1. For whom are the gazelles wandering at dawn,
Their likeness is smoke or cells of a ship,
١. لِمَنِ الظُّعْنُ بالضُّحى طافِياتٍ
شِبْهُها الدَّوْمُ أَوْ خَلايا سَفِينِ
2. Making the abdomen of the hyenas north,
And the radiance of the graceful ones to the right,
٢. جاعِلاتٍ بَطْنَ الضِّباعِ شِمالاً
وبِراقَ النِّعافِ ذاتَ اليَمِينِ
3. Raising a number that seduces the eye
Over every miserable humiliated one,
٣. رافعاتٍ رَقْماً تُهالُ لَهُ العَيْـ
ـنُ على كلِّ بازِلٍ مُسْتَكِينِ
4. Or trained she-camels who climbed the steps of walking,
With a skill like that of the freely-flowing water,
٤. أَوْ عَلاةٍ قد دُرِّبَتْ دَرَجَ المِشْ
يَةِ حَرْفٍ مِثْلِ المَهاةِ ذَقُونِ
5. Supporting to undo the confusion of what they see
A voice for the need of the melancholy one,
٥. عامِداتٍ لِخَلِّ سَمْسَمَ ما يَنْ
ظُرْنَ صَوْتاً لِحاجةِ المَحْزُونِ
6. Inform the warner, the explorer about me
Neither complaining nor seeking help,
٦. أَبْلِغا المُنْذِرَ المُنقِب عَنِّي
غيرَ مُستَعْتِبٍ ولا مُستَعِينِ
7. No, here, and would that I were on the edge of Zhūzh
And my family in Syria, land of spears,
٧. لاتَ هَنَّا ولَيْتَنِي طَرَفَ الزُّجْـ
ـجِ وأَهْلِي بالشَّأْمِ ذاتِ القُرونِ
8. By a man who has not performed a despairing disappointment
Which opportunity has verified for the sake of the present,
٨. بامْرِىءٍ ما فَعَلْت عَفٍّ يَؤُوسٍ
صَدَقَتْهُ المُنى لِعَوْضِ الحينِ
9. Not submissive when the incapable falters
With silence in the shades of disgrace
٩. غيرَ مُسْتَسْلِمٍ إذا اعْتَصَرَ العا
جِزُ بالسَّكْتِ في ظِلالِ الهُونِ
10. Who makes the misled camel work with the foot
The weeper complained after the gloomy one
١٠. يُعْمِلُ البازِلَ المُجِدَّة بالرَّحْـ
ـلِ تَشَكَّى النِّجادَ بَعْدَ الحُزُونِ
11. With an emaciated hero and a biting command,
And a sword swift as salt to the right hand
١١. بَفَتىً ناحِفٍ وأَمْرٍ أَحَذٍّ
وحُسامٍ كالمِلْحِ طَوْعِ اليَمينِ