1. Welcome to the rising of a visitor,
The gloom is illuminated by its brightness.
١. أَهلاً بِطَلعَةِ زائِرٍ
فُضِحَ الدُجا بِضِيائِها
2. Imagination allowed its arrival,
So it drew near to its enemies.
٢. سَمَحَ الخَيالُ بِوَصِلِها
فَدَنَت عَلى عُدوائِها
3. It was staying up drinking wine,
While I was one of its peers.
٣. باتَت تُعاطينِ المُدامَ
وَكُنتُ مِن أَكفائِها
4. So I got drunk from its glances,
And did without its cups.
٤. فَسَكِرتُ مِن أَلحاظِها
وَغَنيتُ عَن صَهبائِها
5. Whiteness, killing is its habit.
In its remoteness and attendants.
٥. بَيضاءُ قَتلي دَأبُها
في نَأيِها وَثَوائِها
6. So when it comes near with its eyelids,
And when it moves away with its aloofness.
٦. فَإِذا دَنَت بِجُفونِها
وَإِذا نَأَت بِجَفائِها
7. Its promise never meets
The day of its loyalty.
٧. لا يَلتَقي أَبَداً مَوا
عِدُها بِيَومِ وَفائِها
8. The sun is one of its beads,
And the moon one of its necks.
٨. الشَمسُ مِن ضَرّاتِها
وَالبَدرُ مِن رُقَبائِها
9. The dawn over its wraps,
And the night under its gown.
٩. وَالصُبحُ فَوقَ لِثامِها
وَاللَيلُ تَحتَ رِدائِها
10. A brunette who grows more beautiful
When she inclines to her redness.
١٠. مُضَرِيَّةٌ تُنمى إِذا اِن
تَسَبَت إِلى حَمرائِها
11. She stayed while spear tips
Wander around her tent.
١١. باتَت وَأَطرافُ الرِماحِ
تَجولُ حَولَ خِبائِها
12. Death without parting from her,
And death without meeting her.
١٢. فَالمَوتُ دونَ فِراقِها
وَالمَوتُ دونَ لِقائِها
13. And I certainly passed by her dwellings
After purpose and its ending.
١٣. وَلَقَد مَرَرتُ بِرَبعِها
بَعدَ النَوى وَفِنائِها
14. With the eye dwelling sadly
On its ruins and traces.
١٤. وَالعَينُ في الأَطلالِ سا
كِنَةً عَلى أَطلائِها
15. So I stood reciting in the surroundings
Her perfect moons and their orbit.
١٥. فَوَقَفتُ أَنشُدُ في مَطا
لِعِها بُدورَ سَمائِها
16. And I cried until I almost
Poured from my eyelids their tears.
١٦. وَبَكَيتُ حَتّى كِدتُ أَع
طِفُ بانَتي جَرعائِها
17. O desolate one whom
Solitude has accustomed to long crying.
١٧. يا موحِشَ العَيبِ الَّتي
أَنِسَت بِطَولُ بُكائِها
18. You left in my heart a soul
That dies of its sickness.
١٨. غادَرتَ بَينَ جَوانِحي
نَفساً تَموتُ بِدائِها
19. My eye longs to see you
While you are in your darkness.
١٩. تَشتاقُ عَيني أَن تَراكَ
وَأَنتَ في سَودائِها
20. So if you are stingy with a glance
That relaxes in the abundance of its gift.
٢٠. فَإِذا بَخِلتَ بِنَظرَةٍ
سَمَحَت بِجَمَّةِ مائِها
21. It is as if the hand of the Caliph
Flowed with its gift.
٢١. فَكَأَنَّها كَفُّ الخَليفَةِ
أَسبَلَت بِعَطائِها
22. A king who descends from the Caliphate
In the far reach of its sovereignty.
٢٢. مَلِكٌ يَحِلُّ مِنَ الخِلا
فَةِ في ذُرى عَليائِها
23. It lost itself in its kingdom,
While the Caliphate did not lose itself through it.
٢٣. أَضحَت تَتيهُ بِمُلكِهِ ال
دُنيا عَلى أَبنائِها
24. Its deputies in the past ages
Were adorned by it.
٢٤. وَزَهَت خِلافَتُهُ عَلى الم
اضينَ مِن خُلَفائِها
25. A king whose troops march
While victory is under its banner.
٢٥. ما أَجدَبَت أَرضٌ وَصَو
بَ نَداهُ مِن أَنوائِها
26. So when it writhes in battle,
The enemy is dyed with its blood.
٢٦. مَلِكٌ تَسيرُ جُيوشُهُ
وَالنَصرُ تَحتَ لِوائِها
27. Victorious forever like its columns
Against its enemies.
٢٧. فَإِذا تَخَمَّطَ في وَغاً
خَضَبَ العِدى بِدِمائِها
28. That the Caliphate, with the perfection
Of its beauty and splendor,
٢٨. مَنصورَةً أَبَداً كَتا
ئِبُهُ عَلى أَعدائِها
29. When you ascended its throne
And drew the abundance of its cloak,
٢٩. إِنَّ الخِلافَةَ مَع كَمالِ
جَمالِها وَبَهائِها
30. And you rose up bearing what
You were entrusted with from its burdens.
٣٠. لَمّا عَلَوتَ سَريرَها
وَسَحَبتَ فَضلَ رِدائِها
31. It was lost but the Caliphate did not
See itself lost through you.
٣١. وَنَهَضتَ مُضطَلِعاً بِما
حُمِّلتَ مِن أَعبائِها
32. It returned to the management of an astute
Physician with his remedies.
٣٢. تاهَت وَلَكِن ما رَأت
كَ بِها الخِلافَةُ تائِها
33. He casts the places of its sores
With his opinion and wisdom.
٣٣. رُدَّت إِلى تَدبيرِ طَ
بٍّ حاذِقٍ بِدَوائِها
34. From a group who does not own
The days, reversing its decree.
٣٤. يَرمي مَواضِعَ نَقبِها
مِن رَأيِهِ بِهِنائِها
35. Known for its refusal
Inherited from its fathers.
٣٥. مِن عُصبَةٍ لا تَملِكُ الأَيّا
مُ رَدَّ قَضائِها
36. It casts the enemy with windows
Of resolves from its views.
٣٦. مَعروفَةٍ بِإِبائِ
ها المَوروثِ عَن آبائِها
37. No work is approved from an agent
Except with its loyalty.
٣٧. تَرمي العِدى بِنَوافِذِ ال
عَزَماتِ مِن آرائِها
38. It summons blessings even if
The land despairs of its prayer.
٣٨. لا يُرتَضى مِن عامِلٍ
عَمَلٌ بِغَيرِ وَلائِها
39. Understandings do not grasp
The utmost of its praise and eulogy.
٣٩. تَستَنزِلُ البَرَكاتِ ما
قَنِطَ الثَرى بِدُعائِها
40. By my father Muhammad -
Its branches grew in elevation.
٤٠. لا تُدرِكُ الأَفهامُ غا
يَةَ حَمدِها وَثَنائِها
41. The crescent gleaming its dark night
And the sun illuminating its dawn.
٤١. بِأَبي مُحَمَّدٍ الإِما
مِ نَمَت فُروعُ عَلائِها
42. O joy of glory which
We pray lasts long in survival.
٤٢. وَالمُستَضيءُ هِلالُ لَي
لَيلَتِها وَشَمسُ ضَحائِها
43. The darknesses of missteps were unveiled for us
By its opinion and narration.
٤٣. يابَهجَةَ المَجدِ الَّتي
نَدعو بِطولِ بَقائِها
44. For you is a serenity that excelled
The youths of life in generosity.
٤٤. كُشِفَت لَنا ظُلَمُ الخُطو
بِ بِرَأيِها وَرُوائِها
45. You expend generously so the generous one,
Generosity itself, is beneath your love.
٤٥. لَكَ راحَةٌ فَضَلَت شَآ
بيبَ الحَيا بِسَخائِها
46. And a resolve that makes swords yield
To its sharpness and speed.
٤٦. تَنهَلُّ جوداً فَالحَبِيُّ
الجَودُ دونَ حِبائِها
47. And virtues that testified
To its builder the merit of its structure.
٤٧. وَعَزيمَةٌ تَعنو السُيو
فُ لِحَدِّها وَمَضائِها
48. And sublime talents and gifts that
The ages fall short of enumerating.
٤٨. وَمَناقِبٌ شَهِدَت لِبا
نيها بِفَضلِ بِنائِها
49. You are the savior for a nation
Whose sorrows you relieved.
٤٩. وَمَواهِبٌ غُرُرٌ يَضي
قُ الدَهرُ عَن إِحصائِها
50. You changed it from the day of its ordeal
To the day of its comfort.
٥٠. أَنتَ الغِياثُ لِأُمَّةٍ
فَرَّجتَ مِن غَمائِها
51. You healed so you were the remedy for its
Suffering and protector from its illness.
٥١. بَدَّلتَها مِن يَومِ شِدَّتِها
بِيَومِ رَخائِها
52. You reached souls from it
That had none left but their bodies.
٥٢. أَشفَت فَكُنتَ شِفاءَ عِ
لَّتِها وَحاصِمَ دائِها
53. So you remained for the world disseminating
Justice in its corners.
٥٣. أَدرَكتَ مِنها أَنفُساً
لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ ذَمائِها
54. A justice that reconciles the discord
Of the wretched and their discontent.
٥٤. فَبَقيتَ لِلدُنيا تَبُ
ثُّ العَدلَ في أَرجائِها
55. Your blessing which prolonged
The abundance of its plenty weakened you.
٥٥. عَدلاً يُؤَلِّفُ بَينَ ذُؤ
بانِ القَلاةِ وَشائِها
56. Its dawn with its evening does not
Cease being connected to you.
٥٦. وَهَنَتكَ نِعمَتُكَ الَّتي
طالَت فُضولُ مُلائِها
٥٧. لا زالَ مَوصولاً لَدَي
كَ صَباحُها بِمَسائِها