1. With the fluttering of eyelashes, your heart flutters,
And with the muteness of both hearts, your tear speaks,
١. بِخَافِقَةِ القُرْطَيْنِ قَلْبُكَ خافِقُ
وعن خَرَسِ القُلْبَيْنِ دَمْعُكَ ناطِقُ
2. In the sunrise of cheeks, the moon has a sunset,
Thoughts have states, and eyes have a dawn,
٢. وفي مَشْرِقِ الصُّدْغَيْنِ لِلبَدْرِ مَغْرِبٌ
ولِلْفِكْرِ حَالاتٌ وللعَيْنِ شارِقُ
3. Among ruby pebbles, beauty water,
Sweetened from it the preceding gazelles,
٣. وبين حَصَى الياقوتِ ماءُ وَسَامَةٍ
مُحَلاَّةً عَنْهُ الظِّباءُ السَّوابِقُ
4. The enclosure of palm fronds contains a turtle dove,
As if it were the affection and cooing of a meadow,
٤. وحَشْوُ قِباب الرَّقْم أَحْوَى مُقَرْطَقٌ
كما آسُ رَوْضٍ عِطْفُهُ والقَرَاطِقُ
5. A delicate gazelle in the curling tresses,
And fragrant lines in the throats that are delicate.
٥. غزالٌ رَبِيْبٌ في المَقَاصِرِ كانِسٌ
وخُوْطٌ رَطيْبٌ بالغرائرِ وارِقُ