1. The soul is imperfect in its essence, yet
It is perfected through seeking knowledge of truths.
١. والنَّفْسُ عادِمَةُ الكَمَالِ وإنَّما
بالبَحْثِ عن عِلْمِ الحقائِقِ تَكْمُلُ
2. A person is like a sapling in its trunk,
Ignorance makes it barren, understanding makes it fruitful.
٢. والمَرْءُ مِثْلُ النَّصْلِ في إصْدائِهِ
والجَهْلُ يُصْدِي والتَّفَهُّمُ يَصْقُلُ
3. Radiant, dazzling the eyes of the beholder,
Like the sun reflecting the gaze of one who contemplates.
٣. مُتَلألِئٌ يَثْنِي العيونَ نَوَاكِساً
كالشَمْسِ تَعْكِسُ لَحْظَ مَنْ يَتَأَمَّلُ
4. The one who sees is protected from the rheum of misfortunes,
His eyesight is cleared by the collyrium of its pages.
٤. لا يَتَّقِي رَمَدَ النَّوَائِبِ ناظِرٌ
يُجْلَى بِمِرْوَدِ صَفْحَتَيْهِ وَيُكْحَلُ
5. His palm is like a torrent pouring forth,
And it seems the fingers are rivulets flowing from it.
٥. وكأنَّ راحَتَهُ الذِراعُ إِفاضَةً
وكأنَّما الأنْوَاءُ منها الأنْمُلُ
6. The universes are depicted in its lines,
As if his imaginative mind is the burnishing steel.
٦. تَتَصَوَّرُ الأكوانُ في حَوْبَائِهِ
فكأنَّ خاطِرَهُ الصَّقِيْلَ سَجَنْجَلُ
7. When meteors see you preparing for conquest,
They all retreat, for they know you are their conqueror.
٧. وإذا رَأَتْكَ الشُّهْبُ مُزْمِعَ غَزْوَةٍ
وَدَّتْ جميعاً أنَّها لك جَحْفَلُ
8. If matters proceeded according to your worth,
Even the unarmed fish would take up arms for you.
٨. ولوِ الأمورُ جَرَتْ على مِقْدَارِها
حَمَلَ السِّلاحَ لكَ السِّماكُ الأعْزَلُ