1. O Lord, bless our chosen one, our master
And his family and companions, whose virtues are beyond count,
١. يا رب صل على المختار سيدنا
والآل والصحب من لا يحصى فضلهم
2. Through whom all people altogether have attained virtue,
By their light the bright stars have shone through the darkness,
٢. من نيلهم عم كلّ الناس أجمعهم
من نورُهم ضاء مثل الأزهر النجم
3. The lightning flashed from the clouds of Fayha’ and Adham, since it appeared bringing you relief in the darkness,
The lightning bolts follow one another from Najd, so it has bequeathed to me
٣. برق الحما من رُبا الفيحاء من إضم
مذ لاح جاء بما يشجيك في الظلم
4. Yearning, anxiety, and remembrance, and this I have become weary of.
O this young man - rather, O kinsman of determination -
٤. تتابع البرق من نجد فأورثني
شجواً وهما وتذكاراً وذا سأم
5. Pour forth the flowing tears and submission and sickness,
In the greatest distress of fetters and difficulties,
٥. يا أيهذا الفتى بل يا أهيل الحما
صبٌّ براه الاسي والذل والسقم
6. Thus, when the darkness of night falls, it does not sleep.
Make its long night sleepless, O kinsman of love, tame it
٦. في غاية من زمام الكرب والنصب
كذا اذا أظلم الديجور لم ينم
7. From insoluble problems that have caused its body pain.
I think that I cannot bear it - how can that be when indeed
٧. ثواله يا أهيل الود أدبه
من معضلات أضرت جسمه ألم
8. You have come to me, O noblest of Arabs and non-Arabs.
My eyes were sleepless in the darkness and I
٨. ظني بأن لا أضام كيف ذاك وقد
أتيتكم يا كرام العُربِ والعجم
9. So no restfulness came to me from the pain.
And I despaired, my state worsened forever,
٩. جفا عياني منامي في الدجى وأنا
فلم يقر قرار لي من الالم
10. So help me before I am destroyed by the sickness.
And in me is the evil of intentions, the flames of a blazing fire,
١٠. وضقت ذرعاً ساءت حالتي أبداً
فداركوا قبل ما أُودى من السقم
11. Perhaps a speedy, immediate rescue will arise.
The harm touched its delicate, belonging to you,
١١. وبي بسوء النوي لهيب نار جوي
عسى غياث قريباً عاجلاً يقم
12. And it has become, from its sickness, in the state of nothingness.
And a witness for me is a pouring tear that surpassed
١٢. ضراءُ مسته رق منتمي لكم
وصار من سقمه في حالة العدم
13. With redness, like blood and droplets.
And I have become in tears from what my hands have harvested
١٣. وشاهدٌ لي دمع مرسَلٌ سَبق
بحمرة كشبيه الدم والعنم
14. From the ill omen of my sin, which I see with humility and regret.
I knocked on the door of the generous one, always hoped for,
١٤. وصرت في عَبرة مما جنته يدي
من شؤم ذنبي أرى بالذل والندم
15. The Living, Hearing, Seeing, for He does not sleep.
Thus I pleaded with the Guiding Intercessor so that
١٥. طرقت باب كريم يرتجى أبداً
حي سميع بصير فهو لم ينم
16. I may see acceptance and my prayer through them being received.
They are the family of the Messenger of God, all of them,
١٦. كذا وثنيت بالهادي الشفيع لكي
أرى القبول وتقبل دعوتي بهم
17. In them is pride and in their words is wisdom.
Muhammad is the heir, the one sent with kindness
١٧. هم آل بيت رسول اللَه كلهم
فيهم فخار وفي أقوالهم حكم
18. And overflowing virtue and favor from early on.
And the one through whom Medina became fragrant, its essences
١٨. محمدُ العاقب المبعوث بالكرم
والفيض والمن والاحسان من قدم
19. Have been honored, the meadow and the hillocks.
The prophet of sincerity and verification from the beginning,
١٩. ومن به طيبة طابت عناصرها
مشرَّف الروضة الغناء والاكم
20. And pardoning, remembrance, kindness, and wisdom.
You see places through him become more noble
٢٠. نبيُّ ذي الصدق والتحقيق من أزل
والصفح والذكر والاحسان والحكم
21. And its environs have been purified in the plains and hillocks.
The camel yearned for him and the gazelle spoke to him
٢١. ترى البقاع به تزداد من شرف
وطاب ارجاؤها في السهل والاكم
22. And the calf inclined to him, and the wolf, and the stream.
And since the speechless trees called to him obediently
٢٢. حنَّ البعير له والظبي كلمه
والجذع حن له والديب والكلم
23. They came to him hastily on a leg without a foot.
And how many miracles for this Chosen One forever
٢٣. ومذ دعا الشجر الخرساء طائعة
أتته تسعى على ساق بلا قدم
24. Have been related in number that cannot be penned.
And those are in the well-known accounts made clear
٢٤. وكم معجزات لهذا المصطفى أبدا
تواترت عدها لا يحص بالقلم
25. Like the rising dawn and the revolving celestial bodies.
And God made water flow from his hands which quenched
٢٥. وتلك بالخبر المشهور مسفرة
كطالع الصبح والسيارة النجم
26. A great army, satisfying the thirsty and favor.
With revelation he was ennobled and the Heavenly Ascension, then he saw
٢٦. وأنبع اللَه ماءً من يديه سقى
جيشاً عظيماً روى الظمآن والنعم
27. His Protector with his eyes, Majestic is God, He does not sleep.
And he attained noble character and manners
٢٧. بالوحي شرف والمعراج ثم رأى
مولاه بالعين جل اللَه لم ينم
28. And the Lord spoke to him with words of wisdom.
All the memorizers wandered confused and were dumbfounded
٢٨. ونال علماً وأخلاقاً مكرمة
والرب خاطبه بالقول ذي الحكم
29. And the general populace and scholars were perplexed in describing him.
This noble prophet, the hoped for advocate
٢٩. تاهت جميع الحفاظ واندهشت
وحار في وصفه الجمهور والعلم
30. In the homely life and the next, source of nobility.
An intercessor, advocate on the Day of Resurrection, our rescuer
٣٠. هذا النبي الكريم المرتجى سنداً
في دار دنيا وأخرى معدن الكرم
31. From the enormity of that territory, and the fire blazing.
And through the prophet, the praised of action, our master
٣١. مشفع شافع في الحشر منقذنا
من هول ذي موقف والنار تضطرم
32. My Creator has granted me of abundant favor.
He praised him with the inimitable verses of the Scripture,
٣٢. وبالنبي حميد الفعل سيدنا
أوليتنا خالقي من سابغ النعم
33. A Lord exalted above “how” and “not.”
God extolled his name and specified him
٣٣. أثنى عليه بآي الذكر محكمة
ربٌّ تنزه عن كيف وعن عدم
34. In his life swearing by him in the verse of wisdom.
So bestow favor upon the composer in haste,
٣٤. اللَه نوَّه باسمه وخصصه
بعمره مقسماً في الآي ذي الحكم
35. For my patience has vanished, constricted is my breath.
And give drink to your slave whom his sorrow has weakened, from
٣٥. فامنن على ناظم بالجود في عجل
فانني ضاع صبري ضائق النسم
36. Muhammad Hashim son of Mirghani the seal.
And bless, O Lord, the Chosen One as long as the sun rises
٣٦. وتشفه من عنى أضناه عبدك من
محمد هاشم ابن الميرغني الختم
37. And the full moon, my hands stretched out in darkness.
A Muslim, hopeful, as long as the full moon gleams
٣٧. وصل رب على المختار ما بزغت
شمس وبدر أضافي حندس الظلم
38. And as lightning flashes in the deep darkness.
Dazzled by the lightning of Quba and it blinked, and knocked from the clouds
٣٨. مسلماً وائماً ما لاح بدر سما
وما سرى البرق في الظلماء من إضم
39. Of silent Arabs, neighbors of one with peace.
And the family and companions, my masters, and through them
٣٩. مَغترَّ برقُ قبا واخضلّ ودقُ ربا
من عُربِ كاظمة جيران ذي سلم
40. I attain my aim which I yearn for through their excellence.
٤٠. وعُمَّ آلٍ وصحبٍ سادتي وبهم
أنال قصدي الذي أهوى بفضلهم