
Ja'far's garden resembles him

بستان جعفر مثله

1. Ja'far's garden resembles him
In its grace and traits

١. بُستانُ جَعفَرَ مِثلُهُ
في ظَرفِهِ وَشَمائِلِه

2. And blessings abound
Flowing from its pools and streams

٢. وَالبِركَةُ الفَيحاءُ تَخ
جَلُ مِن نَداهُ وَنائِلِه

3. In it are channels
That flow like its fountains

٣. فيهِ الأَنابيبُ الَّتي
تَنهَلُّ مِثلَ أَنامِلِه

4. Oh, the delight of forgetfulness
In its groves and arbors

٤. يا حَبَّذا وَلَعُ النَسي
مِ بِبانِهِ وَخَمائِلِه

5. And the murmur of its wheel
In its rounds and rotations

٥. وَتَرَنُّمُ الدولابِ في
غَدَواتِهِ وَأَصائِلِه

6. And the water like serpents
Between its passage and its runnels

٦. وَالماءُ كَالحَيّاتِ بَي
نَ مُرورِهِ وَجَداوِلِه

7. And the cloud has truly
Lied with its lightning and crevices

٧. وَالغَيمُ قَد صَدَقَت كَوا
ذِبُ بَرقِهِ وَمَخائِلِه

8. And the garden has come to you
Messages of morning with its missives

٨. وَالرَوضُ قَد جاءَتكَ أَن
فاسُ الصَبا بِرَسائِلِه

9. And the branch rustles
Among the abundance of its tendrils

٩. وَالغُصنُ كَالنَشوانِ يَع
ثُرُ في فُضولِ غَلائِلِه

10. And the cup was prepared
By drunkenness from the hands of its bearer

١٠. وَالكَأسُ قَد أَعداهُ سُك
رٌ مِن لَواحِظِ حامِلِه

11. And many a day I wronged
The truth for its falsehood

١١. وَلَرُبَّ يَومٍ قَد وَهَبتُ
الحَقَّ فيهِ لِباطِلِه

12. And bought promptly
What I had prepared for joy in its future

١٢. وَشَرَيتُ عاجِلَ ما اِحتَضَ
رتُ مِنَ السُرورِ بِآجِلِه

13. So the ends of our days
Resembled their beginnings in beauty

١٣. فَتَشابَهَت حُسناً أَوا
خِرُ يَومِنا بِأَوائِلِه