
O heights that have tempted the sleepless with my gaze,

يا علو أغريت السهاد بناظري

1. O heights that have tempted the sleepless with my gaze,
And slept through the night of the enamored watcher.

١. يا عُلوَ أَغرَيتِ السُهادَ بِناظِري
وَرَقَدتِ عَن لَيلِ المُحِبِّ الساهِرِ

2. What harm if you allowed the phantom of your reflection
To pass by the ambition for a fleeting visit?

٢. ماذا يَضُرُّكِ لَو سَمَحتِ عَلى النَوى
بِمُرورِ طَيفٍ مِن خَيالِكِ زائِرِ

3. How often have I embarked upon the perils of passion toward you,
Does union with you ever cross your mind?

٣. كَم قَد رَكِبتُ إِلَيكِ أَخطارَ الهَوى
أَفَما يَمُرُّ لَكِ الوِصالُ بِخاطِرِ

4. O radiant moon, do you remember on the horizon of ambition
The pact of the faithful lover keeping you in remembrance?

٤. هَل أَنتِ يا لَمياءُ ذاكِرَةٌ عَلى
شَحطِ النَوى عَهدَ الوَفِيِّ الذاكِرِ

5. After you all, I lost sleep so none consoled me,
And my night had no end without you all.

٥. أَضلَلتُ بَعدَكُمُ الرُقادَ فَما لِأَش
جاني وَلَيلي بَعدَكُم مِن آخِرِ

6. You made my vigil long, and how many nights
Passed with your union like the shadow of a bird.

٦. وَأَطَلتُمُ سَهَري وَكَم مِن لَيلَةٍ
مَرَّت بِوَصلُكُم كَظِلِّ الطائِرِ

7. It's difficult for the eyelids to wish again
After the days of berries and early beginnings.

٧. حَجرٌ عَلى الأَجفانِ أَن تَرِدَ الكَرَى
مِن بَعدِ أَيّامِ العَقيقِ وَحاجِرِ

8. I watch the days in the books of passion
And stroll in the coolness of flourishing youth.

٨. أَيّامَ أَنظُرُ في دَواوينِ الهَوى
وَأَميسُ في بُردِ الشَبابِ الناضِرِ

9. It was no fault of the fair, white hands
That they betrayed me, were it not for my white temples.

٩. ما كانَ مِن نَولِ الحِسانِ البيضِ أَن
يَغدُرنَ بي لَولا بَياضُ عَذائِري

10. Were it not for my youth, I'd not forgive a miser
On the day of farewell, nor be faithful to one who departed.

١٠. لَولا الصَبابَةُ ما سَمَحتُ لِباخِلٍ
يَومَ الوِداعِ وَلا وَفَيتُ لِغادِرِ

11. You'd see me unmoved by a coquette's charm
Or showing affection to one who distanced himself.

١١. وَلَقَد أَراني لا يَلينُ لِشامِسٍ
عِطفي وَلا أُبدي الوِصالَ لِهاجِرِ

12. My adornment is the vivacity of a companion
And the joy in the eye of the onlooker.

١٢. وَعَلَيَّ مِن حُلَلِ الشَبابِ مُلاءَةٌ
إِنسُ الجَليسِ وَمِلءُ عَينِ الناظِرِ

13. How short the life of union quivers with old age
Like a neglected horse beyond its heyday.

١٣. وَقَصيرِ عُمرِ الوَصلِ يَرجِفُ بِالقَنا
مِن دونِ زَورَتِهِ أَسِنَّةُ عامِرٍ

14. A captured gazelle, slackened are its bonds,
Moments cannot be found slower than it.

١٤. كَالظَبيِ مَصفودِ التَرائِبِ فاتِرِ
اللَحَظاتِ ما وَجدي عَلَيهِ بِفاتِرِ

15. He came to me, so many guards around him
Awake with the slumber of spears and conversation.

١٥. أَسرى إِلَيَّ وَكَم رَقيبٍ حَولَهُ
يَقظانَ مِن سُمرِ الرِماحِ وَسامِرِ

16. I woke up relieved when he visited me one night,
Happy with his visit, he stayed conversing with me.

١٦. فَغَدَوتُ نِضوَ الهَمِّ لَيلَةَ زارَني
فَرِحاً بِزَورَتِهِ وَباتَ مُعاقِري

17. A salute of purity broke from his lips,
An untouched maiden not defiled by the stumbler.

١٧. يَجلو عَلَيَّ سُلافَةً مِن ثَغرِهِ
عَذراءَ ما دَنِسَت بِوَطءِ العاثِرِ

18. Until the sphere of dawn appeared as if
The just Caliph in the tyrannical era.

١٨. حَتّى بَدا فَلَكُ الصَباحِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَدلُ الخَليفَةِ في الزَمانِ الجائِرِ

19. We both slept in chastity and piety,
Harboring passion in secret between our breasts.

١٩. بِتنا ضَجيعي عِفَّةٍ وَتَقِيَّةٍ
نَضوي هَوىً بَينَ الضُلوعِ مُخامِرِ

20. Avoiding prohibitions in fear
Of the authority of the Commander of the Faithful.

٢٠. مُتَنَزِّهَينِ عَنِ المَحارِمِ خيفَةً
لِسُطى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ الناصِرِ

21. The driving force protecting the sanctity of Islam with the
White banners and the clashing swords.

٢١. الذائِدِ الحامي حِمى الإِسلامِ بِال
بيضِ الرَواعِفِ وَالقَنا المُتَشاجِرِ

22. And the victorious army fluttering around him
And the hurling allies aiding each other.

٢٢. وَالجَحفَلِ المَنصورِ تَخفُقُ حَولَهُ
عَذَباتُهُ وَالنابِلِ المُتَناصِرِ

23. His might kindles against the enemy and his sharp blades
Are like the overflowing Euphrates in its streaming.

٢٣. بَأسٌ يُشَبُّ عَلى العَدُوِّ ضَرامُهُ
وَنَدى كَتَيّارِ الفُراتِ الزاخِرِ

24. When adversities exchange, he rises to them
With resolve that defeats the devious plotter.

٢٤. فَإِذا تَغايَرَتِ الخُطوبُ نَضا لَها
عَزماً يَفُلُّ شَبا الغِرارِ الباتِرِ

25. A king, when transgressors arrive at his door,
They throw aside their staffs with forgiving release.

٢٥. مَلِكٌ إِذا حَلَّ الجُماةُ بِبابِهِ
أَلقَوا عِصِيَّهُمُ بِعَفوَةِ غافِرِ

26. He forgives though he has power over the enemy,
And forgiveness befits the powerful king.

٢٦. يَعفو وَقَد مَلَكَ العِدى عَن قُدرَةٍ
وَالعَفوُ يَحسُنُ بِالمَليكِ القادِرِ

27. A rent that disgraced the ample wealth of his treasury
Until he alone earned abundant praise.

٢٧. خِرقٌ أَهانَ الوَفرَ مِن أَموالِهِ
حَتّى تَفَرَّدَ بِالثَناءِ الوافِرِ

28. I take shelter with his name so it's as if
I take shelter with a roaring lion from a creeping hyena.

٢٨. رُعتُ الحَوادِثَ بِاِسمِهِ فَكأَنَّني
رُعتُ الظِباءَ بِلَيثِ غابٍ خادِرِ

29. And I was elated when I held on to his rope
From the jaws and claws that grip.

٢٩. وَاِنتاشَني لَمّا عَلِقتُ بِحَبلِهِ
مِن بَينِ أَنيابٍ لَها وَأَظافِرِ

30. And I sought refuge in his cool harbor
And landed safely from his ship the fallen one.

٣٠. وَلَجَأتُ مِنهُ إِلى مَقيلٍ بارِدٍ
وَحَلَلتُ مِنهُ عَلى مُقيلِ العاثِرِ

31. So I will praise his deeds as the spring praises
The pouring rainclouds.

٣١. فَلَأُثنِيَنَّ عَلى صَنائِعِهِ كَما
أَثنى الرَبيعُ عَلى السَحابِ الماطِرِ

32. Through him I was content with fortunes and I had
A heart open to depriving fortune the unkind one.

٣٢. فيهِ رَضيتُ عَنِ الحُظوظِ وَكُنتُ ذا
صَدرٍ عَنِ الحَظِّ المُجانِبِ واغِرِ

33. Through you, O Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad, the banners of
Generosity and giving freely have been raised.

٣٣. بِكَ يا أَبا العَبّاسِ أَحمَدُ أُنشِرَت
رِمَمُ المَكارِمِ وَالسَماحِ الداثِرِ

34. You have done good in this mean world against its people,
And fulfilled in the treacherous time against the treacherous one.

٣٤. أَحسَنتَ في الدَهرِ المُسيءِ بِأَهلِهِ
وَوَفَيتَ في الزَمَنِ الخَؤونِ الغادِرِ

35. O you who revived the withering hope, its wing
Strengthened by his generosity to come and its peers.

٣٥. يا مُنهِضَ الأَمَلِ المَهيضِ جَناحُهُ
بِقَوادِمٍ مِن جودِهِ وَعَواشِرِ

36. By God, so many grateful hands you have
Whose favors have extended the tongue of the grateful one.

٣٦. لِلَّهِ كَم لَكَ مِن يَدٍ مَشكورَةٍ
بَسَطَت عَوارِفُها لِسانَ الشاكِرِ

37. And an unspoiled gift, its love too grand
To be blemished by the early rising critic.

٣٧. وَعَطِيَّةٍ بِكرٍ يَجِلُّ حِباؤُها
عَن أَن يُثَمَّلَ بِالحَبِيِّ الباكِرِ

38. You routed the enemy with every sharp sword,
And deaf spear, and white piercing blade.

٣٨. رُعتَ العَدُوَّ بِكُلِّ أَزرَقَ لَهذَمٍ
وَأَصَمَّ عَسّالٍ وَأَبيَضَ باتِرِ

39. And every swimming ship when it sought great depths,
It sailed with your arriving eagles the crushing ones.

٣٩. وَبِكُلِّ سابِحَةٍ إِذا طَلَبَت مَدىً
طارَت بِقادِمَتي عُقابٍ كاسِرِ

40. And the frowning like suns, their courage mixed
With stunning beauty and dazzling splendor.

٤٠. وَبِغمَةٍ مِثلِ الشُموسِ عَوابِسٍ
خَلَطوا البَسالَةِ بِالجَمالِ الباهِرِ

41. When the swords were sheathed in luster,
They concealed the beauty of their faces with masks.

٤١. فَلَهُم إِذا اِعتَقَلوا أَنابيبَ القَنا
نَظَرُ الضَراغِمِ مِن عُيونِ جَآذِرِ

42. They surpassed their peers on the day of battle
With the blossoms of beauty in blushing cheeks.

٤٢. مِن عُصبَةِ التُركِ الَّذينَ بِبَأسِهِم
وَدَّت شَوارِدُ كُلِّ مُلكٍ شاغِرِ

43. Every dust-stirring warrior raging ahead,
Hardened at shedding blood, the risk-taker.

٤٣. غُرٌّ إِذا صينَ الجَمالُ بِبُرقُعٍ
سَتَروا جَمالَ وُجوهِهِم بِمَغافِرِ

44. He made the club-bearers deaf with his blows
And shot hearts with his glances the deadly ones.

٤٤. تاهوا عَلى أَقرانِهِم يَومَ الوغى
بِرِياضِ حُسنٍ في الخُدودِ نَواضِرِ

45. The wisdom of the victorious Mansur keeps vigil
Over guarding the kingdoms awake and watchful.

٤٥. مِن كُلِّ خَوّاضِ الغَمارِ مُلَجِّجٍ
مَرنٍ عَلى سَفكِ الدِماءِ مُغامِرِ

46. The flash of his sword and the shine of his forehead
Are two gleams in the night of the raging darkness.

٤٦. أَصمى الكُماةَ بِمَقصَدٍ مِن كَفِّهِ
وَرَمى القُلوبَ مِنَ اللِحاظِ بِعائِرِ

47. His promises are like arrows from the sturdy bow,
Shooting from above the likes of arrows the piercing ones.

٤٧. تَدبيرَ مَنصورِ الجُيوشِ مُؤَيَّدٍ
يَقظانَ في رَعيِ المَمالِكِ ساهِرِ

48. They left the shadows of life in their homelands
And exposed themselves to adversity and departure.

٤٨. إيماضُ مُنصُلِهِ وَضَوءُ جَبينِهِ
بَرقانِ في لَيلِ العَجاجِ الثائِرِ

49. Every disheveled one in the caravan, loyal
To God, penitent to Him, an emigrant.

٤٩. أَومى وَأَمثالُ القِسِيِّ لَواعِبٌ
مِن فَوقِ أَمثالِ السِهامِ ضَوامِرِ

50. Thirsty, throwing himself forward feeling
The fear of Judgement in the vacant wasteland.

٥٠. هَجَروا ظِلالَ العَيشِ في أَوطانِهِم
وَتَعَرَّضوا لِسَمائِمٍ وَهَواجِرِ

51. Their corpses taken by the south so their necks surrendered
To the blades of butchers the slaughtering ones.

٥١. مِن كُلِّ أَشعَثَ في الرِحالَةِ مُخلِصٍ
لِلَّهِ أَوّابٍ إِلَيهِ مُهاجِرِ

52. And God's sacraments, magnified without
What Mecca guaranteed of purity and places of devotion.

٥٢. ظَمآنَ يَقذِفُ نَفسَهُ مُستَشعِراً
خَوفَ القِيامَةِ في الهَجيرِ الواغِرِ

53. The House, and the Holy Precinct circled by it,
And what screens and covers it has.

٥٣. يَرمي بِهِم أَهوالَ كُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ
عيسٌ كَخيطانِ النَعامِ النافِرِ

54. Surely the Caliph is best of those who trod
The courtyards, from the best people, present and past.

٥٤. مِن كُلِّ والِعَةٍ بِحِرَّتِها إِذا
ظَمِئَت تُعَلَّلُ بِالسَرابِ الساحِرِ

55. A people whose love and obedience will distinguish
The believer from the nonbeliever on Judgement Day.

٥٥. وَجناءَ تَحمِلُ مِن هِضابِ يَلَملَمٍ
رُكناً وَتَنظُرُ مِن قَليبٍ غائِرِ

56. Their gatherings are scrolls of precedence
In every principle or branches of the pulpits.

٥٦. يَرجونَ مَوقِفَ رَحمَةٍ تُلقى بِها
أَعباءُ أَوزارٍ لَهُم وَكَبائِرِ

57. When their people slip into a tight spot,
The anxieties of every alarming crisis are calmed.

٥٧. وَالبُدنُ خاضِعَةَ الرِقابِ دَوامِيَ ال
لَبّاتِ تَفحَصُ في البَخيعِ المائِرِ

58. When lineages boast, their ancestry can be traced
Back through pedigrees, glories, and ancestral trees.

٥٨. أَخَذَت مَصارِعَها الجَنوبُ فَأُسلِمَت
مِنها النُحورُ إِلى شِفارِ الجازِرِ

59. They cling to the staff of prophecy and lean
On the courtyard of the house of prophethood the pure one.

٥٩. وَشَعائِرِ اللَهِ الَّتي عَظُمَت وَما
ضَمِنَتهُ مَكَّةُ مِن صَفاً وَمَشاعِرِ

60. In praising you, O House of Abbas, I have
Covered over my blemishes and faults in my lineage and clan.

٦٠. وَالبَيتِ وَالحَرَمِ المُطيفِ بِهِ وَما
واراهُ مِن حُجُبٍ لَهُ وَسَتائِرِ

61. Your patronage is my treasure for the Hereafter when
My hands are emptied of acquiring treasures.

٦١. إِنَّ الخَليفَةَ خَيرُ مَن وَطِئَ الحَصا
مِن خَيرِ بادٍ في الأَنامِ وَحاضِرِ

62. You are guides for people, and intercessors in
This life and on the Day of Requital to come.

٦٢. مِن مَعشَرٍ وَرِثوا النَبِيَّ خِلافَةً
أَفضَت إِلَيهِم كابِراً عَن كابِرِ

63. The world is beautified by traces of you
Praised among its people and memorials.

٦٣. قَومٌ بِحُبِّهِمُ وَطاعَتِهِم غَداً
في الحَشرِ يُعرَفُ مُؤمِنٌ مِن كافِرِ

64. And to you the eminent turn, and every
Boaster ends with you in glory and pride.

٦٤. غُلبٌ مَجالِسُهُم مُتونُ سَوابِقٍ
في كُلِّ رَوعٍ أَو فُروعُ مَنابِرِ

65. So give greetings to the Commander of the Faithful from a nation
Immersed in the dew of your hands the copious ones.

٦٥. وَإِذا تَخَمَّطَ قَومُهُم في مَأزِقٍ
سَكَنَت شَقاشِقُ كُلِّ خَطبٍ هادِرِ

66. And a state whose rule has conquered kingdoms,
With prevalent authority and manifest might.

٦٦. وَإِذا القُرومُ تَرَدَّدَت أَنسابُهُم
في الفَخرِ بَينَ مَرازِبٍ وَأَكاسِرِ

67. Its caliphate tied in the happiest fortune
And most blessed fate and auspicious omen.

٦٧. نَزَعوا إِلى عيصِ النُبوَّةِ وَاِنتَدوا
بِفِناءِ بَيتٍ لِلرِسالَةِ طاهِرِ

68. And may you enjoy it as a feast returning
With good tidings of its like for you again and again.

٦٨. بِمَديحِكُم يا آلَ عَبّاسٍ سَما
قَدري وَسُدتُ قَبائِلي وَعَشائِري

69. And seek from the elite of praise an elite utterance
whose owner suffers no loss in a failed deal.

٦٩. وَوَلاؤُكُم ذُخرٌ لِآخِرَتي إِذا
صَفِرَت يَدي مِن مُقتَناتِ ذَخائِري

70. Rural and refined, so judge it
With eloquence of nomad and grace of city dweller.

٧٠. أَنتُم هُداةُ الناسِ وَالشُفَعاءُ في ال
دُنيا وَفي يَومِ الجَزاءِ الآخِرِ

71. It comes to you flaunting in the clothes of its beauty
In abundant, luxurious fabrics and veils.

٧١. تَتَجَمَّلُ الدُنيا بِآثارٍ لِكُم
مَحمودَةٍ في أَهلِها وَمآثِرِ

72. It slipped away with an elegant subtle meaning -
I am a nation in its prosody, limit, and enchanting utterance.

٧٢. وَإِلَيكُمُ يُنمى العَلاءُ وَيَنتَهي
في الفَخرِ كُلُّ مُساجِلٍ وَمُفاخِرِ

73. I opened my mouth with it out of poverty and made it
A means to cover my deficiencies and needs.

٧٣. فَاِسلَم أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لِأُمَّةٍ
مَغمورَةٍ بِنَدى يَدَيكَ الغامِرِ

74. Gifts and favors pass, while their remembrance remains
Across the course of vanishing time.

٧٤. وَلِدَولَةٍ قَهَرَ المَمالِكَ مُلكُها
بِنَفاذِ سُلطانٍ وَعِزٍّ ظاهِرِ

٧٥. عُقِدَت خِلافَتُها بِأَسعَدِ طالِعٍ
في خَيرِ إِبّانٍ وَأَيمَنِ طائِرِ

٧٦. وَتَمَلَّهُ عيداً يَعودُ مُبَشِّراً
لِعُلاكَ مِن أَمثالِهِ بِنَظائِرِ

٧٧. وَاِستَجلِ مِن غُرَرِ المَديحِ غَريرَةً
ما آبَ تاجِرُها بِصَفقَةِ خاسِرِ

٧٨. بَدَوِيَّةً حَضَرِيَّةً فَاِحكُم لَها
بِفَصاحَةِ البادي وَلُطفِ الحاضِرِ

٧٩. جاءَتكَ تَرفُلُ في ثِيابِ جَمالِها
في وَشيِ أَفوافٍ لَها وَحَبائِرِ

٨٠. فَضُلَت بِمَعنى رائِقٍ أَنا أُمَّةٌ
في نَظمِهِ وَحدي وَلَفظٍ ساحِرِ

٨١. فِقَراً فَتَحتُ بِها فَمي وَجَعَلتُها
سَبَباً لِسَدِّ خَصاصَتي وَمَفاقِري

٨٢. تَفنى المَواهِبُ وَالعَطاءُ وَذِكرُها
باقٍ عَلى مَرِّ الزَمانِ الغابِرِ