
I rejoice that I suffer in your bonds,

ليهنك أني في حبالك عاني

1. I rejoice that I suffer in your bonds,
And that you are in my dearest place,

١. لِيَهنِكِ أَنِّي في حَبالِكِ عاني
وَأَنَّكِ مِنّي في أَعَزِّ مَكانِ

2. And that I am weak in your love, though I feign endurance,
For I am enduring towards the young.

٢. وَأَنّي ضَعيفٌ في هَواكِ تَجَلُّدي
عَلى أَنَّني جَلدٌ عَلى الحَدَثانِ

3. My shoulders bear the burdens of misfortunes
That your hands have loaded upon me.

٣. حَمولٌ لِأَعباءِ المُلِمّاتِ كاهِلي
وَمالي بِما حَمَّلتَنيهِ يَدانِ

4. You have firmly held my leading rein and never
Would my bridle be held except in your hands.

٤. مَلَكتِ أَبِيّاً مِن قِيادي وَلَم يَكُن
لِيُصحِبَ إِلّا في يَدَيكِ عِناني

5. You went far away and so my eyelids are forbidden from seeing
And you urged the tears of my eyes to flow.

٥. نَأَيتِ فَحَرَّمتَ الجُفونَ عَنِ الكَرى
وَأَغرَيتِ دَمعَ العَينِ بِالهَمَلانِ

6. Before we parted, my heart used to obey me
But on the day we bid farewell, it disobeyed me.

٦. وَأَعهَدُ قَبلَ البَينِ قَلبي يُطيعُني
وَلَكِنَّهُ يَومَ الوَداعِ عَصاني

7. My heart was always inclined to patience
Whether we were united or separated.

٧. وَمازالَ مَطبوعاً عَلى الصَبرِ قُلَّباً
سَواءً بِعادٌ عِندَهُ وَتَداني

8. So why on the day we parted did it impetuously
Set out with the traveling party, suffering with me?

٨. فَما بالُهُ يَومَ النَوى سارَ مُنجِداً
مَعَ الرَكبِ في أَسرِ الصَبابَةِ عاني

9. Would that a doctor had made my eyelids sick
And that he held their cure to heal me!

٩. فَلَيتَ طَبيباً أَمرَضَتني جُفونُهُ
وَفي يَدِهِ مِنها الشِفاءُ شَفاني

10. Would that my love-rival were but one
So I could be relieved of his constant wooing.

١٠. وَلَيتَ غَريمي في الهَوى وَهوَ واحِدٌ
تَحَرَّجَ مِن لِيّانِهِ فَقَضاني

11. Had it not been for love, O clan of Khanssaa
I would not be enthralled among you

١١. وَلَولا الهَوى يا آلَ خَنساءَ لَم تَكُن
لِتَملِكَني فيكُم خَضيبُ بِنانِ

12. Nor would I ask in your abodes for shelter
Other than the spear or be seeking safety.

١٢. وَلا بِتُّ في أَبياتِكُم سائِلاً قِرىً
بِغَيرِ القَنا أَو طالِباً لِأَمانِ

13. I hope for the generosity of a miserly palm
And fear the cruelty of a cowardly sword.

١٣. أُرَجّي جَوادَ الكَفِّ عَطفَ بَخيلَةٍ
وَأَخشى حَديدَ القَلبِ فَتكَ جَبانِ

14. Before you, I never set my resolve on any goal
And attained it except by the edge of my teeth.

١٤. وَقَبلَكِ ما أَنهَضتُ عَزمي لِحاجَةٍ
وَأَدرَكتُها إِلّا بِحَدِّ سِنانِ

15. One like me is more suited to having
The saddlecloth of a steed as his bedding, not the bed of a steed.

١٥. وَأَولى بِمِثلي أَن يَكونَ مِهادَهُ
سَراةُ حِصانٍ لا سَريرُ حَصانِ

16. My self-respect disdains that I should pay off my debts
By begging, if it were not for my beloved exhorting me.

١٦. وَبي أَنَفٌ أَن أَقتَضي بِسَرى الظُبى
دُيوني لَو غَيرُ الحَبيبِ لَواني

17. One whose honor and religion are his support and ally
Will not rest his shoulder in humiliation

١٧. وَمَن كانَ مَجدُ الدينِ عَوناً وَناصِراً
لَهُ لَم يُطامِن مَنكِباً لِهَوانِ

18. Nor fear the vicissitudes of time, nor will
The whims of fate find a way to him.

١٨. وَلَم يَخشَ مِن رَيبِ الزَمانِ وَلَم يَجِد
إِلَيهِ سَبيلاً طارِقُ الحَدَثانِ

19. A young man whose kindness and pardon
Have become habitual for one who wrongs or treats him unjustly;

١٩. فَتىً أَصبَحَ المَعروفُ وَالعَفوُ عِندَهُ
عَتاداً لِعافٍ يَجتَديهِ وَجاني

20. Whose hopes approach like rainclouds
Of generosity pouring from his hands;

٢٠. وَأَدنَت لَهُ الآمالَ وَهيَ نَوازِحٌ
سَحائِبُ جودٍ مِن يَدَيهِ دَواني

21. We used to hear the accounts of generosity
But today we see it before our eyes.

٢١. نَدىً صَدَقَت لِلشائِمينَ بُروقُهُ
وَما كُلُّ بَرقٍ صادِقُ اللَمَعانِ

22. Of far reach, bringing gifts of dew, so modest
Praise God for sending us the humble petitioner.

٢٢. وَهَذَّبَ أَخلاقَ اللَيالي فَرَدَّها
عَواطِفَ مِن بَعدِ الجَفاءِ حَواني

23. A light whose flashes spoke truly to slanderers
Though not every flash speaks the truth.

٢٣. وَجَدَّدَ آثارَ المَكارِمِ بَعدَ ما
عَفَت أَربُعٌ مِن أَهلِها وَمَغاني

24. He refined the morals of the nights and restored them
To heartfelt affections after aloofness.

٢٤. وَكُنّا سَمِعنا الجودَ يُروى حَديثُهُ
فَنَحنُ نَراهُ اليَومَ رَأيَ عِيانِ

25. He renewed the vestiges of noble deeds after
Four of their people had become faint.

٢٥. بَعيدُ المَدى داني النَدى مِن عُفاتِهِ
فَلِلَّهِ مِنهُ النازِحَ المُتَداني

26. We used to hear the accounts of generosity
But today we see it with our own eyes.

٢٦. رَحيبُ المَغاني ضَيَّقَ البَأسُ وَالنَدى
مَعاذيرَهُ يومي قِرىً وَطِعانِ

27. Of ample gifts, drawing near with humility,
The distress narrowed and gifts of dew

٢٧. كَريمٌ إِذا اِستَكفيتُهُ أَمرَ حادِثٍ
كَفاني وَإِن رُمتُ الحِباءَ حَباني

28. Were his excuse whenever he bestowed generously
In times of scarcity and complaint.

٢٨. سَعى بَينَ حالي وَالغِنى جودُ كَفِّهِ
فَأَصلَحَ ما بَيني وَبَينَ زَماني

29. A generous man - when I seek his aid in some matter,
He suffices me even if I am shot from a loaded dice.

٢٩. وَصُلتُ عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن حَدِ عَزمِهِ
بِأَبيَضَ ماضي الشَفرَتَينِ يَماني

30. The bounty of his palm bridged the gap between my state
And wealth, so he remedied my affairs and time.

٣٠. أَغَرُّ هِجانٌ يَنتَمي مِن فِعالِهِ
إِلى شِيَمٍ مِثلِ الصَباحِ هِجانِ

31. Through his resolve I gained sway over the days
With a Yemeni sword, white when drawn.

٣١. يُريكَ وَقاراً في النَدى فَكَأَنَّهُ
شَماريخُ رَضوى أَو هِضابُ أَبانِ

32. A neighing steed of noble stock, whose deeds
Resemble the nature of the brilliant dawn;

٣٢. وَرَأياً يَفُلُّ المُشرَفِيَّ وَهِمَّةً
تُناطُ بِعَزمٍ صادِقٍ وَجَنانِ

33. He shows you dignity in his gifts, as though he were
Shamarakh of the garden or the slopes of Aban.

٣٣. وَبَأساً يُشابُ السُخطُ مِنهُ بِرَأفَةٍ
فَشِدَّتُهُ مَمزوجَةٌ بِلَيانِ

34. An opinion that fells the pretentious, and a resolve
Entrusted to sincere and wise determination;

٣٤. وَكَم فَرَقَ الأَبطالَ يَومَ كَريهَةٍ
وَأَحرَزَ خَصلَ السَبقِ يَومَ رِهانِ

35. And a might tempered by kindness so that his strength
Is mixed with gentleness.

٣٥. مَآثِرُ لَو كُنتُ اِبنَ حُجرٍ فَصاحَةً
لَقَصَّرَ عَن إِحصائِهِنَّ بَياني

36. How often did he distinguish the heroes on an ominous day
And win the palm on the day of the wager!

٣٦. فِداءٌ لِمَجدِ الدينِ كُلُّ مُقَصِرٍ
بِهِ السَعيُ عَن طُرقِ المَكارِمِ واني

37. If I were Ibn Hujr in eloquence
My expressions would fall short of enumerating them.

٣٧. يُداجيهِ إِجلالاً وَتَحتَ اِبتِسامِهِ
كَمينٌ مِنَ البَغضاءِ وَالشَنَآنِ

38. Every person deficient in his efforts toward noble deeds
Is a sacrificial victim for the sake of his glory.

٣٨. تَوَقَّدُ نارُ الغَيظِ بَينَ ضُلوعِهِ
وَلَكِنَّها نارٌ بِغَيرِ دُخانِ

39. He is honored by them with reverence, while beneath their smiles
Lies hidden rancor and malice.

٣٩. يَرومُ مَساعيهِ بِغَيرِ كِفايَةٍ
وَقَد حيلَ بَينَ العَيرِ وَالنَزَوانِ

40. The fire of rage burns in their breasts
Though it is a fire without smoke.

٤٠. تَهَنَّ أَبا الفَضلِ الجَوادَ بِرُتبَةٍ
سَما عَن مُجارٍ قَدرُها وَمُداني

41. He aims at his goals without adequate ability
Though the path between destiny and attainment is blocked.

٤١. لَها مُرتَقى دَحضٌ إِذا رامَ حاسِدٌ
رُقِيّاً لَها زَلَّت بِهِ القَدَمانِ

42. Abu Al-Fadl has been granted a position
That levels and topples whoever enviously seeks high rank.

٤٢. مَلَأتَ أَكُفَّ الراغِبينَ مَواهِباً
فَشُكرُكَ مَملوءٌ بِهِ المَلَوانِ

43. With it you have filled the palms of the hopeful so your thanks
Abound with sweetness on their tongues.

٤٣. وَسِرتَ مِنَ الإِحسانِ وَالعَدلِ سيرَةً
بِها سارَ قِدَماً في الوَرى العُمرانِ

44. You have walked the path of benevolence and justice
A walk that settled the inhabited regions.

٤٤. وَقُمتَ بِأَعباءِ الخِلافَةِ ناهِضاً
وَقَد نامَ عَنها العاجِزُ المُتَواني

45. You took upon yourself the burdens of the caliphate
While the incapable sluggard was sleeping.

٤٥. فَلا عَدِمَت مِنكَ المَمالِكُ هِمَّةً
تَبيتُ وَفي تَدبيرِها الثَقَلانِ

46. Thus the realms will never lack a resolve
That ponders their affairs night and day.

٤٦. وَلا زالَ مَأهولاً جَنابُكَ يَلتَقي
مَواسِمُ أَفراحٍ بِهِ وَتَهاني

47. Still the space around you is filled
With seasons of joy and bliss.

٤٧. وَسَمعاً لِما حَبَّرتُهُ مِن مَدائِحٍ
فِصاحٍ إِذا اِستَجلَيتَهُنَّ حِسانِ

48. As a reward for my sincere praises, eloquently expressed,
If you were to elucidate them, they would be most melodious.

٤٨. ضَمِنتُ لَكَ الإِحسانَ عَنها فَقَد وَفى
لِمَجدِكَ فيها خاطِري بِضَماني

49. I guaranteed you the reward for them - my soul
Has secured your glory in that with a binding oath.

٤٩. وَسَيَّرتُها تَطوي البِلادَ شَوارِداً
بِها العيسُ بَينَ النَصِّ وَالوَخَدانِ

50. I circulated them to cross the lands recited
By the camel-herder between verse and tattoo.

٥٠. كَرائِمَ ما عَرَّضتُهُنَّ لِخاطِبٍ
سِواكَ فَلَم أَسمَح بِهِنَّ لِباني

51. The precious things I presented to a suitor
I refused to surrender to any but you.

٥١. فَإِنَّ عَقيلاتِ الكِرامِ إِذا بَنى
بِهِنَّ سِوى الكَفُؤِ الكَريمِ زَواني

52. For the dear ones of generous men, when
Any but an equal of worth marries them,

٥٢. تَلينُ قِياداً لِلكَريمِ وَإِنَّها
لِكُلِ لَئيمِ الصِهرِ ذاتُ حُرانِ

53. Become pliant under the control of the noble one though they
Are refractory towards every despicable in-law.

٥٣. فَهُنَّ بِما أَولَيتَني مِن صَنائِعٍ
عَنِ الناسِ إِلّا عَن نَداكَ غَواني