
Time does not cease from its events

الدهر لا ينفك من حدثانه

1. Time does not cease from its events,
And man is led by the rule of his time.

١. الدَّهْرُ لا يَنْفَكُّ مِنْ حَدَثَانهِ
والمَرْءُ مُنْقَادٌ لِحُكْمِ زَمَانِهِ

2. So leave time be, for it has not relied
Upon its glory or lowness anyone.

٢. فَدَعِ الزَّمَانَ فإنَّه لم يَعْتَمِدْ
بجَلاَلِهِ أحداً ولا بِهَوَانِهِ

3. Like the scales it has not specified -
With the benefit of its right side –

٣. كالمُزْنِ لم يَخْصُصْ بنافعِ صَوْبِهِ
أُفْقاً ولم يَخْتَرْ أَذَى طُوْفانِهِ

4. A horizon, nor chosen the harm of its storms.
But for its Maker there are hidden wisdoms

٤. لكنْ لِبَارِيْهِ بَوَاطِنُ حِكْمَةٍ
في ظاهِرِ الأضدادِ مِنْ أَكْوانِهِ

5. In the appearance of opposites among His creatures.
And I knew that effort is not fruitful

٥. وعَلِمْتُ أنَّ السَّعْيَ ليس بِمُنْجِجٍ
ما لا يكونُ السَّعْدُ من أَعْوَانِهِ

6. Unless fortune is among its helpers.
And seriousness without lightheartedness is not beneficial,

٦. والجِدُّ دُوْنَ الجَدِّ ليس بنافعٍ
والرُّمْحُ لا يمضِي بغير سِنَانِهِ

7. And a spear does not strike without its tip.
And the pleasure raised the son of Sumadah to kingship,

٧. وَسَمَا إلى المُلْكِ الرِّضَى ابنُ صُمادحٍ
فَأَدَالَنِي بالسُّخْطِ من رِضْوانِهِ

8. Then it let me down with its displeasure.
And it dropped my star from the sky of its loftiness,

٨. وهَوَى بنَجْمِي من سماءِ سَنائِهِ
وقَضَى بِحَطِّي من ذُرى سُلْطَانِهِ