
I have no companion to alleviate the tyranny of nights,

مالي على جور الليالي صاحب

1. I have no companion to alleviate the tyranny of nights,
Other than the friend of a friend whom I call but is not my companion.

١. مالي عَلى جَورِ اللَيالي صاحِبٌ
أَدعوهُ غَيرُ الصاحِبِ اِبنِ الصاحِبِ

2. A generous king who quenched my thirst with his benevolence and wisdom,
When I complained of my misery and tribulations.

٢. مَلِكٌ سَقاني مِن نَداهُ وَرَأيِهِ
لَمّا اِشتَكَيتُ بِصَيِّبٍ وَبِصائِبِ

3. He brought back to me my unforgiving lost days,
And softened for me the heart of time, however blaming.

٣. فَأَعادَ أَيّامي الجُفاةَ حَوانِياً
وَأَلانِ لي قَلبَ الزَمانِ العاتِبِ

4. He saw the events striking at my dignity,
With treachery and misfortunes.

٤. وَرَأى الحَوادِثَ وَهيَ تَقرَعُ مَروَتي
بِشَوائِبٍ مِن غَدرِها وَنَوائِبِ

5. He saved me from its twists and revived me,
From between its claws and talons.

٥. فَأَدالَني مِن صَرفِها وَاِنتاشَني
مِن بَينِ أَنيابٍ لَها وَمَخالِبِ

6. He was affectionate and brought back my past youth,
And days of departed adolescence.

٦. وَحَنا عَلَيَّ فَرَدَّ لي زَمَنَ الصِبا ال
ماضي وَأَيّامَ الشَبابِ الذاهِبِ

7. So I will thank his benevolence like a meadow,
The singing rainfall's fountainhead.

٧. فَلَأَشكُرَنَّ نَداهُ شُكرَ الرَوضَةِ
الغَنّاءِ مُنهَلَّ الغَمامِ الساكِبِ

8. And I will fill the East and West of the world,
With glimmerings of his praise and setting lights.

٨. وَلَأَملَأَنَّ شَرقَ البِلادِ وَغَربَها
بِشَوارِقٍ مِن مَديحِهِ وَغَوارِبِ

9. Leaving for the days a necklace from him,
Like a bead necklace around the neck of a maiden.

٩. تُبقي عَلى الأَيّامِ مِنهُ قِلادَةً
كَالعِقدِ في عُنقِ الفَتاةِ الكاعِبِ