1. A miser in his stinginess brought
As he celebrated in his lifetime bitterly
١. وَباخِلٍ جادَ عَلى بُخلِهِ
مُحتَفِلاً في عُمُرِهِ مَرَّه
2. A dried up camel as a gift
That has not been moistened by a drinking cup
٢. أَهدى إِلَينا حَمَلاً يابِساً
ما رَوِيَت مِن دَمِهِ الشَفرَه
3. So I found it, as I examined it
An alluring young camel from the clan of Udhra
٣. فَخِلتُهُ حينَ تَأَمَّلتُهُ
صَبّاً مَشوقاً مِن بَني عُذرَه