
I hunted a gazelle

وغزال علقته

1. I hunted a gazelle
The day I was at the monastery of foxes

١. وَغَزالٍ عَلِقتُهُ
يَومَ دَيرِ الثَعالِبِ

2. Appearing from the elevated plains of Sarim
Walking proudly like a monk in his habit

٢. مِن ظِباءِ الصَريمِ يَخ
طُرُ في زِيِّ راهِبِ

3. With erect spear
Woe to whoever bears the blame!

٣. كَالقَضيبِ يو
هيهِ حَملُ الذَوائِبِ

4. He tightened his belt and so
Undid the knots of creeds

٤. شَدَّ زُنّارَهُ فَحَل
لَ عُقودَ المَذاهِبِ

5. His glance shot no arrow
Except for the sake of proper aims

٥. ما رَمى طَرفُهُ بِسَه
مٍ هَوىً غَيرِ صائِبِ

6. I pine for love of him
As if bitten by the thorns of scorpions

٦. بِتُّ مِن حُبِّهِ عَلى
مِثلِ شَوكِ العَقارِبِ