
Our companion was happy in his leisure

صحبنا في بطالته سعيدا

1. Our companion was happy in his leisure
And we were sincere in affection and exerted ourselves

١. صَحِبنا في بَطالَتِهِ سَعيداً
وَأَخلَصنا المَوَدَّةَ وَاِجتَهَدنا

2. And we said we hope for you, when approved by the Caliph
As an abode and refuge sublime

٢. وَقُلنا نَرتَجيكَ إِذا اِرتَضاهُ ال
خَليفَةُ لِلعُلى سَكَناً وَخِدنا

3. And how much hope we had in serving him
And covenants of loyalty to him we made

٣. وَكَم أَمَلٍ بِخِدمَتِهِ عَدَقنا
وَعَقدٍ بِالوَلاءِ لَهُ عَقَدنا

4. And we had closeness and approach to him
But since he was promoted, he distanced us

٤. وَكانَ لَنا دُنوٌّ وَاِقتِرابٌ
لَديهِ فَمُنذُ قَدَّمَهُ بَعُدنا

5. The amiability we knew in him vanished
And he became frowning, not as he was with us before

٥. تَجَهَّمَ ما عَهِدنا مِنهُ طَلقاً
وَأَصبَحَ عابِساً ما كانَ لَدنا

6. And we, if we wanted him for something
And came to him, he opposed what we wanted

٦. وَصِرنا إِن أَرَدناهُ لِأَمرٍ
وَوافَيناهُ خالَفَ ما أَرَدنا

7. So he prevents us gifts when we ask
And diminishes us when we seek increase

٧. فَيَمنَعُنا العَطاءَ إِذا سَأَلنا
وَيَنقُصُنا إِذا نَحنُ اِستَزَدنا

8. We were cast from his good fortune with ill luck
If only his ill luck were gone, we'd be fortunate

٨. رُمينا مِن سَعادَتِهِ بِنَحسٍ
فَلو قُضِيَ النَحوسُ لَهُ سَعِدنا

9. How can we politely withdraw and break away
And leave declining as we came

٩. فَكَيفَ لَنا بِصَرفٍ وَاِنقِطاعٍ
فَنَصدُرَ مُدبِرينَ كَما وَرَدنا

10. And time will not turn to us in kindness
When disagreement with us becomes clear, we'll return

١٠. وَلا عادَ الزَمانُ لَنا بِعَطفٍ
مَتى صَحَّ الخِلافُ لَنا فَعُدنا