1. Joy descended in the courtyard of your family
O house, morning follows not the evening
١. نَزَلَت بِساحَةِ أَهلِكَ الأَفراحُ
يادارُ ما عَقَبَ المَساءَ صَباحُ
2. You remained inhabited, homeland of its people
It is the body, and you all are its soul
٢. وَبَقيتُمُ عامِري أَوطانِها
فَهيَ الجُسومُ وَأَنتُمُ الأَرواحُ
3. A house where happiness resided, so it has no
Lifespan from its people, time passes by
٣. دارٌ أَقامَ بِها السُرورُ فَما لَهُ
عَن أَهلِها عُمرَ الزَمانِ بَراحُ
4. All virtues gathered for its builder
It has a rising toward it and a setting
٤. جُمِعَت لِبانيها الفَضائِلُ كُلُّها
فَلَها غُدُوٌ نَحوَها وَرَواحُ
5. Its happiness celestial sphere stars became for him
Its drinking-companions and stars are wine-cups
٥. أَضحَت لَهُ فَلَكُ السُرورِ بُروجُها
نُدَماؤُها وَنُجومُها الأَقداحُ