
O trees of the living one from the valley's shore

أيا شجرات الحي من شاطئ الوادي

1. O trees of the living one from the valley's shore
The living watered you with its flowing bounty

١. أَيَا شَجَرَاتِ الحَيِّ مِنْ شاطئ الوادِي
سَقَاكِ الحَيَا سُقْيَاكِ للدَّنِفِ الصَّادِي

2. In your shade we had an evening
Where I forgot the beauty of my festive mornings

٢. فَكَانَتْ لنا في ظِلِّكُنَّ عَشِيَّةٌ
نَسِيْتُ بها حُسْناً صَبِيْحَةَ أَعيادِي

3. In it I was aided by a happiness from my time
So the affection of the beloved met me in my bliss

٣. بها ساعَدَتْنِي مِنْ زمانِي سَعَادةٌ
فَقَابَلَنِي أُنْسُ الحبيب بإسْعادِي

4. O trees that fruited every sweet delight
Your orchard is delicious even if left to wander

٤. فَيَا شَجَرَاتٍ أَثْمَرَتْ كلَّ لَذَةٍ
جَنَاكِ لذيذٌ لَوْ جَنَيْتِ على الغادِي

5. Is there for me with the gazelle that was intimate
Through your shade a renewal of a pact and frequenting

٥. فهل لِي إلى الظَّبْي الذي كان آنساً
بِظِلِّك من تجديد عَهْدٍ وتَرْدَادِ

6. And my heart on your palm branch a bird
That moans and sings while passion wails with joy

٦. وقَلْبِي على أغصانِ دَوْحِكِ طائرٌ
يَنُوْحُ ويَشْدُوْ والهَوَى نائِحُ شادِ