
A land where chaos dwelled and corrupted it

بلاد غدت يأجوج فيها فأفسدت

1. A land where chaos dwelled and corrupted it
You were like Dhul Qarnayn, a dam holding back the flood

١. بلادٌ غَدَتْ يَأْجُوْجُ فيها فَأَفْسَدَتْ
فكنتَ كذي القَرْنَيْنِ والجَحْفَلُ السَّدُّ

2. The eastern watchtower remained idle
Until it was crowned by their skulls

٢. وما زالَ شَرْقِيُّ المَرِيَّة عاطلاً
إلى أنْ عَلاَهَا من رؤوسِهِمُ عِقْدُ

3. They had replaced their ruined bodies
With silent ones, neither flesh nor bone

٣. قد عَوَّضُوا من بائناتِ جُسومِهِمْ
بِمُصْمَتَةٍ لا عَظْمَ فيها ولا جِلْدُ

4. As if they were scarecrows
On towering poles, neither coming nor going

٤. كَأَنّهُمُ فيها غرابيبُ وُقَّعٌ
على باسقاتٍ لا تَرُوْحُ ولا تَغْدُو

5. The cyclone of calamity roamed
When its storms raged towards them

٥. هامَ صَرْفُ الرَّدَى بِهَامِ الأعادِي
أنْ سَمَتْ نَحْوَهُمْ لها أَجْيَادُ

6. And it appeared with its laws like eyes
Its ways match those of its frightened ones, driving them to sleep

٦. وَتَرَاءتْ بِشَرْعِها كَعُيُونٍ
دَأْبُهَا مِثْلُ خائِفِيْها سُهادُ

7. With oars striking like a mourner
Mourning his tears to make them joyful

٧. ذاتُ هُدْبٍ من المَجَادِيْفِ حاكٍ
هُدْبَ باكٍ لِدَمْعِهِ إِسْعادُ

8. On it were red hot embers
And whoever was struck by its ashes

٨. حُمَمٌ فوقها من البيضِ نارٌ
كُلُّ مَنْ أُرْسِلَتْ عليه رَمَادُ

9. And in the hands of each brave warrior
A thousand whose lines it drew in the sea, hunting

٩. ومِنْ الخَطِّ في يَدِيْ كلِّ ذِمْرٍ
أَلِفٌ خَطَّها على البحر صادُ