
The morning of parting shed pearls of dew

أسالت غداة البين لؤلؤ أجفان

1. The morning of parting shed pearls of dew
From her eyelids and poured rubies of tears in the basin.

١. أسَالَتْ غَدّاةَ البَيْنِ لُؤلُؤَ أَجْفَانِ
وأَجْرَتْ عَقِيْقَ الدَّمْعِ في صَحْنِ عِقْيَانِ

2. She cast off her necklaces out of grief, as though
The leaves were stripped from the branches of the ban tree.

٢. وأَلْقَتْ حُلاَهَا مِنْ أَسىً فكأنَّما
أَطَارَتْ شَوَادِي الوُرْقِ عن فَنَنِ البانِ

3. The caller to departure made her distraught, without searching,
So he greeted her farewell with apples from Lebanon.

٣. وأَذْهَلَها داعِي النَّوَى عن تَنَقُّبٍ
فَحَيَّا مُحَيَّاهَا بِتُفَّاحِ لُبْنَانِ

4. She has covered the meadows with violets
As if she had plucked roses with hyacinths of Susa.

٤. وقد أَطْبَقَتْ فوق الأَقَاحِي بَنَفْسَجاً
كما خَمَشَتْ وَرْداً بِعُنَّابِ سُوْسَانِ

5. A night I walked in, with its stars,
Flowers of a garden or lamps of eyelids.

٥. وليلٍ بهيْمٍ سِرْتُهُ ونُجُوْمُهُ
أَزاهِرُ رَوْضٍ أو سَوَاهِرُ أَجْفَانِ

6. As if the Pleiades in it were a cup of wine
And the Gemini leaned tipsily.

٦. كأنَّ الثُّرَيَّا فيه كأسُ مُدَامةٍ
وقد مَالَتِ الجَوْزَاءُ مِيْلَةَ نَشْوَانِ

7. Life is but a gloomy night,
With Ahmad ibn Suleiman its shining sun.

٧. وما الدَّهْرُ إلاَّ لَيْلَةٌ مُدْلَهِمَّةٌ
وشَمْسُ ضُحَاهَا أحمدُ بنُ سُلَيْمَانِ