1. O visitor who has filled my sight with light
And filled my soul with joy and my ribs with delight
١. يا زائراً مَلأَ النَّواظِرَ نُوْراً
والنَّفْسَ لَهْواً والضُّلُوعَ سُرُورَا
2. If I were able, I would carpet all my paths
With cheeks and eggs and curled forelocks for you
٢. لو أستطيعُ فَرَشْتُ كلَّ مَسَالِكِي
حَدَقاً وَبِيْضَ سَوَالِفٍ وَنُحُورَا
3. In you my atmosphere is clad with radiance and brilliance
And my earth reflects ambergris and fragrance
٣. فيك اكتَسَى جَوِّي سَنَاً وَتَلأْلُؤاً
وارتدَّ تُرْبِي عَنْبَراً وعَبِيرَا