
A phantom from Sulaima passed by at night

سرى ليلاً خيال من سليمى

1. A phantom from Sulaima passed by at night,
Keeping me and my companions awake in anguish,

١. سَرى لَيْلاً خَيالٌ مِنْ سُلَيْمى
فأَرَّقَني وأصْحابي هُجُودُ

2. So I spend my nights turning over my affairs,
Watching for her folk though they are far.

٢. فَبِتُّ أُدِيرُ أَمْرِي كلَّ حالٍ
وأَرْقُبُ أَهْلَها وهُمُ بعيدُ

3. Though my eyes have glimpsed a fire,
For which Dhi l-Arta provides the fuel,

٣. عَلى أَنْ قَدْ سَما طَرْفِي لِنارٍ
يُشَبُّ لها بذِي الأَرْطى وَقُودُ

4. With tangled hair, a pressing crowd;
Gazelles and wild cows lying down around it.

٤. حَوالَيْها مَهاً جُمُّ التَّراقي
وأَرْآمٌ وغِزْلانٌ رُقُودُ

5. Gentle ladies who brook no misery of life,
Companions who neither nod off nor slumber,

٥. نَواعِمُ لا تُعالِجُ بُؤْسَ عَيْشٍ
أَوانِسُ لا تُراحُ وَلا تَرُودُ

6. Stirring together with the slow gait that shows their trailing gowns,
Wrapped in their mantles and cloaks.

٦. يَزُحْنَ مَعاً بِطاءَ المَشْيِ بُدّاً
عليهنَّ المَجاسِدُ والبُرُودُ

7. They lodged in one place, while I lodged in another,
So ties were cut and pacts broken.

٧. سَكَنَّ ببلْدَةٍ وسَكَنْتُ أُخرى
وقُطِّعَتِ المواثِقُ والعُهُودُ

8. Why do I wander while my troth is betrayed?
Why do I still hunt though I take no game?

٨. فَما بالي أَفِي ويُخانُ عَهْدِي
وما بالي أُصادُ وَلا أَصِيدُ

9. Many a rosy-checked virgin, shapely and plump,
Of branching collar-bones and swelling breasts,

٩. ورُبَّ أَسِيلةِ الخَدَّيْنَ بِكْرٍ
مُنَعَّمَةٍ لها فَرْعٌ وجِيدُ

10. A gazelle, with scattered and sweet-scented desert plants,
Of pure hue, radiant, cool,

١٠. وذُو أُشْرٍ شَتِيتُ النَّبْتِ عَذْبٌ
نَقِيُّ اللَّوْنِ بَرَّاقٌ بَرُودُ

11. I toyed with for a time in my youth,
While poets recited their odes.

١١. لَهوْتُ بها زَماناً مِن شَبابي
وزارَتْها النَّجائِبُ والقَصِيدُ

12. People - whenever I contracted a new passion,
They broke it off with yet another.

١٢. أُناسٌ كلَّما أَخْلَقْتُ وَصْلاً
عَنانِي منهُمُ وَصْلٌ جَدِيدُ