1. Rejoice, O heaven of joy,
With a guiding star that shone among the House of Hood,
١. فَبَشِّرْ سماءَ السَّنَا والسَّناءِ
بنجم هُدىً لاَحَ في آلِ هُوْدِ
2. Kindled from the suns of souls,
And ignited from the flints of glory,
٢. بِمُقْتَبَسٍ من شُمُوْسِ النُّفُوْسِ
ومُقْتَدَحٍ من زِنادِ السُّعُودِ
3. A crescent that gleamed from the full moon of Saad,
And a lamp that was lit from the sea of generosity,
٣. هِلاَلٌ تَأَلَّقَ من بَدْرِ سَعْدٍ
ومُزْنٌ تَخَلَّقَ من بَحْرِ جُودِ
4. A shooting star that flew
To clothe every stubborn opponent,
٤. شِهابُ مِنَ النَّيِّرَيْنِ استَطَارَ
لإِرْدَاءِ كلِّ مَرِيْدٍ عَنِيْدِ
5. And a sharp sword that when unsheathed
Woe to the enemies from a destroying warrior,
٥. ونَصْلٌ إذا تَمَّ منه انتِضَاءٌ
فَوَيْحَ العِدَا مِنْ مٌبِيْرٍ مُبِيْدِ
6. In it the essence of intelligence was evident,
Oh Lord, with a green rod.
٦. تَبَيَّنَ فيه كُمُوْنُ الذَّكاءِ
ويا رُبَّ نارٍ بِمُخْضَرِّ عُوْدِ