1. By the one whose love made me melt,
And for whom I yearn and pine,
١. بِأَبي مَن ذُبتُ في الحُ
بِّ لَهُ شَوقاً وَصَبوَه
2. The more he is cold and aloof,
The more my heart clings to his love.
٢. كُلَّما زادَ جَفاءً
زادَ مِن قَلبي حُظوَه
3. My misery in his love will not cease,
For love itself is misery.
٣. شَقوَتي ما تَنقَضي في
حُبِّهِ وَالحُبُّ شَقوَه
4. I complain openly, while the sad
Can not conceal their sadness.
٤. بُحتُ شَجوا فيهِ وَالمَح
زونُ لا يَكتُمُ شَجوَه
5. If God answered the prayers
Of lovers for their loved ones,
٥. لَو أَجابَ اللهُ في المَع
عشوقِ لِلعاشِقِ دَعوَه
6. I would ask God to save me
From the heights of his love.
٦. لَسَأَلتُ اللَهَ أَن يُن
صِفَني مِن حِبِّ عَلوَه
7. He has conquered my heart, though
His love was cruel and harsh.
٧. مَلَكَت قَلبي وَقَد كا
نَ مِنَ الحُبِّ بِنَجوَه
8. O beautiful tyrant, be gentler
In your love, and not so harsh.
٨. يا مَليحَ الدَلِّ زِد جَو
راً عَلى الحُبِّ وَقَسوَه
9. I will emulate those who died
Of love for you, following their example.
٩. لي بِمَن ماتَ بِداءِ ال
عِشقِ في حُبِّكَ أُسوَه
10. May God not allow me to meet you
If I harbored any twisted thoughts.
١٠. لا أَتاحَ اللَهُ لي وَص
لَكَ إِن أَضمَرتُ سَلوَه
11. But to see your sweet lips
Smiling at me would fulfill my hopes.
١١. وَأَما وَالثَغرِ يُصبي
ني لَمىً فيهِ وَحُوَّه
12. And to meet privately, as permitted
By proper conduct, would delight me.
١٢. وَاِجتِماعٍ سَمَحَ الوَص
لُ بِهِ مِنكَ وَخَلوَه
13. I wish to sip coffee sweetened by
Your sweet lips and breath.
١٣. تَمزُجُ القَهوَةَ لي مِن
ريقِكَ العَذبِ بِقَهوَه
14. By God, the pillar of religion
And model for the generous is Imād al-Dīn.
١٤. قَسَماً إِنَّ عِمادَ ال
دينِ في الأَجوادِ قُدوَه
15. He combines good character,
Spirit, and upbringing.
١٥. جَمَعَ السودَدَ أَخلاقاً
وَنَفساً وَأُبُوَّه
16. And he has reached the highest
Peaks of glorious deeds.
١٦. وَسَما مِن مَجدِهِ البا
ذِخِ في أَرفَعِ ذُروَه
17. In generosity, he emulates
Hatim, and surpasses in his bounty.
١٧. وَشَأى حاتِمَ في الجو
دِ سَخاءً وَمُروَّه
18. He is not tempted by praise
Except that which is deserved and true.
١٨. فَهوَ لا تَجذِبُ عِطفَي
هِ لِغَيرِ الحَمدِ نَشوَهُ
19. He loves sincerely and is loved by people,
His affection is true and genuine.
١٩. خالِصُ الوُدِّ وَوُدُّ ال
ناسِ مَمذوقٌ مُموَّه
20. A lord, but considers us
As brothers in affection.
٢٠. سَيّدٌ لَكِنَّهُ يَعتَ
دُّنا في الوُدِّ إِخوَه
21. O generous one, no eye has
Seen the like of you in nobility.
٢١. يا جَواداً ما رَأى قَ
طُّ لَهُ الحُسّادُ كَبوَه
22. And O eloquent one, your words
Silence all other speech.
٢٢. وَبَليغاً أَخرَسَت أَق
لامُهُ كُلَّ مُفَوَّه
23. Your virtue is not diminished
By what you own of status and wealth.
٢٣. لَم يُحِل عَهدَكَ ما
أوتيتَ مِن حالٍ وَثَروَه
24. O most perfect of people in
Generosity, modesty and chivalry.
٢٤. يا أَتَمَّ الناسِ جوداً
وَحَياءً وَفُتوَّه
25. Baghdad, once known for stinginess,
Has become a land of charity because of you.
٢٥. إِن بَغداذَ الَّتي لِل
بُخلِ أَمسَت دارَ دَعوَة
26. While its people are the most
Generous people on earth.
٢٦. وَبَنوها فَهُمُ أَك
ثَرُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ جَفوَه
27. The bitter cold has returned
After a harsh summer.
٢٧. قَد أَقامَ الثَلجُ فيها
شَتوَةً مِن بَعدِ شَتوَه
28. Attacking us night and day
In its regions without cease.
٢٨. فَهوَ يَغزونا مَساءً
في نَواحيها وَغَدوَه
29. Just as the light of faith pursues
Its enemies tirelessly.
٢٩. مِثلَ ما يُتبَعُ نورُ ال
دينِ في الأَعداءِ غَزوَه
30. So clothe my body, O gracious brother,
With a fine, warm, heavy coat.
٣٠. فَاِفرِ عَن جِسمي أَذاهُ
يا أَخا الجودِ بِفَروَه
31. A coat fit to be gifted
By one such as you.
٣١. فَروَةٍ تُكسِبُني حَو
لاً عَلى البَردِ وَقُوَّه
32. That I may wear with pride
At gatherings and while alone.
٣٢. فَروَةٍ تَصلُحُ أَن يُه
ديها مِثلُكَ كُسوَه
33. Please, bestow it upon me soon, so I can
Grip it tight with utmost joy.
٣٣. أَكتَسي مِنها جَمالاً
رائِعاً في كُلِّ نَدوَه
34. For you, O noble and wise one,
Are the hope of all hopes.
٣٤. فَفِرا جِلِقَّ عِندَ ال
ناسِ في بَغداذَ شَهوَه
35. You know well, since no days
Have passed without your care and gifts,
٣٥. تَعتَلِق كَفُّكَ مِن شُك
ري لَها أَوثَقَ عُروَه
36. That still I have some dignity
Despite my poverty and weakness.
٣٦. فَالكَريمِ الخيمِ مَن وُجِّ
هَتِ الآمالِ نَحوَه
37. I rarely demean myself
With begging and servility.
٣٧. وَتَعَلَّم لا تَلَقَّت
كَ مِنَ الأَيامِ نَبوَه
38. I have too much pride to accept
Charity except when direly needed.
٣٨. لا وَلا حَلَّت يَدُ الدَه
رِ لِعَليائِكَ حُبوَه
39. But life's difficulties have spoiled
Its goodness since you left.
٣٩. أَنَّني ما زِلتُ ذا تي
هٍ مَعَ العُدمِ وَنَخوَه
40. How many missteps I have taken
Since you went away!
٤٠. قَلَّ أَن أَضرَعَ أَو أَر
كَبَ لِلأَطماعِ صَهوَه
41. After I had once commanded
Respect and authority.
٤١. ذا إِباءٍ آخِذُ الرِز
قَ بِحَدِّ السَيفِ عُنوه
42. A man of lofty ambition, who accepts
No blame, but has the power of forgiveness.
٤٢. أَتَعاطاهُ بِكَدٍّ
وَيَدي تَملِكُ عَفوَه
43. Yet ill fortune has drawn near
In my times of need.
٤٣. غَيرَ أَنَّ العَيشِ قَد كَدَّ
رَتِ الأَيامُ صَفوَه
44. It is never found
Except with ignorant fools.
٤٤. كَم لَها مِن زِلَّةٍ عِن
دي مُذ غِبتَ وَهَفوَه
45. So for this outstanding merit,
I remain silently hopeful.
٤٥. بَعدَما قَد كُنتُ ذا
أَمرٍ عليهِنَّ وَسَطوَه
46. While the ignorant are identified
By their loud voices.
٤٦. واضِعَ الهِمَّةِ لا يُق
رَعُ لي بِالهَمِّ مَروَه
47. Listen to these sweet words
Praising you, may they find favor.
٤٧. هَرِم الحَظُّ فَقَد ق
ارَبَ في الحاجاتِ خَطوَه
48. I ask God to allow them
To have an effect on you.
٤٨. لا تَراهُ أَبداً إِل
لا مَعَ الجُهالِ صِفوَه
٤٩. فَلِهَذا الفَضلُ مَخم
ولٌ وَذو الجَهلِ مُنَوَّه
٥٠. فَاِستَمِعها عَذبَةَ الأَ
لفاظِ في مَدحِكَ حُلوَه
٥١. نَسأَلُ اللَهَ بِأَن يَر
زُقَها عِندَكَ جَلوَه