
O leaders and companions,

يا معشر الرؤساء والأصحاب

1. O leaders and companions,
And group of questioners and students,

١. يا مَعشَرَ الرُؤَساءِ وَالأَصحابِ
وَجَماعَةَ السُؤّالِ وَالطُلّابِ

2. Whoever has anger towards our Master,
Or is a seeker wishing rewards,

٢. مَن كانَ مَولانا عَليهِ ساخِطاً
أَو كانَ طالِبَ نائِلٍ وَثَوابِ

3. Or has a need that is not appropriate,
With blocked ways and doors,

٣. أَو كانَ صاحِبَ حاجَةٍ لا تَنبَغي
بِوَسيلَةٍ مَسدودَةِ الأَبوابِ

4. Then let him take me as an intercessor, for my intercession,
Regarding him, is the firmest of causes,

٤. فَليَتَّخِذني شافِعاً فَشَفاعَتي
في حَقِّهِ مِن أَوكَدِ الأَسبابِ

5. And I guarantee that it will never end,
For ever and ever,

٥. وَأَنا الكَفيلُ بِأَنَّها لا تَنقَضي
أَبَداً مَدى الأَيّامِ وَالأَحقابِ

6. Every day a petition is submitted,
And a call with praise of Allah remains unanswered,

٦. في كُلِّ يَومٍ رُقعَةٌ مُسوَدَّةٌ
وَدَعا بِحَمدِ اللَهِ غَيرُ مُجابِ

7. And so are the places of poets among,
Their chiefs, and the positions of writers.

٧. وَكَذا تَكونُ مَواقِعُ الشُعَراءِ مِن
رُؤَسائِهِم وَمَواضِعُ الكُتّابِ