1. Without you, O best of those who walk on foot
Hope is lost and the tradition of generosity has died
١. لَولاكَ يا خَيرَ مَن يَمشي عَلى قَدَمِ
خابَ الرَجاءُ وَماتَت سُنَّةُ الكَرَمِ
2. O you whom we saw clearly through his generosity
People did not tell of Kaab or Harim
٢. يا مَن رَأَينا عِياناً مِن مَكارِمِهِ
ما حَدَّثَ الناسُ عَن كَعبٍ وَعَن هَرِمِ
3. And he who when the helpless call upon him
His generosity satisfies them instead of destinies
٣. وَمَن إِذا اِستَصرَخَ العافونَ راحَتَهُ
لَبّاهُمُ جودُها المَأمولُ عَن أَمَمِ
4. When you are generous to us though the clouds withhold rain
The palm of your hand suffices us instead of rain
٤. إِذا سَمُحتَ لَنا وَالسُحبُ مُخلِفَةٌ
فَجودُ كَفِّكَ يُغنينا عَنِ الدِيَمِ
5. Your kingdom restored life to the world
After its days had passed into old age and it had
٥. أَعادَ مُلكُكَ لِلدُنيا نَضارَتَها
وَما تَصَرَّمَ مِن أَيّامِها القُدُمِ
6. No cave for a seeker of rest or a hill for one seeking refuge
So people are in a paradise of your fair conduct
٦. مِن بَعدِ ما غَبَرَت حيناً وَلَيسَ بِها
كَهفٌ لِراجٍ وَلا طَودٌ لِمُعتَصِمِ
7. And the feared misery of your torment in the sanctuary
O you through whom God spread generosity
٧. فَالناسُ في جَنَّةٍ مِن عَدلِ سيرَتِكَ ال
حُسنى وَمِن بَئسِكَ المَرهوبِ في حَرَمِ
8. And through whom he brought life to noble manners and virtues
The best of lands is the place you tread
٨. يامَن بِهِ نَشَرَ اللَهُ السَماحَ وَمَن
أَحيا بِهِ كَرَمَ الأَخلاقِ وَالشِيَمِ
9. And a nation you are the best of its people
You built a house its horoscope destined happiness
٩. خَيرُ البِلادِ مَكانٌ أَنتَ واطِئُهُ
وَأُمَّةٌ أَنتَ مِنها أَفضَلُ الأُمَمِ
10. The world stood on its toes aspiring to its loftiness
It towered over every house in elevation
١٠. بَنَيتَ داراً قَضى بِالسَعدِ طالِعُها
قامَت لِهَيبَتِها الدُنيا عَلى قَدَمِ
11. The height of its builder's ambition over aspirations
The stars bow in reverence for its honor
١١. سَمَت عَلى كُلِّ دارٍ رِفعَةً وَعَلَت
عُلُوَّ هِمَّةِ بانيها عَلى الهِمَمِ
12. And the orbits humble themselves before its greatness
It wishes that it would become a threshold trodden
١٢. تَعنو الكَواكِبُ إِجلالاً لِعِزَّتِها
وَتَستَكينُ لَها الأَفلاكُ مِن عِظَمِ
13. By the feet of your boon companions and servants
As if it were Iram of the pillars made even more proud
١٣. تَوَدُّ لَو أَنَّها أَمسَت تُداسُ بِأَق
دامِ الوَلائِدِ في ناديكَ وَالخَدَمِ
14. By its owner over Iram
We circumambulated its corners as pilgrims circumambulate
١٤. كَأَنَّها إِرَمٌ ذاتُ العِمادِ وَإِن
زادَت بِمالِكِها فَخراً عَلى إِرَمِ
15. With some of us around it as Muslims and some as submitters
You made it permitted so by God how did it contain
١٥. طُفنا بِأَركانِها طَوفَ الحَجيجِ فَمِن
مُسلِمٍ حَولَها مِنّا وَمُستَلِمِ
16. The tide of an ocean with surging waves of generosity
O house you are always filled with joys
١٦. حَلَلتُموها فَيا لِلَّهِ كَيفَ حَوَت
تَيّارَ بَحرٍ بِمَوجِ الجودِ مُلتَطِمِ
17. Adorned and clothed with blessings
Neither did its teeming quarters lack my praises
١٧. يا دارُ لا زِلتِ بِالأَفراحِ آهِلَةَ ال
مَغنى وَمُليتِ ما أُلبِستِ مِن نِعَمِ
18. Nor its bustling doors lack my poems
The seasons adorned you with necklaces
١٨. وَلا خَلا رَبعُكِ المَأهولُ مِن مَدحي
يَوماً وَلا بابُكِ المَعمورُ مِن خِدمي
19. Of praise from my rhymes and words
Praises of you that will remain immortalized
١٩. وَأَلبَسَتكِ التَهاني مِن مَواسِمِها
قَلائِدَ الحَمدِ مِن نَظمي وَمِن كِلَمي
20. After me when my traces decay beneath the soil
And how can I not fill the world with your praises
٢٠. مَدائِحاً فيكَ لي تَبقى مُخَلَّدَةً
بَعدي إِذا بَلِيَت تَحتَ الثَرى رِمَمي
21. When you've opened my tongue with dew and my mouth with water
My life was a war and turmoil
٢١. وَكَيفَ لا أَملَأُ الدُنيا بِمَدحِكُمُ
وَقَد فَتَقتُم لِساني بِالنَدى وَفَمي
22. But through you I gained victory and offered the handshake of peace
If I were silent and did not speak of your gratitude
٢٢. قَد كانَ دَهري لي حَرباً وَمُنذُدَرى
أَنّي اِنتَصَرتُ بِكُم أَلقى يَدَ السَلَمِ
23. My bones and blood would praise what you have granted me
Today my leaves will not return shredded
٢٣. فَلَو سَكَتُّ وَلَم أَنطِق بِشُكرِكُمُ
أَثنَت عِظامي بِما أَولَيتُمُ وَدَمي
24. By tribulations nor will my excellence return diminished
Without you O sons of Al-Abbas the sun of daytime
٢٤. فَاليَومَ لا عودُ أَوراقي بِمُختَبَطٍ
مِنَ الخُطوبِ وَلا فَضلي بِمُهتَضَمِ
25. Would not have risen nor shone upon the nations
The masters of Mecca and its nobles from Mudar
٢٥. لَولاكُمُ يابَني العَباسِ ما طَلَعَت
شَمسُ النَهارِ وَلا ضاءَت عَلى الأُمَمِ
26. You are, and the neighbors of God's house and sanctuary
The protectors of a neighbor's sanctuary if
٢٦. ساداتُ مَكَّةَ وَالأَشرافُ مِن مُضَرٍ
أَنتُم وَجيرانُ بَيتِ اللَهِ وَالحَرَمِ
27. Misfortunes befall him and the fulfillers of covenants
So may a second nobility make you delighted after
٢٧. المانِعونَ حَريمَ الجارِ إِن نَزَلَت
بِهِ الحَوادِثُ وَالوافونَ بِالذِمَمِ
28. A nobility through which you surpassed mankind, Arabs and non-Arabs
By the riser whose light you rise through and are illuminated by
٢٨. فَليَهنِكُم شَرَفٌ ثانٍ إِلى شَرَفٍ
طُلتُم بِهِ الناسَ مِن عُربٍ وَمِن عَجَمِ
29. When the darkness of my night overwhelms me with gloom and darkness
The caliph of God on earth whom
٢٩. بِالقائِمِ المُستَضيءِ المُستَضاءِ بِهِ
إِذا اِدلَهَمَّت دِياجي الظُلمِ وَالظُلَمِ
30. Its regions have submitted to by the sword and pen
You remain in eternal bliss never ending
٣٠. خَليفَةِ اللَهِ في الدُنيا وَمَن خَضَعَت
لَهُ أَقاليمُها بِالسَيفِ وَالقَلَمِ
31. For as long as time and a kingdom that will never pass
Congratulations on an unsevered union
٣١. بَقيتُمُ في نَعيمٍ لا اِنقِضاءَ لَهُ
عُمرَ الزَمانِ وَمُلكٍ غَيرَ مُنصَرِمِ
32. In easy living and an unbroken rope
No gleam of lightning smiled in the darkness
٣٢. مُهَنَّئينَ بِشَملٍ غَيرِ مُنصَدِعٍ
في خَفضِ عَيشٍ وَحَبلٍ غَيرَ مُنفَصِمِ
33. And showed fire upon a flag
٣٣. ما أَومَضَت بِاِبتِسامِ البَرقِ سارِيَةٌ
تَحتَ الدُجا وَبَدَت نارٌ عَلى عَلَمِ