1. Your talk, how sweet! So speak more and converse with me
About the lovely, unique, sublime, unmatched beauty.
١. حَدِيثُكِ ما أَحْلَى فَزِيْدِي وَحَدِّثِي
عَنِ الرَّشإِ الفَرْدِ الجَمَالِ المُثَلِّثِ
2. And do not tire of mentioning him, for remembering is my companion,
Though it rouses longing from every awakening.
٢. ولا تَسْأَمِي ذِكْرَاهُ فالذِكْرُ مُؤْنِسِي
وإنْ بَعَثَ الأشواقَ مِن كلِّ مَبْعَثِ
3. For God's sake, cure the madness of my soul with his words,
And with repeating in the knot of my passion, breathe into me.
٣. وبالله فَارقِي خَبلَ نَفْسِي بقوله
وفي عَقْدِ وَجْدِي بالإعادة فانفُثِي
4. Truly, though I have confessed what ails me,
He smiled at me knowingly, playing with one troubled.
٤. أَحَقَّاً وقد صَرَّحْتُ ما بِيَ أنَّهُ
تَبَسَّمَ كاللاَّهِي بنا المُتَعَبِّثِ
5. And he swore by the Bible, "I am verily a comforter,"
Yet do not reproach my tear from one sincere but false.
٥. وأَقْسَمَ بالإِنْجِيلِ إنِّي لَمَائِنٌ
وناهِيكَ دَمْعِي من مُحِقٍّ مُحَنَّثِ
6. And I must tell my story to the priest, tell him my tale,
Maybe he will help the outcast, the one crying for help.
٦. ولا بُدَّ مِن قَصِّي على القَسِّ قِصَّتِي
عَسَاهُ مُغِيثَ المُدْنَفِ المُتَغَوِّثِ
7. Jesus did not bring them a religion of cruelty
To be cruel to the anguished and toy with the wretched.
٧. فلم يَأْتِهِمْ عِيْسَى بِدِيْنِ قَسَاوَةٍ
فَيَقْسُوْ على مُضْنىً ويَلْهُوْ بِمُكْرَثِ
8. And my heart is free of the finery of pretense,
Passionately loving a shy gazelle, unkempt and disheveled.
٨. وَقَلْبِيَ مِنْ حَلْيِ التَّجَلُّدِ عاطلٌ
هَوَىً في غزالٍ ذي نِفَارٍ مُرَعَّثِ
9. My secret will shine forth like the dawn,
And my conversation will be the talk amongst all who converse.
٩. سَيُصبحُ سِرِّي كالصَّباحِ مُشَهَّراً
ويُمْسِي حَدِيثِي عُرْضَةَ المُتَحَدِّثِ
10. And he will boast of me between a cup and a garden,
And recite my poetry between pairs and trios.
١٠. وَيَغْرَى بذِكرِي بين كأسٍ وروضةٍ
وَيُنْشِدُ شِعْرِي بين مَثْنىً ومِثْلَثِ