
Convey to Abul-Rayyan from the reproacher

أبلغ أبا الريان من عاتب

1. Convey to Abul-Rayyan from the reproacher
That his argument in his reproach is clear

١. أَبلِغ أَبا الرَيّانِ مِن عاتِبِ
حُجَّتُهُ في عَتَبِهِ بالِغَه

2. And say to him, O you whose robes of pilgrimage
Are perfect among people

٢. وَقُل لَهُ يا مَن ثِيابُ الحِجى
عَليهِ مِن دونِ الوَرى سابِغَه

3. I have filled the earth with praise of you, yet
My hands are still empty of hope

٣. مَلَأتُ فيكَ الأَرضَ مَدحاً فَما
بالُ يَدي مِن أَمَلي فارِغَه

4. And my day is not gloomy from you
While my excellence is a rising sun

٤. وَما لِحَظّي يَومُهُ مُظلِمٌ
مِنكَ وَفَضلي شَمسُهُ بازِغَه

5. So prevent the garments of blame with generosity
Lest they attack your honor and prevail

٥. فَاِمنَع ذِيابَ الهَجوِ بِالجودِ أَن
تُصبِحَ في أَعراضِكُم والِغَه