
Do you grieve for the departure though they are neighbors,

أتجزع للفراق وهم جوار

1. Do you grieve for the departure though they are neighbors,
How would it be if the homes took them far away?

١. أَتَجزَعُ لِلفِراقِ وَهُم جِوارُ
فَكَيفَ إِذا نَأَت بِهِمُ الدِيارُ

2. And you left with yearning in your breasts for them,
A heart that travels with the caravans wherever they went.

٢. وَرُحتَ وَفي الهَوادِجِ مِنكَ قَلبٌ
يَسيرُ مَعَ الرَكائِبِ حَيثُ ساروا

3. And the covenants with Sulaima were severed,
And its neighborly relations and familial ties were cast away.

٣. وَقُطِّعَتِ المَواثِقُ مِن سُلَيمى
وَشَطَّ بِها وَجيرَتِها المَزارُ

4. And it became such that no imagination visits it,
Prohibited by the lover, no longer to be visited.

٤. وَأَضحَت لا يَزورُ لَها خَيالٌ
عَلى نَهي المُحِبِّ وَلا يُزارُ

5. So oh how endless is your ardent longing
For an abode stronger in love, and a house.

٥. فَيا لِلَّهِ ما تَنفَكُّ صَبّاً
يَشوقُكَ مَنزِلٌ أَقوى وَدارُ

6. You yearn when it appears from afar, passionately,
Whether a figure or a fire lit from it.

٦. تَحِنُّ إِذا بَدا بِالغَورِ وَهناً
وَميضٌ أَو أَضاءَت مِنهُ نارُ

7. May God water Al-Aqeeq even if
Yearnings for it have torn me apart.

٧. سَقى اللَهُ العَقيقَ وَإِن شَجَتني
صَباباتٌ إِلَيهِ وَاِدِّكارُ

8. For in the dunes of that sand is a gazelle,
Strange whom the does have not befriended.

٨. فَفي عُقُداتِ ذاكَ الرَملِ ظَبيٌ
نَفورٌ ما أَنِستَ بِهِ نَوارُ

9. It hunts and is not hunted, and its glances
Hit their mark but it is not hit - it has no vengeance.

٩. يَصيدُ وَلا يُصادُ وَمُقلَتاهُ
تُصيبُ وَلا يُصابُ لَديهِ ثارُ

10. It has a waist around which epochs revolve,
And hips which narrow wraps cannot contain.

١٠. لَهُ خَصرٌ يَجولُ الحُقبُ فيهِ
وَأَردافٌ يَضيقُ بِها الإِزارُ

11. It has no affection or union,
Nor do I have composure or patience.

١١. فَلا عَطفٌ لَديهِ وَلا وِصالٌ
وَلا جَلَدٌ لَديَّ وَلا اِصطِبارُ

12. So oh tears of one slain by ardent love,
Fallen in passion whose blood violent pours forth.

١٢. فَيا لَمياءُ مَن لِقَتيلِ شَوقٍ
مُطاحٍ في الهَوى دَمُهُ جَبارُ

13. An ailment that has no remedy,
A helpless one whose shackles cannot be undone.

١٣. وَداءٍ لا يُصابُ لَهُ دَواءٌ
وَعانٍ لا يُفَكُّ لَهُ إِسارُ

14. I lean as I recall the passion and longing,
As the spyglass leaned towards its observer.

١٤. أَميلُ إِذا اِدَّكَرتُ هَوىً وَشَوقاً
كَما مالَت بِشارِبِها العُقارُ

15. And I am joyous as I yearn for it, with a joy,
When its short nights are remembered.

١٥. وَأَطرَبُ وَالمَشوقُ لَهُ اِنتِشاءٌ
إِذا ذُكِرَت لَياليهِ القِصارُ

16. While the critic berates me for my destitution,
For the raiment of poverty is no shame.

١٦. وَلائِمَةٍ تَعيبُ عَلَيَّ فَقري
إِلَيكَ فَما لِباسُ الفَقرِ عارُ

17. I who am not one terrified by estrangement,
Nor freed by homeland and abode.

١٧. وَما أَنا مَن يُرَوِّعُهُ اِغتِرابٌ
وَلا يَعتاقُهُ وَطَنٌ وَدارُ

18. Rather I count the nights,
And at their culmination, the fruits will be sweet.

١٨. وَلَكِنّي أَعُدُّ لَها اللَيالي
وَعِندَ بُلوغِها تَحلو الثِمارُ

19. I am not in destitution while bounty exists,
Lest scarcity at times of ease makes me woeful.

١٩. وَلَستُ عَلى الخَصاصَةِ مُستَكيناً
فَيُعطِبَني لَدى اليُسرِ اليَسارُ

20. I know time in a way that to me
Wealth and poverty are equal.

٢٠. عَرَفتُ الدَهرَ عِرفاناً تَساوى
بِهِ عِندي ثَراءٌ وَاِفتِقارُ

21. For the camels of hopes I have progeny,
While pregnant they pay a tithe.

٢١. أَمّا لِحَوامِلِ الآمالِ عِندي
نِتاجٌ وَهِيَ مُثقَلَةٌ عِشارُ

22. The full moon - nothing of it appears to my eyes -
Its emergence has been so long concealed.

٢٢. وَما لِلبَدرِ ما يَبدو لِعَيني
مَطالِعُهُ لَقَد طالَ السِرارُ

23. Are not its pillars tired, its burdens exhausting,
Have not its containers thirsted, so they take from my tears,

٢٣. أَما مَلَّت مَرابِطَها المَذاكي
أَما سَئِمَت حَمائِلَها الشِفارُ

24. The shells of eggs and the honey of bees?
If you do not seek glory in your youth,

٢٤. أَما ظَمِئَت فَتَستَسقي بَناني
رِقاقُ البيضِ وَالأَسَلُ الحِرارُ

25. Will you desire it when gray hairs have sprouted?
Why do I grieve when the abodes are desolate,

٢٥. إِذا لَم تَبغِ مَجداً في شَبابٍ
أَتَطلُبُهُ وَقَد شابَ العِذارُ

26. With no kinship to delight, nor neighborhood?
Though I may summon strength and a heart

٢٦. عَلامَ تَأَسُّفي إِذ حُمَّ بَينٌ
وَلا قُربٌ يَسُرُّ وَلا جَوارُ

27. Which circumstances cannot make lose courage.
I roamed the land which casts off my aspirations,

٢٧. عَلى أَنّي وَإِن جَرَّدتُ عَزماً
وَقَلباً لا يُراعُ فَيُستَطارُ

28. And the wastes deserted me, denying acknowledgement.
I seek, like the glory of faith, a companion,

٢٨. وَجُبتُ الأَرضَ تَلفُظُني المَرامي
وَتُنكِرُني السَباسِبُ والقِفارُ

29. In calamities, a refuge sought.
And a comfort from it more fresh,

٢٩. أُحاوِلُ مِثلَ مَجدِ الدينِ جاراً
بِهِ عِندَ الحَوادِثِ يُستَجارُ

30. When the winters have solidified into ice.
I proceed ahead of it in fright,

٣٠. وَأَندى راحَةً مِنهُ وَكَفّاً
وَقَد جَمِدَت مِنَ السَنَةِ القِطارُ

31. When even heroes hurry to flee.
I find in it a broader arena and abode,

٣١. وَأمضى مُقدَماً في الرَوعِ مِنهُ
إِذا الأَبطالَ أَعجَلَها الفِرارُ

32. When homes become too narrow for their inhabitants.
It guaranteed to show the land benevolence,

٣٢. وَأَرحَبَ ساحَةً مِنهُ وَداراً
إِذا ضاقَت بِساكِنِها الدِيارُ

33. While the delusive clouds did not fulfill.
It swore to subjugate the dark nights,

٣٣. تَكَفَّلَ أَن يُري لِلأَرضِ جوداً
وَما كَفِلَت بِهِ السُحبُ الغِرارُ

34. No calamities frightening it into flight.
When the gazes adorned themselves with it they cast down,

٣٤. وَأَقسَمَ ان يُذَمَّ مِنَ اللَيالي
فَما يَخشى الخُطوبَ لَديهِ جارُ

35. In awe of its reverence they blinked away.
So it returns them in sorrow without sight,

٣٥. إِذا اِكتَحَلَت بِهِ الأَبصارُ أَغضَت
وَفيها مِن مَهابَتِهِ اِنكِسارُ

36. With the lids of their eyes it has blinded them.
It is gentle in humility, yet also lofty,

٣٦. فَيُرجِعُها عَلى الأَعقابِ حَسرى
بِهُدّابِ الجُفونِ لَها عِثارُ

37. Presenting its hand in greeting, yet also able.
If at night it boasts of glory,

٣٧. يَلينُ تَواضُعاً وَبِهِ اِعتِلاءٌ
وَيُعرِضُ صافِحاً وَلهُ اِقتِدارُ

38. The most esteemed glory does not flatter itself.
The treasures of wealth evade it,

٣٨. إِذا أَمسى يُفاخِرُهُ بِمَجدٍ
طَريفُ المَجدِ لَيسَ لَهُ اِفتِخارُ

39. Yet people and carpenters have let it down.
Some are named misguided in the kingdom,

٣٩. تَذُبُّ ذَخائِرُ الأَموالِ عَنهُ
وَيَخذُلُهُ الخَليقَةُ وَالنِجارُ

40. Except for you - that name is a false loan.
I forbid them even if they exert themselves,

٤٠. يُسَمّى ضَلَّةً بِالمُلكِ قَومٌ
سِواكَ وَذَلِكَ اِسمٌ مُستَعارُ

41. And their selves even if they are enraged, the insignificant.
They thought they had become kings,

٤١. أَكُفُّهُمُ وَإِن بَذَلوا جُمودٌ
وَأَنفُسُهُم وَإِن كَرّوا صِغارُ

42. When they are but people of merchandise and trade.
A brow which no crown illuminates,

٤٢. وَظَنّوا أَنَّهُم أَمسَوا مُلوكاً
وَهُم أَهلُ البَضائِعِ وَالتِجارُ

43. A palm which no bracelet befits.
How many fierce, valiant raids,

٤٣. جَبينٌ لا يُضيءُ عَليهِ تاجٌ
وَكَفٌّ لا يَليقُ بِهِ السِوارُ

44. In each limb are gaps and wounds.
They provoke in the hearts of the people turmoil,

٤٤. وَكَم مِن غارَةٍ شَعواءَ تُمسي
لَها في كُلِّ جارِحَةٍ أُوارُ

45. Almost making the sparks fly among them.
When the concealer among them reveals it with a garment,

٤٥. تَجيشُ بِها صُدورُ القَومِ حَتّى
تَكادُ تَطيرُ بَينَهُم الشِرارُ

46. It becomes in the morning a torn, tattered cover.
The hearts of the horsemen are almost blown away in shock,

٤٦. إِذا حَسَرَ الكَمِيُّ بِها لِثاماً
غَدا وَلِثامُهُ النَقعُ المُثارُ

47. If only it had wings to fly.
You met it with wisdom, not in foolishness,

٤٧. تَكادُ تَطيرُ مِن دَهشٍ قُلوبُ ال
فَوارِسِ لَو يَكونُ لَها مَطارُ

48. And resolve which no delusions make fail.
So you steered its calamities, and for it are wings,

٤٨. تَلَقّاها بِرَأيٍ غَيرِ نابٍ
وَعَزمٍ لا يُفَلُّ لَهُ غِرارُ

49. And extinguished its fire, though it has kindling.
Its leaders subdued, dispersed,

٤٩. فَقادَ صِعابِها وَبِها جَماحٌ
وَأَخمَدَ نارَها وَلها اِستِعارُ

50. Vagrants whom no dust storm can dishevel.
Are you not of those who have illumination

٥٠. أَقائِدَها مُسَوَّمَةً عِراباً
شَوارِدَ لا يُشَقُّ لَها غُبارُ

51. When the swords gleam and the blades are bared?
When they attend war they are ferocious lions,

٥١. أَلستَ مِنَ الَّذينَ لَهُم مُضاءٌ
إِذا نَبَتِ الصَوارِمُ وَالشِفارُ

52. And if asked for help they are seas full.
And if the valleys of gloom become straitened they endure,

٥٢. إِذا شَهِدوا الوَغى فَهُمُ لُيوثٌ
وَإِن سُئِلوا النَدى فَهُمُ بِحارُ

53. Vigilant, and if darkness falls they illuminate.
And if they intend a distant goal they attain it,

٥٣. وَإِن ضَنَّت غَوادي المُزنِ صابوا
حَيّاً وَإِذا دَجى خَطبٌ أَناروا

54. And if witnessing aggressions they deter.
In their palms ascend glories,

٥٤. وَإِن أَومَوا إِلى غَرَضٍ بَعيدٍ
أَصابوهُ وَإِن شَهِدوا أَغاروا

55. While above them the full moons circle.
They have kindness to offenders, spacious,

٥٥. وَتَثبُتُ في أَكُفِّهِمُ العَوالي
وَتَزلُقُ فَوقَها البِدرُ النِضارُ

56. Customs of refinement, even when intoxicated.
Faces like suns radiating light,

٥٦. لَهُم لُطفٌ عَلى الجاني رَحيبٌ
لَهُم عُرفٌ وَفي الخَمرِ الخُمارُ

57. And manners when day has dawned clear.
Dreams, that when calamities boil,

٥٧. وُجوهٌ كَالشُموسِ لَها ضِياءٌ
وَأَحسابٌ كَما اِتَضَحَ النَهارُ

58. Settle, upon them tranquility and dignity.
They are the star which if a straying traveller loses his way,

٥٨. وَأَحلامٌ إِذا الأَطوادُ طاشَت
رَسَت وَلَها السَكينَةُ وَالوَقارُ

59. Its light guides him - they are the minaret.
The whiteness of the swords points to them,

٥٩. هُمُ النَجمُ الَّذي إِن ضَلَّ سارٍ
هَداهُ بِنورِهِ وَهُمُ المَنارُ

60. When the fires signal upon the generous.
Father of al-Faraj, listen to my praise

٦٠. يَدُلُّ عَليهِمُ بيضُ السَجايا
إِذا دَلَّت عَلى الكُرَماءِ نارُ

61. Of others - it cannot be sold or borrowed.
For you strings of pearls were composed, and in it

٦١. أَبا الفَرَجِ اِسِتَمَع مِنّي ثَناءً
لِغَيرِكَ لا يُباعُ وَلا يُعارُ

62. About others than you there is unwillingness.
It remains at your homes, residing in them nightly,

٦٢. لَكُم نُظِمَت قَلائِدُهُ وَفيهِ
عَلى أَجيادِ غَيرِكُمُ نِفارُ

63. Circling, as if in pilgrimage and devotion.
It goes to your hospitality, while in it

٦٣. يَظَلُّ لَدى بُيوتِكُمُ وَيُمسي
بِها وَلَهُ طَوافٌ وَاِعتِمارُ

64. Is aversion from others, and hesitation.
Chinstraps which enchant the hearts, until

٦٤. يَسيرُ إِلى نَوالِكُمُ وَفيهِ
عُدولٌ عَن سِواكُم وَاِزوِرارُ

65. Listlessness and confusion are imagined.
It is the excellent, unsaddled she-camel, whose bride-price

٦٥. قَوافٍ تَسحَرُ الأَلبابَ حَتّى
يُخالُ بِها فُتورٌ وَاِحوِرارُ

66. Is little, whose deceptions are those of the virgins.
You remain throughout time with the eternity of a king,

٦٦. هِيَ البِكرُ الحَصانُ يَقِلُّ مَهراً
لَها غُرَرُ المَطافيلِ البِكارُ

67. Through your command the revolving sphere circles.
The nights obey you in their circumstances,

٦٧. بَقيتَ عَلى الزَمانِ بَقاءَ مَلكٍ
يَدورُ بِأَمرِكَ الفَلَكُ المُدارُ

68. For you is the judgement among them and the choice.
For you is the extended lifetime, and for the enemies,

٦٨. تُطيعُكَ في تَصَرُّفِها اللَيالي
إِلَيكَ الحُكمُ فيها وَالخِيارُ

69. Even if their eagerness sharpens into depravity.

٦٩. لَكَ العُمُرُ المَديدُ وَلِلأَعادي
وَإِن رَغَمَت أُنوفُهُمُ البَوارُ