1. She looked and liked what she saw of his beauty,
And I looked at my worn-out rags.
١. نَظَرَت فَأًعجَبها الَّذي في دِرعِها
مِن حُسنِهِ وَنَظَرتُ في سِربالِيا
2. She saw he had a shoulder that strained at his belt
And legs well-formed, though his sandals were rent.
٢. فَرَأَت لَها كَفلاً يَنوءُ بِخَصرِها
وَعثاً رَوادِِفُهُ وَاِخثَمَ ناتِيا
3. A guest who would take any branch offered -
Like a rain tank or an abandoned palace.
٣. ضَيفاً يَعُضُّ بِكُلِّ عَردٍ نالَهُ
كَالقَعبِ أَو صَرحٍ يُرى مُتَجافِيا
4. I saw my sagging tent braced,
Its ropes slack, its leather panels cracked.
٤. وَرَأَيتُ مِنتَشِرَ العِجانِ مُقَبَّضاً
رِخواً حَمائِلُهُ وَجِلداً بالِيا
5. I brought my shaven hocks near him, as though
I brought scorpions and snakes to his head.
٥. أُدني لَهُ الرَكبَ الحَليقَ كَأَنَّما
أُدني إِلَيهِ عَقارِباً وأَفاعِيا
6. Learn that regret and disgrace will be yours
If you had endured me empty so long.
٦. إِنَّ النَدامَةَ وَالسَدامَةَ فَاِعلَمَنْ
لَو قَد صَبَرتُك لِلمَوايس خالِيا
7. Why did you turn your head away behind me
Thinking a maiden was behind?
٧. ما بالُ رَأَسِكَ مِن وَرائي خالِفاً
أَطَنَنتَ أَنَّ حَرّا لِفَتاةِ وَرائِيا
8. Go, for you are as good as dead, beyond hope,
If you lived for years.
٨. فَاِذهَب فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ لا يُرتَجى
أَبَدَ الأَبيدِ وَلَو عُمِرَت لَيالِيا
9. You are self-delusion, if that could cure,
Though sometimes self-delusion may heal.
٩. أَنتَ الغُرورَ إِذا خُبِرتَ وَرُبَّما
كانَ الغرورُ لِمن رَجاهُ شافِيا
10. But my helplessness cannot avail you,
Until I become a brother to one more powerful.
١٠. لكنَّ أَيري ل يرجَّى نفعُه
حتى أَعودَ أَخا فتاءٍ ناشيا
11. O camel who has wronged me,
Exposed me, and scared away the mother of my children.
١١. يا أيُّها الأيرُ الذي قد سُؤتني
وفَضَحتَنِي وطردتَ أُمَّ عِياليا