
You promised to weave a mat for me

وعدت بأن تنفذ لي حصيرا

1. You promised to weave a mat for me
Yet who but the lowly promise mats?

١. وَعَدتَ بِأَن تُنَفِّذَ لي حَصيراً
وَهَل يَعِدُ الحَصيرَ سِوى الحَقيرِ

2. You did not keep your word when you promised
What good can be expected from an unlucky wretch?

٢. وَلَم تَفِ إِذ وَعَدتَ وَأَيُّ خَيرٍ
يُرَجّى مِن يَدي نَحسٍ فَقيرِ

3. So do not be miserly, keep not your hands from it
For how many mats await you in hell!

٣. فَلا تُمسِك يَدَيكَ عَليهِ ضَنّاً
فَكَم لَكَ في جَهَنَّمَ مِن حَصيرِ