1. O what a day of reverence it is
Tongues fall short of thanking it
١. يالَكَ مِن يَومٍ لَهُ حُرمَةٌ
تُقَصِّرُ الأَلسُنُ عَن شُكرِهِ
2. With the innocence of our Master in whose era
The lips of the unjust were uprooted
٢. بِبُرءِ مَولانا الَّذي اِستُؤصِلَت
شافَةُ أَهلِ الجَورِ في عَصرِهِ
3. If it only entailed foiling
The deceit of Abu Al-Rayyan against him
٣. لَو لَم يَكُن فيهِ سِوى رَدِّهِ
كَيدَ أَبي الرَيّانِ في نَحرِهِ
4. And proving his hopes false
And breaking the desires in his chest
٤. وَأَنَّهُ كَذَّبَ آمالَهُ
وَكَسَّرَ الحاجاتِ في صَدرِهِ
5. He wished, but Allah did not destine
That what he hid in secret be exposed
٥. أَمَّلَ لا قَدَّرَهُ اللَهُ أَن
يَظهَرَ ما يُبطِنُ في سِرِّهِ
6. Until people could see on his face
What Satan portrayed in his mind
٦. حَتّى اِستَشَفَّ الناسُ مِن وَجهِهِ
ما صَوَّرَ الشَيطانُ في فِكرِهِ
7. So O Commander of the Faithful
Do what wisdom requires in his matter
٧. فَيا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ اِعتَمِد
ما يَقتَضيهِ الحَزمُ في أَمرِهِ
8. Purify the lands of justice from his tyranny
And cleanse Islam from his blasphemy
٨. طَهِّر بِلادَ العَدلِ مِن جَورِهِ
وَنَزِّهِ الإِسلامَ مِن كُفرِهِ
9. And uncover from the state what afflicted it
Of disgraceful shame and hardship
٩. وَاِكشِف عَنِ الدَولَةِ ما رابَها
مِن عارِهِ المُخزي وَمِن عُسرِهِ
10. And make up for negligence in his regard
And fear for Baghdad from his plotting
١٠. وَاِستَدرِكِ الفارِطَ في حَقِّهِ
وَاِخشَ عَلى بَغداذَ مِن مَكرِهِ
11. Lest his ill-omen ruins it
As the Merciful did not bless his lifetime
١١. فَرُبَّما أَخرَبَها شُؤمُهُ
لا بارَكَ الرَحمَنُ في عُمرِهِ