
Alas! Bombs and cannons are of no avail,

هيهات ما تغني القنابل والقنا

1. Alas! Bombs and cannons are of no avail,
Nor palatial dwellings, against death's assail;

١. هَيْهَاتِ ما تُغْنِي القَنَابِلُ والقَنَا
والمَشْرَفِيَّةُ في مُلاقاةِ المَنَى

2. Why long for freedom, though with zeal we toil,
When fate irresistible the weak and mighty foil?

٢. فَعَلاَمَ تُسْتَاقُ العِتَاقُ وإنْ جَرَى
وَجَرَيْنَ جَاهِدَةً وَنَيْنَ وما وَنَى

3. Why seek deliverance from death's bitter cup?
No fortress strong his poison'd shaft can keep out.

٣. وعَلاَمَ تُجْتَابُ الدِّلاصُ فإنَّها
لَيْسَت مَوانِعَ سُمْرِهِ أَنْ تُطْعَنَا

4. Death's nature is beyond all thought's ken;
Minds loftiest here must pause, their limits then.

٤. إنَّ المَنِيَّةَ ليس يُدْرَكُ كُنْهُهَا
فَنَوَافِذُ الأَفْهَامِ قد وَقَفَتْ هُنَا

5. In everything a warning voice to man,
Like Shu'aib's to sinful Midian's tribe began:

٥. في كلِّ شيءٍ للأَنَامِ مُحَذِّرٌ
ما كانَ حَذَرَهُ شُعَيْبٌ مَدِيَنَا

6. Our life's a journey, and death is our home;
Yet leaving it we sorrow and mourn.

٦. وَحَيَاتُنَا سِفَرٌ وَمَوْطِنُنَا الرَّدَى
لَكِنْ كَرِهْنَا أَنْ نُحِلَّ المَوْطِنَا

7. Grievous is life if wishes denied,
And many through fruitless cravings have died.

٧. والعَيْشُ أَضْنَكُ إنْ تَعَذَّرَ مَطْلَبٌ
كم مِنْ ضِنَاكٍ في مَطَالِبِهِ ضَنَى

8. Perchance stern fate may yet some solace provide.
Despair not, for the difficult hath been made easy.

٨. وَلَرُبَّما أَعْطَى الزَّمانُ مَقَادَهُ
لا تَيْأَسَنَّ فَرُبَّ صَعْبٍ أَمْكَنَا

9. Death must ensue; who doubts the dying day
Will sweep all human grandeur away?

٩. لا بُدَّ أَنْ تَتْلُو الحياةَ مَنِيَّةٌ
مَنْ شَكَّ أَنَّ اليومَ يُزْجِي المَوْهِنَا

10. Hope not for any to escape death's rule;
All souls must taste mortality's doom full.

١٠. لا تَرْجُ إبقاءَ البَقَاءِ على امرئٍ
كُلُّ النُّفُوْسِ تَحِلُّ أَفْنيةَ الفَنَا

11. Though life looks fair, strangers to it are we,
Who fain would make it our home, could it lasting be.

١١. تَجِدُ الحياةَ نفيسةً ونُفُوْسُنَا
غُرَباءُ تَرْغَبُ عندها مُتَوَطَّنَا

12. Could life but feel, it then would surely know
Death is true life, did it but see this, I trow.

١٢. لَوْ أَنَّهَا شَعَرَتْ لها وَسَقَتْ دَرَتْ
أنَّ الوَفَاةَ هي الحَيَاةُ تَيَقُّنَا

13. But blind is life; not all who see are wise,
Else would it Myriam's fate philosophize.

١٣. لكنَّها عَمِيَتْ ولم تَرَ رُشْدَهَا
ما كُلُّ مَنْ لَحَظَ الأمورَ تَبَيَّنَا

14. Consider well her glory's overthrow,
The nothingness of life and pomp below.

١٤. فَتَبَصَّرَنَّ مُصَابَ سَيِّدَةِ الوَرَى
تُبْصِرْ دَنَاءَةَ ذي الحياةِ وذي الدُّنَى

15. Mightier than aught they dreaded hath been sent;
E'en boldest hearts are now with terror rent.

١٥. أَعْظِمْ به مِنْ حادثٍ جَبُنُوا له
ما ظَنَّ قَبْلُ شُجَاعُهُمْ أنْ يَجْبُنَا

16. They've cast away their arms, nor further care
To seek midst future's ruins the arms they bare.

١٦. وَتَرُوا وما عَلِمُوا بِوِتْرٍ ضَائِعٍ
مَنْ ذا يُطَالِبُ بالتِّرَاتِ الأزْمُنَا

17. Gone are the swords that flashed so bright of yore,
Their sheaths now tell of grief and anguish sore.

١٧. ذَابَتْ سُيُوفُهُمُ أَسىً فَظُبَاتُها
تَحْكِي المَدَامِعَ والجُفُوْنُ الأجْفُنَا

18. Their spears are turned to rods, or soon will be
Like some dead tree whose branches fuel may see.

١٨. وَتَقَصَّدَتْ أَرْمَاحُهُمْ إنْ لم تَكُنْ
شَجَراً وَشِيْكُ المَوْتِ منه يُجْتَنَى

19. They think not of her gracious deeds, but forget
Sweet solace; after her none shall comfort get.

١٩. لم يَذْكُرُوا إحْسَانَهَا إلاَّ نَسُوا
حُسْنَ العَزَاءِ وبَعْدَهَا لَنْ يَحْسُنَا

20. Their speech and breath like fire between them rage,
Consuming friendly bonds in passion's furnace.

٢٠. فكأنَّما أنفاسُهُمْ وَمَقَالُهُمْ
نارٌ تُحَرِّقُ بَيْنَهُمْ عُوْدَ الثَّنَا

21. No tears in pity o'er her loss are shed,
Grief brooks no sympathy, its eyes are lead.

٢١. وما جَفَّ مِنْ دَمْعٍ عليها مَدْمَعٌ
الحُزْنُ ما وَالَى الدَّمُوْعَ الهُتَّنَا

22. Peerless queen of angels and on earth,
With glory-robes the years for her gave birth.

٢٢. أَعَقِيْلَةَ الأَمْلاَكِ والمَلْكِ الذي
لَبِسَ السَّناءُ به جَلابِيْبَ السَّنَا

23. Oh, may showers like your bounty, or our tears,
Give to your tomb an ever-verdant place!

٢٣. فَسَقَاكِ مِثْلَ نَدَاكِ أَوْ كَدُمُوْعِنَا
مُزْنٌ يُعِيْدُ ثَرَاكِ رَوْضَاً مُحْزَنَا

24. Sadness your garden make bloom again,
Should you be dead; else live, oh precious queen!

٢٤. إنْ كُنْتِ مِتِّ فَذَا ابنُكِ المَلِكُ الذي
يُحْيي البَرَايَا والعَطَايَا والمُنى

25. Your son, the king, whom praises fail to tell,
Quickens dead wastes, and with good deeds doth excel.

٢٥. كَثُرَتْ مَحَامِدُهُ فَحَقَّ بها اسمُهُ
وَأَدامَ إحْياءَ المَكَارِمِ فاكتَنَى

26. Lauded by all, worthy he of his name,
Noble deeds e'er performing, he lives in fame.

٢٦. فإذا بَنى الأعداءُ هَدَّمَ ما بَنَوا
والدَّهْرُ لا يَسْطِيعُ يَهْدِمُ ما بَنَى

27. Foes build in hate, he demolishes all,
Time itself fails his structures great to appall.

٢٧. يا أيُّها المَلِكُ الذي أوْصافُهُ
تُعْيي البليغَ ولا تُطِيْعُ الألْسُنَا

28. O king, your virtues no eloquence paint!
Our tongues their limit here must represent.

٢٨. إنْ كان عُظْمُ الرُّزْءِ أَصْبَحَ كافِراً
بِتَجَلُّدٍ لا تُمْسِ إلاَّ مُؤْمِنَا

29. If grief now seems of faithlessness the sign,
Meet it with patience, longsuffering divine.

٢٩. صَبْراً وإنْ جَلَّ المُصَابُ وَسَلْوَةً
فَإِلَيْهِمَا حَكَمَ الحِجَى أنْ تَركُنَا

30. To these the wise their solace recommend;
Griefs far more bitter time may yet send.

٣٠. والدَّهْرُ أَهْوَنُ أنْ يَجيْءَ بحادثٍ
لم يَثْنِهِ حُسْنُ التَّجَلُّدِ أَهْوَنَا

31. Justice enjoins you should glory increase;
While sorrow whispers, Give away to grief's peace.

٣١. والبِرُ يَقْضِي أنْ تكونَ مُعَظِّماً
والحِجْرُ يقضِي أن تكونَ مُهَوِّنَا

32. Great is your merit if you patient prove;
Grief too may claim you, for you too can love.

٣٢. فَلَئِنْ صَبَرْتَ فإنَّ فضَْلَكَ باهِرٌ
ولَئِنْ حَزِنْتَ فَحُكْمُهُ أنْ تَحْزَنَا