
I lived in luxury with the indulgent for a time,

نعمت زمانا مع المترفين

1. I lived in luxury with the indulgent for a time,
And lived as a wealthy, prosperous brother.

١. نَعِمتُ زَماناً مَعَ المُترِفينَ
وَعِشتُ أَخا ثَروَةٍ موسِرا

2. I spent the days of passion in union,
And the nights of youth getting drunk.

٢. وَقَضَّيتُ عُمرَ الهَوى بِالوِصالِ
وَلَيلَ الصِبى بِالدُمى مُقمِرا

3. Unrestrained in intimacy, indiscreet in flirtation,
I loved the coquettish gazelle.

٣. طَليقَ العِناقِ خَليعَ العِذارِ
أَهوى الغَزالَ إِذا عَذَّرا

4. I never disobeyed a lissome one in her ruling,
Stubborn or unyielding.

٤. وَلَم أَعصِ في حُكمِها غادَةً
كَعاباً وَلا رَشَأً أَحوَرا

5. By my Lord, a yellow girl, plump and soft,
I humbled myself before her, red and tender.

٥. وَيارُبَّ صَفراءَ مَشمولَةٍ
أَهَنتُ لَها العَسجَدَ الأَحمَرا

6. And I reveled in amusement, no regrets,
For a losing deal or loss.

٦. وَغالَيتُ في اللَهوِ لا نادِماً
لِصَفقَةِ غَبنٍ وَلا مُخسِرا

7. But I blamed every spendthrift with pyre,
Fueling his fires with ambergris.

٧. وَنادَمتُ كُلَّ سَخِيِّ البَنانِ
يُطعِمُ نيرانَهُ العَنبَرا

8. And I sat with every aloof and veiled one
From whom pitch-black destiny parts.

٨. وَجالَستُ كُلَّ مَنيعِ الحِجابِ
يَفرَقُ مِنهُ أُسودُ الشَرى

9. Of noble pillars and long tresses,
Wearing crown and veil.

٩. رَفيعِ العِمادِ طَويلِ النَجادِ
يَعتَصِبُ التاجَ وَالمِغفَرا

10. I visited governors and roamed the wilderness,
Sometimes settled, sometimes moving on.

١٠. وَزُرتُ الوُلاةَ وَخُضتُ الفَلاةَ
طَوراً ثَواءً وَطَوراً صُرى

11. I led the steeds, biting at the bit,
And the mare, docile in the open country.

١١. وَقُدتُ الجِيادَ تَلوكُ الشَكيمَ
وَالعيسَ خاضِعَةً في البُرى

12. I was not neglectful of pleasures,
Nor remiss in seeking lofty goals.

١٢. وَما كُنتُ في لَذَّةٍ وانِياً
وَلا عَن طِلابِ عُلىً مُقصِرا

13. But after the long life and the lowering of status
I have come to what you see.

١٣. وَها أَنا مِن بَعدِ طولِ الحَياةِ
وَالخَفضِ صِرتُ إِلى ماتَرى

14. I was left alone in the barrens,
When death severed those ties.

١٤. وَغودِرتُ مُنفَرِداً بِالعَرا
وَقَد قَصَمَ المَوتَ تِلكَ العُرى

15. As though I saw the days of youth
And the freshness of a life joyous and kind.

١٥. كَأَنّي رَأَيتُ زَمانَ الشَبابِ
وَنَضرَةَ عَيشٍ بِهِ في الكَرى

16. The passing of nights of intimacy
Were but like the twinkling of lightning.

١٦. وَما كانَ مَرُّ لَيالي السُلُوِّ
إِلّا كَخَطفَةِ بَرقٍ سَرى

17. So stand, reproachful, if you pass
My grave, and weep feelingly.

١٧. فَقِف بِيَ مُعتَبِراً إِن مَرَرتَ
عَلى جَدَثي وَاِبكِ مُستَعبِرا

18. Be not fooled by a flirt
Whose affection is made up.

١٨. وَلا تُخدَعَنَّ بِمُغتَرَّةٍ
حَديثُ مَوَدَّتِها مُفتَرى

19. Do not incline toward wealth
That will lay you in the grave afterwards.

١٩. وَلا تَركَنَنَّ إِلى ثَروَةٍ
مَقيلُكَ مِن بَعدِها في الثَرى