خَيرِ نَبِيٍّ أَنتُم لَهُ نَفَرُ

62. By your efforts and assuming the honor of the Sanctum
Long ago, and through you the Stone was exalted.

٦٢. وَسَوفَ يَبقَى إِلى النُشورِ لَكُم
لِواءُ مُلكٍ في الأَرضِ مُنتَشِرُ

63. With his grace the Imam Abu Al-Abbas restored
Their days though they have passed.

٦٣. بِسَعيِكُم وَاِستِلامِكُم شَرُفَ ال
حِجرِ قَديماً وَعُظِّمَ الحَجَرُ

64. O you through whom existence is pleasant
And life in your time tastes sweet.

٦٤. رَدَّ بِإِحسانِهِ الإِمامُ أَبو ال
عَباسِ أَيّامَهُم وَقَد غَبَروا

65. From your names are derived lofty attributes
In which fancies and thoughts go astray.

٦٥. يا مَن بِهِ يَحسُنُ البَقاءُ وَمَن
يَطيبُ في مِثلِ عَصرِهِ العُمُرُ

66. To you, many of your praises which neither
Censure diminishes nor limits contain.

٦٦. وَمِن لِأَسمائِهِ نُعوتُ عُلىً
تَضِلُّ فيها الأَوهامُ وَالفِكَرُ

67. As if it were a garden of bramble in which
The dew sways the blossoms.

٦٧. إِلَيكَ غَرّاءَ مِن ثَنائِكَ لا
يَغُضُّ مِنها عِيٌّ وَلا حَصَرُ

68. I spread from it over hearings seas of eulogy
Like ink though it flows long.

٦٨. كَأَنَّها رَوضَةٌ بِمَجنِيَّةٍ
باتَ يَمُجُّ النَدى بِها الزَهَرُ

69. None reproaches its length, but only strain
And wakefulness befall those seeking its extent.

٦٩. أَنشُرُ مِنها عَلى المَسامِعِ أَف
وافَ مَديحٍ كَأَنَّها حِبَرُ

70. None who dares vie with it merits anything
Except long toil and sleeplessness.

٧٠. ما عابَها طولُها وَفي باعِ مَن
يَطلُبُ إِدراكَ شَأوِها قِصَرُ

71. So remain for us a sanctuary to which hopes
Make pilgrimage, alight at your door.

٧١. لَيسَ لِمَن رامَ أَن يُطاوِلَها
إِلّا العَناءُ الطَويلُ وَالسَهَرُ

72. Each sin, if you remain apologizing it
In times of scarcity, is forgivable.

٧٢. فَاِبقَ لَنا كَعبَةً تَحُجُّ إِلى
بابِكَ آمالُنا وَتَعتَمِرُ

73. And live for a world whose youth and beauty
Your time has restored more vividly.

٧٣. فَكُلُّ ذَنبٍ إِذا بَقيتَ لَنا
في جَذَلٍ لِلزَمانِ مُغتَفَرُ

74. The life of a verdant, gentle kingdom
In which lasts what endures of the green.

٧٤. وَعِش لِدُنيا أَعدى النَضارَةَ وَال
حُسنَ إِلَيها زَمانُكَ النَضِرُ

75. At your gates settle joy and passions guide to it
Contentment and innocence at dawn.

٧٥. عَيشَةَ مُلكٍ خَضراءَ ناعِمَةً
تَخلُدُ فيها ما خُلِّدَ الخَضِرُ

76. The eyes have not fully adored its sorcery
Nor the turtledoves' love stirred the trees.

٧٦. يَعتادُ أَبوابَكَ الهَناءُ وَيَه
ديهِ إِلَيها الرَوحاتُ وَالبُكَرُ

٧٧. ما نَفَثَت سِحرَها العُيونُ وَما
حَرَّكَ شَجوَ الحَمائِمِ الشَجرُ