1. She whose glances wounded me, Nuwairah,
He shall not hope for relief from the wounds of sorrow.
١. ومَنْ جَرَحَتْهُ مُقْلَتَاكِ نُوَيْرةُ
فليس يُرَجِّي مِنْ جِرَاحِ الأَسَى أَسْوَا
2. I see everyone infatuated with you in despair,
So abundant is affliction from your beauty and lament.
٢. أَرَى كلَّ ذِي سَلْوَى رآكِ مُتَيَّماً
فما أَكْثَرَ البَلْوَى بِحُسْنِكِ والشَّكْوَى
3. The fire of sorrow smolders near Nuwairah,
Who will shelter me in the garden of refuge?
٣. ونارُ الأَسَى تَخْبُو بِقُرْبِ نويرة
ومَنْ لِي بأنْ آوِي إلى جَنَّةِ المَأْوَى
4. In the doctrine of the Trinity is peerless beauty,
The law of love was revealed from it as inspiration.
٤. وفي شِرْعَةِ التَّثْلِيْثِ فَرْدُ مَحَاسِنٍ
تَنَزَّلَ شَرْعُ الحُبِّ مِنْ طَرْفِهِ وَحْيَا
5. I lost myself in love for a Christian woman,
By her the sincere soul went astray.
٥. وأُذْهِلُِ نَفْسِي في هَوَى عِيْسَوِيَّةٍ
بها ضَلَّتِ النَّفْسُ الحَنِيْفَيَّةُ الهَدْيَا
6. So who will soothe my eyelids with the kohl of Nuwairah,
A girl who is the cure for my soul and life.
٦. فَمَنْ لِجُفُوْنِي بالتماحِ نُوَيْرَةٍ
فَتَاةٌ هي المَرْدَى لِنَفْسيَ والمَحْيَا
7. She captivated me, though there was peace between us,
And had it been war, she would still have been the captivation.
٧. سَبَتْنِي على عَهْدٍ من السِّلْم بيننا
ولَوْ أنَّها حَرْبٌ لكانتْ هي السَّبْيَا