1. The dovecote of your house is a paradise for its lodger
Whatever pleasures you desire in it are made easy
١. حَمّامُ دارِكَ جَنَّةٌ لِنَزيلِهِ
ما شِئتَ فيهِ مِنَ النَعيمِ مُيَسَّرُ
2. Al-Izz ad-Din furnished it with well-known qualities
For its veteran, which cannot be denied
٢. أَعداهُ عِزُّ الدينِ مِنهُ خَلائِقاً
مَعروفَةً لِقَديمِهِ لا تُنكَرُ
3. So by his munificence, waters flow abundantly in
Its corners, and by his despair, fires are kindled
٣. فَبِجودِهِ تَتَدَفَّقُ الأَمواهُ في
أَرجائِهِ وَبِيَأسِهِ يُستَسعَرُ