
O Salah al-Din, take heed

يا صلاح الدين خذ حذ

1. O Salah al-Din, take heed
From making peace with Iraq

١. يا صَلاحَ الدينِ خُذ حِذ
رَكَ مِن صِلِّ العِراقِ

2. For he has met you with stubbornness
And hypocrisy and faction

٢. فَلَقَد وافاكَ في ثَو
بي عِنادٍ وَنِفاقِ

3. Let not his sweet words deceive you
Underneath lies all sorts of lies and deceit

٣. لا يَغُرَّنَّكَ مِنهُ
مَنطِقٌ حُلوُ المَذاقِ

4. Do not draw near, for nothing prospers
Except separation from him

٤. تَحتَهُ ما شِئتَ مِن إِف
كٍ وَزورِ وَاِختِلاقِ

5. He is clever in his subtle meanings
And skilled in his fine debates

٥. لا تُقَرِّبهُ فَما يَص
لُحُ إِلّا لِلفِراقِ

6. Quench him with cups of your bitter wrath
Before he bears what cannot be borne

٦. دَقَّ لُؤماً فَتَفَطَّن
في مَعانيهِ الدِقاقِ

7. Do not keep company, those who intercede for him
Are mixed with the riffraff

٧. وَاِسقِهِ مِن سُخطِكَ المُر
رِ بِكَأساتٍ دِهاقِ

8. He is a disease in the guts
With an infected wound between the ribs

٨. قَبلَ أَن تَحمِلَ مِن مَك
روهِهِ غَيرَ المُطاقِ

9. The greatest liar when he swears
A solemn oath of divorce

٩. لا تُخالِطهُ وَسائِل
عَنهُ أَخلاطَ الرِفاقِ

10. A smooth talker who brings them together
With his agreement and consensus

١٠. فَهوَ داءٌ في الخَياشي
مِ شَجاً بَينَ التَراقي

11. He divides and fragments any alliance
With his sowing of discord and disunity

١١. أَكذَبُ الناسِ إِذا آ
لى يَميناً بِالطَلاقِ

12. A viper whose mouth spews
Poison into the veins

١٢. أَبيَضُ الرِجلِ بِإِجما
عٍ عَلَيهِ وَاِتِّفاقِ

13. May God protect you from the snake
With the colored stripes

١٣. أَيُّ شَملٍ ما رَماهُ
بِشَتاتٍ وَاِفتِراقِ

14. How many has he wronged with falsehoods
Whose tears are shedding in torrents

١٤. أَفعُوانٌ ما لِما يَن
فِثُهُ مِن فيهِ راقي

15. And wounds too deep for consolers
And agonizing laments

١٥. فَلَكَ اللَهُ مِنَ الحَي
يَةِ ذي الإِطراقِ واقي

16. Eyes whose lids are rubbed raw
That look to him without yearning

١٦. فَلَكَم غادَرَ بِالزَو
راءِ مِن دَمعٍ مُراقِ

17. God has led him to our wealth
Along the worst course

١٧. وَجُروحٍ تَعجِزُ النا
صِحَ وَالآسي عِماقِ

18. He has swallowed it with deceit
Hypocrisy and betrayal

١٨. وَعُيونٍ قُرِّحَت مِن
ها جُفونٌ وَمَآقي

19. With words smoother than white silk
And his hands toy with it

١٩. يَتَطَلَّعنَ إِلى رُؤ
ياهُ مِن غَيرِ اِشتِياقِ

20. Now by force, now by agreement and consent
And he escaped while the winds don't catch up

٢٠. ساقَهُ اللَهُ إِلى أَم
والِنا شَرَّ سِياقِ

21. Fleeing the lame she-camels
Filling his arms with naked disgrace

٢١. فَحَواها بِخِداعٍ
وَرِياءٍ وَنِفاقِ

22. Seeking your protection, do not let him attain
The market of hypocrisy

٢٢. وَبِأَلفاظٍ هِيَ أَمضى
مِنَ البيضِ الرِقاقِ

23. So fear God and do not leave
The slave of wickedness

٢٣. وَغَدَت تَلعَبُ فيها
يَدُهُ لُعبَ الخِفاقِ

24. Prepare, our Master, against him
And prepare him for captivity

٢٤. تارَةً غَصباً وَطوراً
عَن تَراضٍ وَوِفاقِ

25. Do not relieve the anguish
Of the tight noose around the neck of the worthless

٢٥. وَنَجا وَالريحُ لا تَط
مَعُ مِنهُ في لِحاقِ

26. And seek refuge from faces with
Wickedness, betrayal and corruption

٢٦. هارِباً مِنها نَجاءَ ال
أَعوَجِيّاتِ العِتاقِ

27. That he not see beneath your shade
Or in your hall

٢٧. مالِئاً حُضنَيهِ مِن عا
رٍ عَلى الأَيّامِ باقَي

28. For the likes of you are not suited
To the ropes of hypocrisy

٢٨. طالِباً عِندَكَ لا بُل
لِغَها سوقَ نَفاقِ

٢٩. فَاِتَّقِ اللَهَ وَلا تُب
قِ عَلى عَبدِ الإِباقِ

٣٠. أَعِد مَولانا عَلَيهِ
وَأَعِدهُ في وِثاقِ

٣١. لا تُنَفِّس عَن لَئيمٍ
أَبَداً ضيقَ خِناقِ

٣٢. وَاِستَعِذ مِن أَوجُهٍ بِال
لُؤمِ وَالغَدرِ صِفاقِ

٣٣. أَن يَرى تَحتَ ظِلالٍ
لَكَ أَو تَحتَ رُواقِ

٣٤. فَعَلى مِثلِكَ لا
تَنفُقُ أَعلاقُ النِفاقِ