1. My Lord's prayer upon the Chosen One,
Muhammad, then his companions and his family.
١. صلاة ربي على المختار صفوته
محمد ثم أصحاب وعترته
2. O you who travels in the darkness of ruins hastily,
Argue with it, O you of good melody.
٢. يا سائرا في دجا الاطلال مبتدرا
بالظعن جادلها يا طيب نغمته
3. Ascend in their direction so I may entrust them,
For I have a moon that glows in its loss.
٣. عرج بنحو لواهم كي أودعهم
فان لي قمراً يزهو بتيهته
4. Are they the most eloquent of speech from the people of peace?
Or are they the tribe of determination that awoke from the east?
٤. أهم عريب النقا من نحو ذي سلم
أم هم أهيل الحمي الشرقي منتبه
5. Yes, they are the people of integrity, generosity and loyalty,
And a young man who turns to them in his need will not be lost.
٥. نعم أهيل الصفا والجود ثم وفا
ولن يضيعوا فتى يولو لفاقته
6. Among them is a beautiful one who captivated my heart with his handsomeness,
When he shined in his gait.
٦. فيهم مليح سبى قلبي بصولته
في الحسن حين ازدهى في حال مشيته
7. In his walk is a lean, and in his glance is fascination,
Like a bending branch, leaning with its grace.
٧. في مشيه ميلٌ في طرفه حوَر
كالغصن ميلا ويزهو في تظرفه
8. He captivates the mind of my heart with his charm,
And my body and soul melted in his love.
٨. يختال في صبب قلبي به خبل
وذاب جسمي وروحي في محبته
9. The night is sweetened by his hair into darkness,
And the morning rises from the radiance of his cheeks.
٩. والليل من شعره محلو لِكَ غسقا
والصبح يطلع من لألاء غرته
10. He characterized the passion of every meaning, his describer,
His face is bright, reddened are his cheeks.
١٠. نعت حوى كل معني حارَ واصفه
وأبيض الوجه محمر مورده
11. Slender of waist, strong of shoulders,
Above all creation, glorified is his describer.
١١. وناحل الخصر عبلُ الرَّدف أثقله
من بين كل البرايا جل واصفه
12. His glance hit my heart, should I meet him?
And he picked the roses from kissing his cheeks.
١٢. أصابَ باللحظ قلبي هل أقبله
واجتنى الورد من تقبيل وجنته
13. Blessed is God, his traits have surpassed,
Our souls are not satisfied with the telling of his ways.
١٣. تبارك اللَه قد فاقت شمائله
لم تقتنع نفسنا من نفس سيرته
14. Exalted is He who created him in this form,
And perfected beauty in the particles of his image.
١٤. فجل من صاغه في ذات هيكله
وأبدع الحسن في ذرات صورته
15. He adorned him with an excess of description in verse,
And the ornament of beauty with the descriptions of his decor.
١٥. قد زانه فرط وصف فيه منظما
وحلية الحسن مع أوصاف زينته
16. Since they have gazed upon his beauty,
All people are infatuated by his charm.
١٦. مذ أحدقوا نظراً في ذي محاسنه
فجملة الناس مفتون بطرته
17. Whoever loved him became sick, all of that from,
Eyes, then the straight nose which he beautified.
١٧. فمن هواه عليل جلُّ ذلك من
عينين ثمَّ وأقنى الانف أصقله
18. God perfected in him the best of creations and mannerisms,
Like a sculpture, purified of any fault in his walk.
١٨. قد أكمل اللَه فيه الخلق مع خلق
كدمية نزَّهت من كل مشيته
19. His neck is like smooth, refined silver,
His mouth a jewel, do not forget his cheeks.
١٩. وعنقه كلُجينٍ صاف معدنه
وثغره الدر لا تنسى غدائره
20. He has from God what He loves since eternity,
And however our Master turns, it is with wisdom.
٢٠. له من اللَه ما يهواه من أَزل
وكل تصريف مولانا على بده
21. Muhammad is the best of all people from Mudar,
Rabi’a submitted to his handsomeness.
٢١. محمد خير كل الخلق من مضر
ربيعة الفرس قد صالت بصولته
22. The most honest of all people in manners and ethics,
And their best in generosity and gifts.
٢٢. وأزك كل الورى في الخلق مع خلق
وخيرهم في عطاياه ومنحته
23. And Taha cannot be matched in the pride of his nation,
And none can equal him in rank.
٢٣. وطه من لا يوازي فخر أمته
ولا يعادله شخص برتبته
24. He has no equal in prestige for eternity,
In his status or grandeur.
٢٤. ولا مثال له طول المدي أبداً
في ذي مكانته أو ذي فخامته
25. Of the prophets, messengers and angels,
Next to God, who established His pillars.
٢٥. من النبيين من رسل ومن ملك
لدى الاله ومن أرسى دعائمه
26. God crowned him with the gift of greatness,
Clothing him in all dignity and virtues.
٢٦. اللَه جلله بهبة عظمَت
كساه كل وقار من فضائله
27. I hope from some of His favors He grants me,
And loves me, benefiting from His morals.
٢٧. أرجوه من بعض إحساناته يهب
ويحبني محسناً من ذي عوائده
28. O my master, O Messenger of God, help a boy,
Your sons and servants who lost their way.
٢٨. يا سيدي يا رسول اللَه غث ولدا
ابنالكم وعبيداً ضل مأخذه
29. So Hashim Al-Murghani, belonging to you, remorseful,
Bound in great sins, burdened.
٢٩. فهاشم الميرغني المنسوب منتحباً
مقيداً بعظيم الذنب مثقله
30. Pray upon you, God of the Throne, for as long as
The shining full moon emerges from its clouds.
٣٠. صلى عليك إله العرش ما بزغ ال
بدر المنير وأبدى من غمائمه
31. And upon the Family and Companions who fulfilled their duty,
For as long as a bird chirps atop a branch.
٣١. والآل والصحب من قاموا بواجبه
ما غردت فوق غصن البان طائره